Is 20 mins really enough?

I started Jillian Michael's 30 day shred on Jan1 - and I haven't missed a day yet (yay - mini celebration) ANYWAY, I really have a goal I want to reach, and it's not outrageous, but I'll need to maintain a 1/1.5 pound/week weight loss avg until July1.

Right now, Jillian is kicking my butt and I'm beat by the end of the workout. I'm staying within my calorie goals for the day (with Friday as one exception ugh), I feel like as I approach my goal, I'll have to pick it up a notch in the work out department, but how does everyone feel just 20 mins/day for now is it enough since I'm still a novice, or not enough?



  • I did C25K while I did 30 DS
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Your weight loss will be determined by your calorie deficit, not your exercise duration. So if you're hitting your calorie most days you'll be fine.

    That said, when you get bored with doing 30ds every day, come back and we'll give you some great alternatives
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    I'm also combining c25k with 30ds. I'm loosing about 2 pounds a week
  • deannajf4
    deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
    Thank you! Right now the 30DS is a huge challenge for me - but I will for sure pick your brain once I'm ready for more.

    Should I be eating my exercise calories? Maybe that's the problem... I'm stuck at 172 pounds - although I have seen inches coming off around my waist and thighs, plus, I'm starting to see a little definition in my shoulders, so I'm really trying to be patient while I wait forthe scale to catch up...just want to make sure I'm not doing ANYTHING to sabatoge this!! If you could weigh in on whether I should eat my exercise cals, that would be great!!
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    I personally don;t track calories burned with exercise and do the whole eat calories back or whatever. I do the same exercise every week, eat the same calories every day, and adjust based on results. If you just started and are staying the same weight, don;t concern yourself. You may be retaining more water and nutrients in your muscle tissue due to beginning exercise. Try using calipers or something besides the scale to measure progress, and give it a couple weeks.
  • 4_Lisa
    4_Lisa Posts: 362 Member
    Thank you! Right now the 30DS is a huge challenge for me - but I will for sure pick your brain once I'm ready for more.

    Should I be eating my exercise calories? Maybe that's the problem... I'm stuck at 172 pounds - although I have seen inches coming off around my waist and thighs, plus, I'm starting to see a little definition in my shoulders, so I'm really trying to be patient while I wait forthe scale to catch up...just want to make sure I'm not doing ANYTHING to sabatoge this!! If you could weigh in on whether I should eat my exercise cals, that would be great!!

    If your goal is to lose weight, then no, you don't want to eat your exercise calories back because this is where you will lose the fat in your body. You aren't seeing the scale move because you are building muscle. As your muscle continues to build you will start to shed more fat. Make sure you are taking in lots of protein to help fuel your body for the workouts.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    Depends on what you're doing, and what your ultimate goals are. Just losing weight, 20 is fine as it wil lhelp overall health. Calorie deficit is what you need, though.

    If you're training for something, like a race, 20 likely won't be enough. For examply, if you want to run a marathon, 20 minutes won't get you the endurance you need.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    Eating calories back is always a debate. I have always done it, but I have my profile at sedentary b/c I work a desk job. If I set it to include exercise I wouldn't eat them. I am also doing 30 DS right now, and level 2 is kicking my butt. :)
  • netty_me
    netty_me Posts: 7 Member
    I am on Day 5 of the 30DS :)
    I like to try and hit 40-50 minutes of activity per day. So after the 20 minute work out, I hit the treadmill and walk and or run for about 20 minutes at 3.5-5 MPH. Just enough to keep the sweat running and my hear rate elevated for a little longer.

    It also helps keep my quads/hamstrings/calves from cramping up. I feel like the amount of stretching in the 30DS isn't adequate so I throw some additional static stretches in there to hit the areas Jillian misses.