thinking about taking a break....

StrengthInPain Posts: 155 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
i'm thinking about giving myself a week off from exercise. :ohwell: i have 2 major exams this week and have been allowing myself time to exercise all weekend, but i'm thinking that this week it's just going to be too much. i may end up going over calories then though. I'm also really worried that if I give myself off from Monday - Thursday, I won't be able to get back into it on friday. As it is, i'm not going to end up doing an intense workout tonight, i just have too much studying. Anyone have any advice on this?? this is the longest i've stuck to eating healthy and working out daily (2 months - that sounds like nothing) and i think it's because of MFP, so i'm hoping that maybe if i give myself time off, you guys will make sure i get back into it :love:


  • gisii
    gisii Posts: 74 Member
    or u can excercise for less time... i had the same problems when i had midterms so i just cut down my time. but most def continue if not u get lazy and to go bak will be a challenge
  • 2 months is definetly something!!! I'm starting on 2 WEEKS!! :-)

    yes i agree, you can just do a less amount of working out..that way you are still working out and you are less likely to stop totally...even if you arent burning alot of cals, it IS for a good reason (so you get good grades). so i think for your sake of not losing interest just do somekind of exercise!

    hope that helps!
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    If you're worried that you'll slip out of the habit, try to just exercise for 10 minutes here and there. If you can find 10 minutes a couple times you'll have 30 mins in total for the day, or more, depending on how much time you can find. You need to take breaks to breathe and do yourself little things so the stress doesn't overpower you.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    WOW! I am impressed that you have been working out every day. I would suggest rather than totally not exercising, try just scheduling 15 - 20 minutes every other day. Not sure how or what you are studying, but if you can hold a book and march in place, any movement at all will be beneficial! But certainly don't stress yourself out over this; and of course you can try to reduce your caloric intake if you just can't take the time for exercise. Good luck on your studies !!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    I agree with Gisii - instead of doing an hour, just go for a 15 minute run each day. Something instead of nothing keeps the body understanding that exercise is just a way of life. Anything you do, you will get better at. That includes eating crappy and being lazy!

    I take a total rest week once every 3 months or so, but even during that rest week, I make sure to do Yoga, Stretching or even very light cardio, not for my body, but instead for my brain. We have to keep routines established to keep them "routine!"

    Great job on 2 months. So many people never make it that far, don't give up now!
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    My advice and my opinion is to continue exercising but perhaps for less time. For several reasons... A) your body is used to the endorphin rush and the clarity that comes from a good workout - without it you may find that you're more tired, less clearheaded and more stressed out. B) Stress causes an increase in cortisol which leads to the storage of belly fat - you want to relieve your stress! C) Stepping away from the books - even if only for 20-30 minutes will keep you from feeling bored... you'll use your study time more wisely.

    I always find it amazing how much more I can accomplish on the days that I work out!
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    A break for a day or two shouldn't hurt you; but you might feel you need it. I agree with the rest that if you do a little here and there instead of nothing it will add up and you'll feel better.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Sorry, I gotta agree with everyone else! It will be more beneficial to you to keep up working out, even if that means working out for less time. I know what you're going through though! I just got through my midterms last week. Some days I wanted to study or say I didn't have enough time to exercise, but really exercising is what pulled me through it! Just try to workout first thing in the morning so it is done and that part of your to do list won't be stressing you out. I promise you can do it! :smile:
  • LuRox
    LuRox Posts: 520 Member
    I just wanted to put my 2¢ in here. 1 week ago I was faithful in my exercise, Mon - Fri I did 30 minutes of Something. Then I got sick Monday morning. I didn't work out Monday, Tuesday, I tried Wed. I was too tired still from being sick...Thursday...didn't even try, Friday, I didn't do it again. Sat. Nothing, Sun...nope, Now, I'm hoping I get up and go back to it tomorrow. But my advice is to keep doing something. Even if you don't get a complete workout in, do something to keep you working out. You will be glad you did!
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    It's one week of your life. If it's going to overwhelm you and stress you out, then take a break. Just aim for maintenance calories this week if you need to... don't go nutso, eat healthy - you'll be fine and can refocus next week.

    Remember, this should be a lifestyle change that you can live with forever - adjustments can be made as needed, it's YOUR life!
  • StrengthInPain
    StrengthInPain Posts: 155 Member
    okay, so maybe i'll do some light exercise... tonight i'm thinking my ab workout, and tomorrow night i can ride the bike at the gym while i look at my notes, maybe something similar on tuesday, or jumping rope, and another ab workout on wednesday. Thursday is going to depend on what time I get out of my exam. if i'm not done until 8, that means i won't get home until 9, and then the gym will be closed. i'm going to do my best to get at least a little exercise in while not getting pulled too far away from my studying.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Yeah! Just take a little walk to break from your studying, or lift some weights between chapters. Little stuff that won't let you let yourself off too easy for the week. If you're anything like me, you'll be planning to study, but there will be LOADS of time where you are just procrastinating... If you like, I will message you on Friday to make sure you are back on track! :laugh:
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