how is it possible to have only 23 grams of sugar a day?



  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    i have like 70 every day :(
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    unless you have a medical condition that requires monitoring sugar, i wouldn't worry about it.

    sugars just get stored as fat if you don't use them for current energy needs, just like other carbs. monitor your carbs so you're not consistently going way over or way under and you should be fine. if you are going way over and don't have a related medical condition, you'll just see the effect on the scale. that's all.
  • Jim1960
    Jim1960 Posts: 194
    You do need carbs, carbs give you energy. If you cut carbs completely out of your diet you will be tired all the time.

    Not true. While I don't cut out my carbs, I have them significantly reduced. If you ask any low-carb dieter you will find that they will say they have MORE energy - not less. While carbs may be the bodies preferred source of energy, it isn't the only source. I typically have between 15-35g carbs. My sugars are anywhere from 0g to 15g. On a bad day as high as 30g.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I've met my goals for sugar a few times, but it's just not sustainable for me to hit it perfectly every day long term. I pretty much just watch the numbers and try to get as close as I can, but I usually go over a bit.
  • You do need carbs, carbs give you energy. If you cut carbs completely out of your diet you will be tired all the time.

    Not true. While I don't cut out my carbs, I have them significantly reduced. If you ask any low-carb dieter you will find that they will say they have MORE energy - not less. While carbs may be the bodies preferred source of energy, it isn't the only source. I typically have between 15-35g carbs. My sugars are anywhere from 0g to 15g. On a bad day as high as 30g.
    100% agreement with Jim. My net carbs are typically in the 10-20 range primarily from splenda or veggies. I just started cardio this week after an 8 month absence from it. My 1st day back I did 25% more in time at a faster speed then when I was low calorie/high carb diet AND felt better afterwards. My energy levels are through the roof too.
  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member
    You do need carbs, carbs give you energy. If you cut carbs completely out of your diet you will be tired all the time.

    Not true. While I don't cut out my carbs, I have them significantly reduced. If you ask any low-carb dieter you will find that they will say they have MORE energy - not less. While carbs may be the bodies preferred source of energy, it isn't the only source. I typically have between 15-35g carbs. My sugars are anywhere from 0g to 15g. On a bad day as high as 30g.
    100% agreement with Jim. My net carbs are typically in the 10-20 range primarily from splenda or veggies. I just started cardio this week after an 8 month absence from it. My 1st day back I did 25% more in time at a faster speed then when I was low calorie/high carb diet AND felt better afterwards. My energy levels are through the roof too.

    I truly hope that was not a big surprise to you... 8 months of consistent eating habits with a big weight loss would produce cardio results whether you were on a twinkie diet, a low-carb diet or a balanced diet... Grats about that too, but that has just nothing to do with the choice of the diet. It has more to do with your consistency and dedication, no matter the composition of the diet.

    To the OP, the key is really just to be consistent... A dude lost weight drinking/eating nothing but beer for 6 weeks, google that for fun. Calories in vs Calories out with an aggressive dedication and consistency will yield results. And no amount of Hollywood accounting with weird tweaks to your diet will replace that dedication and consistency, don't bother.

    If eating low sugar will prevent you from being consistent 7 days a week and then some, it is BOUND TO FAIL. If it was easy for you, then you would not be starting this thread, so I assume it is a problem.

    Just change your whole approach to this journey. This is not something that will stop once you hit a magic number on the scale, this is forever if you succeed. Might as well be a pleasant journey?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    You do need carbs, carbs give you energy. If you cut carbs completely out of your diet you will be tired all the time.

    Not true. While I don't cut out my carbs, I have them significantly reduced. If you ask any low-carb dieter you will find that they will say they have MORE energy - not less. While carbs may be the bodies preferred source of energy, it isn't the only source. I typically have between 15-35g carbs. My sugars are anywhere from 0g to 15g. On a bad day as high as 30g.

