Inner elbow Pain

Hi Guys,

For past two weeks or so I have been getting pain in my right arm on inner elbow. Pushing days and arm day seem to irritate it. Does anyone know if this is something I should worry about? Was quite uncomfortable today when trying to do rear flys. When straitening arms at end of motion.

Was going to take a rest week last week in jan but wondering if I should take it now?

Thanks in advance for the help


  • JennsPups
    Rest, ice, and stretch forearm muscles. If it doesn't feel better after a few days, you should check in with your doctor.
  • beanerific518
    your elbows shouldn't be moving when doing rear flys. The movement should be coming from your rear delts. Perhaps you are lifting / pushing a bit much?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,663 Member
    Golfers elbow. A form of tendinitis. Once you get it, it normally becomes chronic. Try resting it for a few days.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • tempest501
    tempest501 Posts: 329 Member
    So would it be good to move rest week up and do it now?

    And to answer this

    "your elbows shouldn't be moving when doing rear flys. The movement should be coming from your rear delts. Perhaps you are lifting / pushing a bit much?"

    They are not moving but when I get to the end of the movement it aches
  • beanerific518
    So would it be good to move rest week up and do it now?

    And to answer this

    "your elbows shouldn't be moving when doing rear flys. The movement should be coming from your rear delts. Perhaps you are lifting / pushing a bit much?"

    They are not moving but when I get to the end of the movement it aches

    Oh boy. I would rest and give it ice like others have said. I have shoulder problems, so I feel your pain. I found an article that addresses some things you can try in the mean time...
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    I have the same pain which is more noticeable/painful during certain exercises like curls, lat pull downs,etc. I now wear an elbow wrap and the added pressure of the wrap does alleviate some of the pain, but not all.
  • tempest501
    tempest501 Posts: 329 Member
    I have the same pain which is more noticeable/painful during certain exercises like curls, lat pull downs,etc. I now wear an elbow wrap and the added pressure of the wrap does alleviate some of the pain, but not all.

    Do you push through or would you advice take a week off?
  • 1sisrat
    1sisrat Posts: 267 Member
    Don't push through it, it will become worse. HEAT is what you need. If it doesnt go away after rest and lowering your weight load then you may need to go to the doctor. You may have strained your tendons/ligaments and only time can heal them. You may want to find another exercise routine for your arms in the meantime. Swimming is great because it isn't so hard on you joints (including arm joints). Injure it too much and it can become a lifelong thing.
  • Loftearmen
    It could also be cubital tunnel syndrome. You see if a lot with lifters, especially guys who bench too often. If it doesn't go away or if your pinky and ring ringer start to go numb you should see a neurologist and have electrodiagnostic studies performed.
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    I have outer elbow pain... I at first tried to work through it... decided it best to rest, ice, take ibuprofen. After about 3 weeks no better, and actually feeling worse so going to see my ortho doc... I assume it is some sort of tendinitis but I would have thought it would have gotten somewhat better by now and not worse.
  • tempest501
    tempest501 Posts: 329 Member
    I have outer elbow pain... I at first tried to work through it... decided it best to rest, ice, take ibuprofen. After about 3 weeks no better, and actually feeling worse so going to see my ortho doc... I assume it is some sort of tendinitis but I would have thought it would have gotten somewhat better by now and not worse.

    Sorry to hear that, I hope you get through it. I have been finding it get better on my rest days but my the time i get my chest and arms workout done its back, had it on shoulders too this week and had a day inbetween arms and shoulders. I tried some barbell preacher curls on sat and I think that is what has made it bad as I found that when straiten my arms it was twinging.

    I guess I will have to take that week off =C So annoyed as was making some really nice gains. Going to stick to Dumbells I think but maybe after my week off I should give isolation curls a break and just do extra sets of pulls ups? What do you guys think
  • PaulW2MD
    PaulW2MD Posts: 44 Member
    Likely Medial, ice....F/u with your doc if not better
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    I have outer elbow pain... I at first tried to work through it... decided it best to rest, ice, take ibuprofen. After about 3 weeks no better, and actually feeling worse so going to see my ortho doc... I assume it is some sort of tendinitis but I would have thought it would have gotten somewhat better by now and not worse.

