B12/B6 Shots

Does anyone know anything about these? Are they good, bad, doesnt really matter? I have heard mixed things about them but I would like some input from others who either use them or know anything about them. Thank you in advance!!


  • Kmill217
    Kmill217 Posts: 204
    The main purpose (as there is a vast array of uses) of B12 and B6 are the two energy boosting vitamins our bodies use. The purpose of these is simply just that. To add healthy energy without the normal stimulant (caffeine, guarana) that we are typically consuming.

    The shots are useful because they pack a punch of b-vitamins. If it were me, i'd save my $$$ and just pick up a bottle of each at my nearest nurtition store. This can be taken periodically throughout the day to deliver steady healthy energy to your body.