How do you resist temptation?



  • ASH0502
    ASH0502 Posts: 19
    I'm so appreciative of all of these responses. I thank you guys for the encouragement as well as the great suggestions. I'm eager to get to a place where it gets easier out of habit. I need to learn to not let myself get so hungry that I can't resist. I hope this post helps others because I know it's so helpful to me.

    I'm short (5'1") so every bite of food and every calorie really makes such a huge difference on me. I'm definitely encouraged that I can do this though. I have to keep telling myself that every skinny mom I pass at the gym also is faced with temptations and chooses to resist them.
  • ASH0502
    ASH0502 Posts: 19
    i dont lol thats y i need to lose weight x

    I so appreciate the honesty!!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I've made a personal commitment to never eat fast food. If I'm running around doing errands and really starving, I'll stop at a grocery store and buy myself a small fruit cup or an apple, maybe a piece of chicken (peeling all the fried skin away), and a bottle of water if I'm thirsty (although I usually have my water bottle with me), rarely a diet soda. That will hold me over until I can get home and prepare a proper meal.
  • caroleannlight
    caroleannlight Posts: 173 Member
    Carry healthy snacks and eat regularly so you aren't hungry. I know my weak spot is missing lunch and working late and being famished and then eating junk on the way home( my commute is 1.5 hours or so. I also find it helpful to keep my carbs less than 200. Note I am not a low carber but a moderate one.

    If I am desperate to eat I try to eat something healthy first and say to myself well if you are truely hungry after that then you can have. x. Most delaying tactics work as the cravings often pass quickly.

    Good luck
  • belizsera
    belizsera Posts: 82 Member
    I ask myself if it's really worth it and squeeze my love handles as a reminder that Muffin tops are not attractive and neither is people thinking i am pregnant because my tummy is big.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,651 Member
    Sometimes I'll throw an apple or banana in my purse or leave it in my car when I go shopping. At least I have a chance of resisting that way because I have a substitute choice handy. Not foolproof but it gives me a chance of resisting temptation.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    The truth is, once I started eating well all the time, a lot of those things just stopped BEING tempting. Or less so. So I can eat a chip or four and know that if I eat more I'll feel yucky afterwards (because they have too much fat and salt).

    At home, sometimes I DO give in, but again, just in a small amount. So if I really want something sweet I have a spoonful (or two) of ice cream. It's the first taste that's the best. Most of the time, that's enough.

    It's my birthday today. I went to the store with my husband to buy a cake, looked at them, and they didn't look appetizing. I went home and made a tastier, healthier one.
  • skinnyjess6
    skinnyjess6 Posts: 35 Member
    I have appreciated reading everyone's responses as well! I agree with a lot of the previous people posting- that I try to really plan everything I'm going to eat, usually the night before or that morning first thing. If I do that and have healthy food with me, it's easier. I still am tempted though, but every single time I go to eat now I remind myself that I want to be thin and wear the cute clothes I want and feel confident. I have struggled off and on for a few years, but I am finally truly committed. What made a difference this time was realizing what my problems were. For example, I cut out way too much sugar and fat at first, so now I try to start my day with homemade fruit smoothie. That completely changed my sugar/carb cravings. Stuff like that makes such a difference. Mainly though, I have a couple of specific events coming up (rodeo-big deal in Texas-, summer, etc.) and I keep imagining myself in a cute dress or whatever.
  • skinnyjess6
    skinnyjess6 Posts: 35 Member
    Also, I have grown my relationships with those with a similar mindset so I can talk to them about it. That helps a lot!
  • nanimoose
    nanimoose Posts: 60 Member
    What I do is log the food before I eat it and ask myself if I'm ok with making that decision. If not, I reduce the portion size and see if I'm ok with those figures. Sometimes I'll end up eating half of what a regular portion size and end up equally satisfied.

    I'll portion out the size I agreed with myself and keep the remainder away to avoid the temptation. But really, I make an agreement with myself and I follow it. This allows for my indulgences to be planned and controlled rather than an impulse and regret.
  • I don't stop myself from eating anything at all! I just make sure I eat only so much to reach my calorie goal for that day and not go over it!
  • gabegrammy
    gabegrammy Posts: 147 Member
    Temptation! Love that word. My husband went to store and bought a bag of funyuns, mm's, peanuts. I had 4 funyuns. It's so temption to just indulge. But I bigger then that bag of funyuns. After the 4 that I did eat I had 2 small gala apples. Eat what you like but in very small portions. Then eat something healthy.