Weight loss while on medication

Are there any others here who have to take life sustaining medication that causes weigh gain and make it very difficult to lose weight? I take four medications that are known to cause weight gain. They also cause me to have great fatigue making it difficult to find motivation to exercise. If anyone else is in the same boat, I would love to know you!!! Maybe we can support each other and motivate each other. :happy:


  • azwen
    azwen Posts: 237 Member
    Me, too. I take a medication that's known to cause weight gain. Combine that with being in my 40s and having all thus belly fat I never had before, and it is frustrating! I've lost 5 lbs. in 5 months. I have slimmed down some, though, due to strength training. I think I just need to be patient!!
  • ladybowe
    I'm 48 and have found it hard to lose with just that fact alone..it is much harder to lose now than when I was young. I had a belly just appear over the summer too.
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    My birth control caused me to gain about 20 lbs within 2 months of starting it.. I was around 150 when I started taking it and kept going up from there. Many times I've considered going off it but if I do I get debilitating cramps (throwing up for hours type of cramps) and irregular periods that are really intense.

    Maybe you could talk to your doctor about changing your dosage or maybe switching to another medication that will give you what you need without draining your energy.
  • disawell
    disawell Posts: 102 Member
    Do they make you gain weight OR do they make you super hungry so you eat more? You might benefit from looking at that. I was on steroids for my asthma and they make me so hungry! What helped was to just eat about a meal's worth of extra calories (2-300 cal) to help the hunger but then just stick with nice flavoured teas and stuff, helps a lot and if i have to go back on them thats what I'll be doing good luck!
  • TLTucker80
    TLTucker80 Posts: 123 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I take meds that cause you to gain weight and I have gained 75 pounds since i started them every month when I went to the doctor to get my meds my weight just keep going up and up my doctor said that after he got my doses right then we would worry about the weight. During that time I was dieting and walking 3 to 5 miles a day ( some days 5 but at least 3 miles everyday ) and was still gaining so he started me on the amp injections and phentermine 37.5mgs I go back tomorrow for another injection so I will get to see if any of it has paid off I sure do hope so. Good luck and feel free to add me