Stress eating....HELP!

Hi everyone!

I was hoping some of you could have some tips to help with stress eating. I am under a TON of stress right now - just found out on Friday that my job is closing down :( - and that always makes me go in this "eateateat" mode. I turn to food to make myself feel better and then feel like crapola for it after the fact. This weekend has been TERRIBLE. :(

Any words of wisdom would be much appreciated!!


  • Roxyann
    Roxyann Posts: 35
    Just take it one day at a time. Don't let one day of mistakes take way what you are trying to do. Put notes on walls so you can see them. Things like ok I am stressed out I can go for a walk. Add me as a friend and I will send you all the support I can to help you. I still have a 100 pound to go. We can do this together.
  • cmls10
    cmls10 Posts: 16
    well usually when im stressed out i just chew gum , for a while and go walk / exercise. if that does not work , i try to take a long bath and listen to classic music and drink tea usually chamoille or lavender tea help. and if that does not work i go to a shooting range . those help alot, specially the last one :D hope this helps you
  • cmls10
    cmls10 Posts: 16
    Also just look at yourself in the mirror , and think about what u want to achieve . You can do this :)
  • s00z22
    s00z22 Posts: 9 Member
    I also eat when I'm working on a big project. I will just shovel it in. You have to get up and move - do a dance balls out to your favorite song for the whole length of the song and then see if you're still focused on the stress. Do something besides stress about eating. Look at your food journal and don't let stress win. And if you do cave, write it down so you can look at it in the food journal tomorrow. :)
  • RudiVon
    Envision yourself as being healthy and at your next great job. In such a difficult time it could be hard to stay positive I'm sure. Sometimes the only thing that could pull us out is our positive thoughts. I just went on an unhealthy binge the last few weeks. Now I have to work extra hard to get back where I was before the binge. I don't want to do that again to myself. Don't give up on all your hard work. Eat, eat, eat but healthy healthy healthy :-)
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    I like the idea of putting notes on the wall because when I'm stress eating I am absolutely NOT thinking. Do things that break up the pattern of reaching for the food ... like notes, or put a bell on your fridge handle, or set a timer on your computer...

    Also recommend just sitting and doing some breathing exercises a couple of times a day, or taking stretch breaks. And getting outside to walk is always good.
  • candypa
    candypa Posts: 73 Member
    That has happened to our family. Try to count your blessing health, family, etc. it will help to be focused on the positive instead of the crappy circumstances. Prayer always helps. If you have a support system this will also help.
  • wkile76
    wkile76 Posts: 33 Member
    I have been walking a lot this weekend Lisa. It does help out, your mind is clear and fresh. We still have Jobs until at least May, and now we know ;-). You can do this.
  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Any words of wisdom would be much appreciated!!

    The best words of wisdom I have ever read was "if the problem isn't hunger, then the solution isn't food". Dealing with emotional issues in an emotional way, rather than stuffing them down with food, is a tough battle that many people deal with. The key is finding something that works for you.

    Write yourself a list of about ten things you can do that aren't food related to deal with these situations. When stressed what else can you do? Clean your house? Walk your dog? Vacuum? Go for a walk? Paint your nails? Call a friend? Yoga? I don't know what is realistic for YOU to actually do. Just find those things, make the list and when you find yourself reaching for food try doing one of the items until your focus changes. You may have to tweak the list as you go along if walking your dog is something you wrote but won't actually follow through with, then scratch it out and fill in another item.

    Also, let yourself feel what being stressed feels like (or being sad, pissed, whatever emotion).Just sit and feel it for a little bit. give youself a time limit. Say "okay, I will allow myself to just fret about for an hour, but after that I am going to ________" and try to stick with your limits. It's okay to feel things. We shouldn't always try to escape.