New Scale not matching old

I just got a new scale and it doesn't match my old one. This scale has my weight much higher, which I suspected would happen as I knew mine was low. Anyway, my question is if I change my weight, will MFP say that I gained weight or will I still be at a 17 lb loss?


  • alaskaang
    alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
    If you up your current weight in MFP it won't reflect the 17lbs. If you think your old scale was wrong all along, you can edit previous entries so that your start and progress weights are higher as well so it will still reflect a loss.
  • TammyKeaten
    TammyKeaten Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks, do you know how I do that?:wink:
  • jonibc
    jonibc Posts: 104 Member
    I'm glad you posted this. I just bought a new scale and it weighs 4 lbs heavier than my old, which matches my doctor's scale. I had been thinking about how to handle the discrepancy. After reading the reply you got, I just went into the check-in thing where you record your weight and I noticed underneath the section where you put in your measurements there is an option to edit previous entries. I clicked on it and fumbled my way through. I decided to just change my starting weight and today's weight instead of changing all those entries in between. At least it shows how much weight I've actually lost which is what I want.
  • TammyKeaten
    TammyKeaten Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks! Got it!
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    I went from an old fashion scale to an eletronic scale. Guess which one I went with.