shoulder pain....

mkoff32 Posts: 88 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey All,

I'd like to start by saying that I have never had a single issue with either of my shoulders, ever. I've been on the workout wagon for about 2 months now and everything has been going great. I decided to mix up my tricep workout last night because I had kind of hit a wall as far as development went. I decided I'd start the workout with dips. Well, on my very first dip, when I reached the bottom part of the motion and went to push up, I got an excruciating pain in my right shoulder. I sucked it up and finished the set (probably not the best idea). Afterwards it was a little sore for a few minutes but I worked it out by just circling my arms around. It's fine today, not a hint of pain. I have done dips in the past (granted this was a few years ago) with no issue. Why the sudden pain? Am I destined to not do dips?


  • ErikaSudz
    ErikaSudz Posts: 26
    I would personally make sure your elbows are positioned properly, you are not going to low to put strain on the shoulder and that you are just brushing the chair or bench with your backside as you go down. All of these factors can put strain on or even damage the shoulder. Try doing less dips but going slower in both directions. You can get away with doing less if you go slow.

    Hope it feels better for you,

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