need some serious serious help!!!

Burtonrah Posts: 142
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey all! I'm fairly new to the world of MFP and think it'd be nice to have some friends on here for some extra support. I've been struggling with binge eating the past 5 days, and really need some help to stop!! I don't even know why I'm doing this to myself. I mean BINGE!!! Looking at my calorie intake, it's over 20,000 extra calories, in just 5 DAYS!!!!

Please help!!


  • nina1968
    nina1968 Posts: 86 Member
    That really is a large amount of calories for 1 wk. First you need to figure out why you are eating like that. If you feel you need to eat, try eating healthy things like fresh fruit and fresh veggies. If you still find your over your calories if you dont excercise you may want to fit that in to your daily routine. On the positve side you are trying to get a hold on things and that is great.It is so important that you really try to reduce your weekly calorie intake. With the great people on this site you will be able to do this. Also you may want to try and eat smart ones and lean cusines, The claories are already firgured out for you, And that makes it so easy for you. Best of luck
  • tiffanygil
    tiffanygil Posts: 478 Member
    Hey! Listen the past is the past dont dwell, get up tomarrow and get started fresh and just tell yourself..."not today, this is a new day and the only one I'm hurting is myself."

    I am a beinge eater and once I give myself permission to eat I go for it ; so I gotta talk to myself kinda nasty at times to get my butt in gear!!!
    I really do believe that wt loss starts and ends in your brain, so take your control back!!

    Good luck you can kick this and put it in the past!! Every moment is new and it gives us all a new chance :flowerforyou:
  • You know, for me what really helps is "ONE DAY AT A TIME". Honestly, some times I would get really panicky at the idea of not being able to eat what I wanted, when I wanted -- and as a result I would eat WHATEVER, WHENEVER, just to prove I could, you know? So I made myself a goal to have ONE perfect day. Just one day. Eat healthy, drink lots of water, track everything, try to take a walk , etc. And then I would do it the next day too, but I would never think about that on the first day. The first day was just about that one day. Get one perfect day under your belt.

    After you get a couple of them, your desires to binge will actually diminish. It seems like eating crap breeds wanting to eat MORE crap, but if you can get it out of your system for a few days, you might feel better.

    The great thing is you're reaching out for help, and that shows you aren't ready to give up yet, and THAT is awesome. You can do this! It's hard, but surely you do lots of things every day that are hard. This is just one more thing you can do. :happy:
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    Ask yourself some serious questions: are you eating because of your emotions? What are those emotions? How do you feel before you eat, both emotionally and physically? Once you've finished? An hour later? One tool that might help you would be a notebook, so you can record not just what you're eating, but what you're thinking and feeling.

    If you feel really out of control, please go see your doctor, and tell him or her about what you're experiencing. Bring in printouts of your MFP journal, and your notebook if you decide to keep one. There could be an underlying medical problem that you're not aware of, such as a problem producing leptin and ghrelin, the hormones that tell you when you're hungry and when you're full.
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    Ok I am not a binge eater but I did tonight and when I completed my daily journal I was ashamed of myself. So what did I do? I got on my elliptical trainer and worked my butt off until I had burned enough calories to cover what I ate. I felt that if I "did the crime I needed to do the time" :( Don't give up on yourself, we have all ( or most of us) have been where you are. Tomorrow is a new day.
  • Burtonrah
    Burtonrah Posts: 142
    Thanks so much for your insights all!! I definitely need to work on the one day at a time. I'm an emotional eater for sure.

    One of my problems I think is that I try and set ridiculously hard to achieve goals, and when I don't make them, I get depressed and stuck in the "why bother, it's not worth it" mentality. It's not a horomone imbalance of any kind, it's a mental issue that I need to deal with in a healthier way than stuffing my depression away.

    I am gonna try really hard to have one perfect day. A perfect 24 hours, starting right now!! Thanks for the support!
  • thenebean9
    thenebean9 Posts: 216
    I was the same way - I'd have a crummy day and out came the box of mac and cheese and i'd eat the whole thing. mac and cheese is my comfort food, and i'd find reasons to eat it a LOT! Since the beginning of this year, I've motivated myself to eat less, but still enjoy the things I love. I'm down 15 lbs since January 1st, and all it takes is making it a habit. once you've gotten used to it - you don't want to binge eat anymore! There are some great people on here who have done amazing things who are willing to give support to those of us who still have a ways to go! And if you can find a friend or a member in your household that is willing to do this with you - it makes it that much easier! Good luck to you! You can do it :)
  • irismoon
    irismoon Posts: 83
    Thanks so much for your insights all!! I definitely need to work on the one day at a time. I'm an emotional eater for sure.

    One of my problems I think is that I try and set ridiculously hard to achieve goals, and when I don't make them, I get depressed and stuck in the "why bother, it's not worth it" mentality. It's not a horomone imbalance of any kind, it's a mental issue that I need to deal with in a healthier way than stuffing my depression away.

    I am gonna try really hard to have one perfect day. A perfect 24 hours, starting right now!! Thanks for the support!

    You're an emotional eater? Then I got an idea for you. Buy the book and/or the workbook called The Beck Diet Solution. It's based on making goals you can actually achieve and fixing your emotional eating. I have both the book and the workbook. I like the workbook because it's a day by day thing that helps me stay on track. Also it isn't a diet plan as it is a book made to work with any diet you are on so it works well with MFP. It also talks about the bad thoughts that go through your head when you make a mistake and helps you correct them. It will make you rethink everything about eating. It should help with what you are dealing with. In fact I know it will help you. It's really been helping me.
  • The first two weeks are the absolute hardest. i felt like i was constantly starving. so i understand. what i did was go thru my fridge, threw away everything that was bad, including things like cheese, sodas, popsicles, then i went thru my pantry & tossed the instant mashed potatoes, bread, crackers, candy stashes (two of those) chips, etc. You get the point. My husband complained that he wasn't the one trying to lose weight but after a lot of arguing he understood.
    Then i bought healthy stuff, not fresh veggies or fresh fruits because they would ruin before i would even touch them, but i bought one lean cuisine meal for every meal i would need. a little expensive but once i stopped buying the "un-neccesaties" during grocery shopping it was worth it.
    Lean cuisine even has meals with MASHED POTATOES, stuffing, they are called "COMFOR MEALS". Those were the ones i picked first. i made sure not to carry spare change to work for the coke machine, but bought a case of bottled water. I took those lean cuisines to work and gave my debit card to my husband. (yes, he was happy about that.) Eating at resteraunts was a little tricky, but i handled it. House salad with dressing on side instead of appetizers, grilled salmon instead of steak or pasta. I love to drink so that was my achilles hill. If i ordered a drink i wouldn't order a dessert, my husband would give me ONE spoonful of his. The first time we went to a resteraunt i told him what i wanted but he ordered something healthy for me instead while i went to the ladies room. i was mad at first but eventually thanked him. Point is, go to the extreme if need be, DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF THOUGH. That results in binge eating. But keep in mind, if you binge eat, there is always tomorrow to try again.
  • I am so glad you brought this out in the open. I have felt so down on myself...I don't even know how it came to this point. But somedays I feel down or something in my life is out of control or people won't listen to me and then I just turn to food. I feel good for a little while and then as I realize what I am doing I just feel sick and depressed about what I have eaten. And I don't do anything about it. So you're caught in a viscious cycle. Then my view of food becomes warped because it's like food is my enemy because it's making me overweight. I know this is not a healthy way to be so i am trying to change it too. It's good to hear that others have overcome this challenge.
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