    Here's a link another MFPer (Lilong) put up in another thread:
  • TakinSexyBack
    TakinSexyBack Posts: 300 Member
    I eat mostly low carb and my average sugar intake is about 15.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Natural sugar, like that found in fruits and vegetables is only a problem if you are diabetic. If this is why you are concerned, then switch to getting carbs from sources like veggies and other foods that do not have naturally occurring sugar in them or added sugar. If you eat healthy, then sugar should not be an issue even if you go over. I go over when I eat my protein breakfast smoothie or if I eat chocolate..otherwise I stay pretty close to the goal.

    In short. if you need to decrease the sugar.. switch from fruits to more veggies and check labels. you'll be amazing what foods have added sugar in them.
  • You do need carbs, carbs give you energy. If you cut carbs completely out of your diet you will be tired all the time.

    Not rue for all...
  • Minnesota_Nice
    Minnesota_Nice Posts: 414 Member
    A day?! I misread this... I thought it said per bite.... Wtf.
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    I don't know what your "fitness program" is, but you need WAY more carbs than that to perform the most basic daily bodily functions. Maybe there's a misunderstanding?

    There is NO biological need for carbs, so there is NO need for any of them.

    There's no need for carbs? And then you're next post is about eating more veggies? Do you know what a carbohydrate even is?
  • You do need carbs, carbs give you energy. If you cut carbs completely out of your diet you will be tired all the time.

    Not true. While I don't cut out my carbs, I have them significantly reduced. If you ask any low-carb dieter you will find that they will say they have MORE energy - not less. While carbs may be the bodies preferred source of energy, it isn't the only source. I typically have between 15-35g carbs. My sugars are anywhere from 0g to 15g. On a bad day as high as 30g.

    I tried a low-carb diet, and shed 50lbs quickly without additional exercise aside from working on an oil rig. My downfall is a fondness for homemade bread...but while on my low-carb kick, I had plenty of energy. I juice once or twice a day, using mainly green veggies, and my energy levels are up, and I feel good!
  • cheerchicksie
    cheerchicksie Posts: 51 Member
    Personally I ignore sugar. My goal is at 33, a little higher than yours is, but it's still close to impossible for me to not go over.

    And I'd think about health too - like, if you don't want to go over on my sugar, that doesn't mean you should stop eating healthy foods like bananas, oats, tomatoes, berries, yogurt, etc. And it DEFINITELY doesn't mean you can eat all the splenda and equal and other aspartame-filled sweeteners either. (studies show that they can actually increase appetite and throw your metabolism off. so the like, 30-calorie difference isn't worth it)

    But if you're worried about sugar, I would just allot the 23 for "Extra" sugar. (includes: maple syrup, honey, agave...and junk foods, like ice cream, pie, cake, cookies, etc.)
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    This is so frustrating for me too. I've wondered too why doesn't MFP increase your daily allowance for sugar like it does for other macros when you add in exercise. I love fruits and veggies. I've also recently started juicing which is killing my sugar. Just one fruit drink, using whole, fresh fruits had 56g of sugar!!! And that was just a drink without adding in my other foods for the day.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    You do need carbs, carbs give you energy. If you cut carbs completely out of your diet you will be tired all the time.

    Needs means there is a necessity. There is NO necessity or need biologically for carbs.

    The body can convert energy from fat also.

    And that is a major myth stating that you would be tired all of the time without carbs. I find quite the opposite to be true......
    the less carbs I eat, the more energy I have.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I don't know what your "fitness program" is, but you need WAY more carbs than that to perform the most basic daily bodily functions. Maybe there's a misunderstanding?

    There is NO biological need for carbs, so there is NO need for any of them.

    There's no need for carbs? And then you're next post is about eating more veggies? Do you know what a carbohydrate even is?

    There is NO biological need for any carbs in the body. However, if you want to eat them and want to keep sugar low, then vegetables would be the preferred way of eating.
