


  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Another vote for Couch to 5k! It really does work when you stick to the plan and be consistent with it! I did it back in March 2012 and went from someone that kinda hated running and got out of breath instantly to someone that can run regularly now- still not a distance runner and don't really want to be- but I enjoy mixing my exercises up by getting outside once or twice a week and run a few miles. Give it a try! You'll be surprised.
  • triciaj66
    triciaj66 Posts: 253 Member
    Hi their !!! I could only run for 2 minutes when i started.... I got to 15m than I just kept adding time maybe 3-5m a day.. I can run for about an hour without stopping. I would love to go longer but i stopped running to do insanity.. I think getting to the first 15m is the hardest... I know having good form and controlling your breathing is important. breath in through your nose and out your mouth... i lesten to music I think that is a big help.. its all in your mind... you can do it !!!!!
  • Deedsie
    Deedsie Posts: 348 Member
    Sign up for the race today. It will be the best thing you have done for yourself this year.

    The running people I meet at races, on MFP and in running groups are the nicest, kindest, most helpful, most motivating and generally great people that I have ever met. I couldn't figure it out until I realized that running is the best natural high that I have ever experienced. They are so great because they are so happy. I ran my first half in October and I'm addicted.
  • kaylaskupkakes
    Yall are so amazing, I can't say it enough. Today at the gym I followed the advice of a poster and just covered the display so I couldn't see how far I had gone and I just ran until I couldnt any more and I almost did a whole mile! So it really does help to just be able to push yourself without looking at distance! Thank you so much for all of your advice, and I will definatley be getting the C25K app soon! And I will also be signing up for the 5K race, because if I can do one mile, I can do the rest! And I have a few months to train, so I know I can definatley do it. And even though it wasn't easy while I was running, the feeling I had after, when I was standing there breathing hard and red faced, was amazing! I felt so accomplished and proud of myself, and it was wonderful! Thank you! I will keep yall updated :)
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I started running last year using C25K and if I can do it anyone can! I struggled with even the 60 second runs at the beginning and still run at a slooooowwww shuffle, but I do enjoy it and I love not only the buzz I get afterwards but the great calorie burn you get (not to mention the tone in my legs and bottom!).

    You really could do with a 'trainer' cheering you on so my recommendations for podcasts to download (free on iTunes) are:

    * Chubby Jones - really fun, good music:

    * NHS - music's a bit bland for my taste (but you may like it) but the website is great for hints and tips:

    And join our group on MFP!
  • Scalvak
    Scalvak Posts: 46 Member
    C25K, definitely! I was NEVER able to run, skipped gym classes in school, felt stupid when I tried to run, couldn't breathe, and probably looked stupid too. But I always had an interest in it. I decided one day that I would try the C25K and that I would finish it and if afterwards I hated running, I'd never do it again. If I wasn't going to be a runner it would be by CHOICE, and not because I COULDN'T, you know?

    So I did. And I can run. And I absolutely love it now. If you want to run, you CAN! Good luck :)