Post partum mommies

Hey there! My name is Sarah, I have a 4 year old and a 7th month old and looking to lose about 50lbs or so. I thought breastfeeding would help me get back into shape, but apparently that doesn't always ring true for everyone, at least not me. I've been saying for the past couple months that I was going to start kicking the bad food habits and really get into gear, but for some reason I just keep falling off the wagon, well no more! This momma is ready to get her butt in gear and back into shape! I just joined MFP yesterday, but i'm super excited and ready to get started on this journey. If anyone would like to add me as a friend, we could be support buddies and cheer each other on, cuz I know i could use on the support I can get and would like to help others as well!


  • chelseasunrise
    Hey :) I will add you. I have a 5 and a half month old. I've lost 71.6lbs in that time and I have 18.7lbs to go. I live in Australia! Good luck.
  • futrformrfatty
    futrformrfatty Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks, I added you. Wow, you've done great! Way to go! What's been your secret?
  • aefallis
    aefallis Posts: 169 Member
    Hi! My son it 5 months old and I'm also nursing. I've been counting calories since September and have lost almost 45 pounds from my top weight (about 22 under pre pregnancy weight). I've found that's its very important to eat enough. I tried a goal of 2000 and my supply dropped. Right now I'm at 2350 per day and when I stick to it I lose 1-2 pounds a week. This may not be your goal but thought it might help to know what someone else aims for. Feel free to add me as a friend and message me if you have any questions.
  • Jazzmin81
    Jazzmin81 Posts: 13 Member
    Same here. My littlest one ist ten month old, I´ve lost around 16kg in this time, but still have around 10-12kg left, who don´t wanna leave. :( My fault, since I ate the wrong things and didn´t exercise.
    It´s the time to start out again and get the weight off. We´ll make it this time! :)
    Btw, I´m still parttime breastfeeding too.
  • chelseasunrise
    I spent a lot of the year prior to falling pregnant losing weight. So I knew exactly what I needed to do and I have been really determined to get back down to my pre pregnancy weight. I exclusively pumped breast milk for my son for the first 4.5 months and I think that really helped. I had pre eclampsia so the first 18kg I lost was mainly water from the swelling I had. Since then when I was expressing milk I was losing up to 2kg (4.4lbs) a week. Since stopping I've been losing .5kg (1.1lbs) to 1kg (2.2lbs) a week just by eating healthy, exercising when I can and sticking to my calorie allowance. I hope you are doing well :)
  • simi5064
    simi5064 Posts: 30 Member
    I have a 9 month old :) Im trying to get my butt into gear and shred this weight off! Add me :) x