dieting and still not losing weight??? help

By MFP's recommendations I should be eating 1400 calories. Ive been tracking my food and exercise now for about a month. I must say I really havent "dieted" per say. which I dont think that I eat to much any ways, I normally eat between 1300-1500 calories with out dieting. And as everyone knows at the end of the day MFP notifies you to estimate what you would weigh in 5 weeks "if every day were like today" but I literally have been under what they recommend and still havent lost really any weight. I have been on a boot camp now for a week but still little to no weight loss. Help!!!

side note about 4 years ago when I was in high school I was 155 lbs ( ive gained 50 lbs in 4 years eww) but my doctor told me back then that I was too small and I needed to probably gain about 10-15 lbs due to the amount of exercise that I did back then ( even then I was a size 10). Telling a high school athletic girl that they need to gain weight just wasnt going to happen. But Ive done my research, went to nutritional classes and was even a personal trainer. i understand that everyone has an ideal body weight that their body will try to reach to be comfortable. ( not what they personally want to be at but what their body wants to be at) so maybe this is my problem not sure any ideas??