eating your calories

Having a problem with calorie intake while trying to eat right...
Some places say you're supposed to intake as many calories as you work off to get to your BMR or Basic metabolic rate. For example, sundays roller skate session put me at 2900ish calories that i needed to fuel my body for that day, thaat seems crazy and impossible to eat that many and still eat right...... any input? My goal is to lose 25 -50 lbs, without losing much muscle. I'm 6'0 250 lbs, i'd consider myself pretty muscular, but have no clue on my bodyfat %.. any help or understanding would be greatly appreciated :)


  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    You are currently lifting? How much protein are you eating?
    2900 is not impossible, trust me, if you need to eat it, you don't necessarily have to eat "clean"
  • ChelseaM18
    It's not impossible, eat larger quantities of the food you're already eating and up your protein intake as you diet further to help you maintain as much muscle mass as possible :)
  • Brandnewme150
    Brandnewme150 Posts: 43 Member
    If you are trying to lose weight you should net 15-20% less calories then your tdee. Look up a tdee calculator and find yours. If you input your exercise activity just make sure you take into account that the number you get has your exercise cals back in. I always figure myself as sedentary and then figure out my exercise cals seperately and I usually eat about 1/2 of what I burn back mostly because I'm not sure how accurate mfp's estimates are.
  • frando
    frando Posts: 583 Member
    Steak... all the steak :D
  • dazleyj
    dazleyj Posts: 33 Member
    I'm getting approx 30-45 min cardio daily, except on sunday when i rollerskate during the hip hop session for about 3 hours, I'm actually on the floor roughly 1.5 hours total and resting, kinda interval-like, that's the biggest deficit, MFP says i burn about 1k calories during that session, and it feels like it :). Monday is chest and triceps, 4 different workouts with most being 4 sets of 10-12, then 30-45 min cardio. Tuesday is legs and abs, bout the same repitition as stated above and same cardio, wed is just cardio, thursday is back and biceps and cardio, and friday is shoulder/trap/ab and cardio, sat is no lifting/cardio, and sunday is no lifting/skating. my bmr is 2300, and i can only consume 1800ish. I hope that paints an accurate picture. last week I was under my goal mostly significantly 3-500 calories everyday, sunday i was under about 1200ish, i had a chocolate bar with some peanut butter just for caories.... i need a better option. unless that's ok...
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    If you can't eat your BMR, how did you gain weight?

    There are plenty of high calorie foods you can eat that will add a lot of calories but not actually a lot of food. Nuts, peanut butter, and advocado are examples.
  • 4_Lisa
    4_Lisa Posts: 362 Member
    Drink more Timmies! lol, large reg is 140 cals right there!
  • dazleyj
    dazleyj Posts: 33 Member
    To chelsea: I'm eating tim hortons multi-grain flatbread ham and egg no cheese for breakfast with a coffee, for lunch a subway bmt pepperjack chz, lots of veggies and spicy mustard for lunch, and usually chicken, with mixed veggies for dinner, for a snack b4 workouts, i eat mixed nuts, about a cup or so, and a protein shake if I feel hungry post-workout. I also have pre-hypertension so i have to watch sodium intake. With help of mfp I put this plan together, with no actual knowledge except for what i read/research.
  • 4_Lisa
    4_Lisa Posts: 362 Member
    If you can't eat your BMR, how did you gain weight?

    he asked how to do it and EAT HEALTHY... and some can gain weight by NOT eating.... I'm an example of that one.... starvation mode is NOT your friend
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    If you can't eat your BMR, how did you gain weight?

    he asked how to do it and EAT HEALTHY... and some can gain weight by NOT eating.... I'm an example of that one.... starvation mode is NOT your friend

    You gain weight by not eating? That is amazing
  • dazleyj
    dazleyj Posts: 33 Member
    If you can't eat your BMR, how did you gain weight?

    There are plenty of high calorie foods you can eat that will add a lot of calories but not actually a lot of food. Nuts, peanut butter, and advocado are examples.

    Oh, i guarantee i can eat, but i dont want to slip back into that way of doing it, i'm looking for the "right" way to do it :) And avacados are a great suggestion!
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    When I scuba dive, I burn crazy calories and have a hard time eating them all. I try to eat clean until I'm not hungry (you probably feel the deficit after that much cardio), and then I don't worry about it. If it is just once a week, I don't think it is a big deal. If you were doing it every day or even 3x a week, you'd have too much of a deficit.

    Good luck! sounds like you have fun!
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member

    some can gain weight by NOT eating....

    I think you need to book an appointment with your doctor!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    If you can't eat your BMR, how did you gain weight?

    he asked how to do it and EAT HEALTHY... and some can gain weight by NOT eating.... I'm an example of that one.... starvation mode is NOT your friend

    How did you do that?
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    If you can't eat your BMR, how did you gain weight?

    There are plenty of high calorie foods you can eat that will add a lot of calories but not actually a lot of food. Nuts, peanut butter, and advocado are examples.

    Oh, i guarantee i can eat, but i dont want to slip back into that way of doing it, i'm looking for the "right" way to do it :) And avacados are a great suggestion!

    Ah I see, my apologies. My original comment still stands; nuts, peanut butter and avocado are all good for you but high in calories. Smoothies are another good way to add calories without making you too full.
  • dazleyj
    dazleyj Posts: 33 Member
    If you can't eat your BMR, how did you gain weight?

    he asked how to do it and EAT HEALTHY... and some can gain weight by NOT eating.... I'm an example of that one.... starvation mode is NOT your friend

    How did you do that?
    Perhaps ensure/high calorie drinks? lol
  • dazleyj
    dazleyj Posts: 33 Member
    If you can't eat your BMR, how did you gain weight?

    There are plenty of high calorie foods you can eat that will add a lot of calories but not actually a lot of food. Nuts, peanut butter, and advocado are examples.

    Oh, i guarantee i can eat, but i dont want to slip back into that way of doing it, i'm looking for the "right" way to do it :) And avacados are a great suggestion!

    Ah I see, my apologies. My original comment still stands; nuts, peanut butter and avocado are all good for you but high in calories. Smoothies are another good way to add calories without making you too full.
  • jasonp_ritzert
    jasonp_ritzert Posts: 357 Member
    Here are some ideas:

    Avocados are a great source of food fats and fiber. I smush it up and use is in place of mustard sometimes on sandwiches.

    Milk is always a good source of calories, even skim or 1% gives you some good proteins, fats, and carbs.

    Add in some brown rice into your dinners.
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    I as one who used to gain weight by not eating enough. when your body is in starvation mode what you do eat stores up as fat. since I began adjusting my eating I am down to 186 pounds.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    If you can't eat your BMR, how did you gain weight?

    There are plenty of high calorie foods you can eat that will add a lot of calories but not actually a lot of food. Nuts, peanut butter, and advocado are examples.

    Oh, i guarantee i can eat, but i dont want to slip back into that way of doing it, i'm looking for the "right" way to do it :) And avacados are a great suggestion!

    There is no "right" way to eat. There is a "right" calorie amount for a given person, but there are no good or bad foods. And imo, it is best to learn how to eat small portions of your favorite foods than to simply avoid them. You will be better off in the long run.