Question for regular and serious heavy lifters

Would love to get some feedback from those of you (guys or girls) that are regular heavy lifters. I am currently working to lose about 25-30 pounds. My goal is more aimed at lowering body fat and adding some lean mass. I don't really have a hard weight goal but I'm at least 25-30 pounds heavier than I should be at this point. (I'm 6'1" 220 lbs). I'm about 25% body fat.

I started Insanity a week ago and I also run a couple times a week. At the same I started 5x5 stronglift routine. I like that routine because it seems to focus on staple (compound) moves. Have any of you done this program or know anyone who has and did they see results? I definitely want to incorporate some heavier lifting but it's tough for me to spend an hour in the gym every day while I am also doing insanity.


  • Justkritter
    Justkritter Posts: 143 Member
    I'm really not sure but doesn't Insanity hit almost every aspect using body weight but there are also cardio specific ones? Maybe you can opt to go with Insanity cardio then do heavy lifting. I don't do Insanity but my younger brother does and he also lifts heavy. Just split your cardio and lifting days since even though I only did a bit of Insanity to try out but its really taxing to the body. So maybe a 3 day split for heavy lifting prioritizing on different body parts and cardio on rest days. My brother splits his routines since it would be too much to do a complete cardio while also doing heavy lifting on the same day.
  • jackaroo21
    jackaroo21 Posts: 127 Member
  • The_Saint
    The_Saint Posts: 358 Member
    I'm curious why you take this approach to weight loss?

    I see the intention of increasing caloric output.
    I also see the intention of decreasing caloric input.

    But it looks like you're heavily increasing output.
    If you're just starting out. Start with stronglifts to get some strength going. With that alone you are increasing your output. The cardio, I wouldn't necessarily be starting with. Maybe something low intensity because, again if you're just starting're going to experience body recomposition.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    StrongLifts is a great program. Absolutely great idea to pursue that. I would dial back the Insanity significantly. if you're doing serious lifting 3x/week, I would do no more than 3 "cardio" sessions per week, of 30-60 minutes per session. Basically agreeing with Saint above.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    cut the insanity and focus on the stronglifts along with your diet. or just do the insanity until you finish in 6 weeks or so, and then focus on the stronglifts for the rest of the year. either way is fine. it's just that you're going to find it hard to progress properly on the SL with the drain that insanity is going to place on your recovery system