15lbs gone without shrinking?

Hey guys! The last 15lbs pounds I've lost seem to have been taking fat off of my toes or something like that because I am not losing ANY inches. What gives? At this point I feel like I'm going to be down to 100lbs and still fat lol.


  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    back fat? that's something you don't notice and you don't notice it going away either.

    Have you been measuring your body fat percentage and tracking lean body mass losses? If you've lost the weight in a short period of time you could have lost lean body mass, but if it's going slowly, i.e. 1-2lb a week, 3lb a week if you've got a lot to lose, then it probably is just fat, you just lost it from somewhere that you weren't measuring with a tape measure, like back fat.