    Sorry to hear that, I hope you get through it. I have been finding it get better on my rest days but my the time i get my chest and arms workout done its back, had it on shoulders too this week and had a day inbetween arms and shoulders. I tried some barbell preacher curls on sat and I think that is what has made it bad as I found that when straiten my arms it was twinging.

    I guess I will have to take that week off =C So annoyed as was making some really nice gains. Going to stick to Dumbells I think but maybe after my week off I should give isolation curls a break and just do extra sets of pulls ups? What do you guys think

    I would give it total rest... no curls or anything... I listened to someone telling me to work through it as long as I warmed it up good before hand, and now I think it is worse then ever after 2+ weeks of rest... hence why I am heading to doctor... Pain is not normal, especially when it does not go away and you should not try and work through it... at least in my experience/opinion..
  • tempest501
    tempest501 Posts: 329 Member
    Thanks guys, I decided to take a full weeks rest. Might do a lol walking and that's all. Brought cals down to diet cals to compensate for the week.
  • Sycoholic
    Sycoholic Posts: 282 Member
    When I train I listen to my body. When I race I tell it to shut the hell up.

    If you're experiencing pain you need time to allow your body to heal. The idea of stopping really does stink, but it's necessary. If you don't allow your body to heal then consider you're going to start doing permanent damage. It's better to lose a week or two of training than go through surgery and a year of healing. You can try lighter weights and see if that helps, but I strongly suggest you lay off a week at least. If in doubt you need to see your doctor. They can prescribe some pretty nifty things that will help inflammation and speed healing.
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    Diagnosed with lateral epicondylitis, or tennis elbow. In a splint (on the wrist) and resting, icing. He said if not better by time of my knee surgery he will inject it - apparently a very painful injection. Also put me on a stronger, prescription strength anti-inflammatory which I think is helping a bit. I guess my hopes of at least working upper body while my knee recovers is out the window!
  • tempest501
    tempest501 Posts: 329 Member
    So first day back after week off for elbow to recover. Just started insanity and could not do push ups as elbow started playing up :(

    Had switch out excercises that required me to be in any sort of press up position. Do you think I should go to doctor? Also if I go back in gym do you think I can get away with lifting if I reduce weight and use machines instead of free weights? So worried about losing all my hard earned gains :(
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    If it is a tendinitis, will probably take more than a week to heal. Some here have told me to just warm it up and work through it but I was having constant pain and sticking with rest, ice and wearing my brace. Since not significantly improved since I last saw doctor, I will probably be getting a shot in it come knee surgery time...
    Good luck.
    Maybe give it one more week to see if that helps. I know you don't want to lose your gains but you also don't want to make it worse and be out from lifting longer which I think what happened to me since I at first continued to lift once experiencing the pain, now I am out indefinitely.
  • musclebuilder
    musclebuilder Posts: 324 Member
    So first day back after week off for elbow to recover. Just started insanity and could not do push ups as elbow started playing up :(

    Had switch out excercises that required me to be in any sort of press up position. Do you think I should go to doctor? Also if I go back in gym do you think I can get away with lifting if I reduce weight and use machines instead of free weights? So worried about losing all my hard earned gains :(

    It sounds like an overuse injury..Once it is aggravated you have to watch all your daily activitites from computer work, resting/leaning on your elbow ect..specific weight training exercises are not the only activities that can cause a nociceptive response by your injured tissue..Good idea to avoid extensions with your training and any movements that cause a painful response. You mentioned doing an exercise today that caused pain. Just find another lift in which this does not happen. If you have a lacrosse ball or someting similiar you can use a wall to roll out your elbow/forearm with specific attention paid to the medial/inner portion of your forearm/elbow..Try this for 1-2min 2x per day every day. Wrist extensor/flexor stretches to work on flexibility can be beneficial as well. As can eccentric exercises which are shown to be very effective for over-use tendon injuries. Check out a reverse twist with a "Thera-Band FlexBar"