I don't want to turn my house into a gym..

Buuuuuut I am in desperate need of finding the perfect workout equipment !! I really have no idea where I should look and if there is something that fits my needs..

I have a 1 year old son and it's hard to get out and exercise at an actual gym because I am a stay at home mom so no day care/baby sitter..which means I need to be able to work out in my house without having to have a designated room for my own personal gym because I don't have the space !

Think it's possible to have something in my home without taking up a whole lot of space ??
Should I stick with the work-out DVD's or try and take it to the next level with buying a tread mill maybe ??

Who works out indoors and if so how do you do it

Hmm any ideas ?????


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I made a spare room into a mini gym because it takes me over a half hour to drive to the nearest crappy gym. Before that I just used DVD's with resistance bands, a step and dumbbells. You should be able to get in a good workout without purchasing large equipment and you could always get a running stroller and hit the streets.
  • I would love to have a spare room for that !!
    Must be great ! I used to go running with my son in the summer time, but his allergies are awful in the winter and I can't bare the thought of running with cold air on him. The weather is awful ! I am looking forward to summer again :)
    I am in desperate search of the perfect winter workout and hopefully I find it soon !!
    Summer is always the best for me.
    Right now I am doing Pilates and a bunch of DVD's and trying to change things up a bit. Thanks for the tip !

    I made a spare room into a mini gym because it takes me over a half hour to drive to the nearest crappy gym. Before that I just used DVD's with resistance bands, a step and dumbbells. You should be able to get in a good workout without purchasing large equipment and you could always get a running stroller and hit the streets.
  • luvya7sandra796
    luvya7sandra796 Posts: 124 Member
    I don't go to the Gym, and I work indoors. l am doing a walk program at home don't need a lot of space. Leslie Sansone walk programs, is great! I enjoy Putting on the dvd or looking her up on You tube. There are so many exercise to do at home. I also love going for a walk! If you like walking, give it a try! Hope this was helpful! =)
  • Thanks for the tip Sandra !
    Appreciated !
    I will definitely have to check that out

    I don't go to the Gym, and I work indoors. l am doing a walk program at home don't need a lot of space. Leslie Sansone walk programs, is great! I enjoy Putting on the dvd or looking her up on You tube. There are so many exercise to do at home. I also love going for a walk! If you like walking, give it a try! Hope this was helpful! =)
  • purpledelight
    purpledelight Posts: 134 Member
    Honestly... Buy a jump rope.... you want cardio?? there ya go! :)
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member

    They have a lot of great videos and workouts, and most of them don't use any more than your body weight :)
  • I use a jumprope. I DO cardio,it's not that Im looking for a simple fix.. I wouldnt be posting it if it were that easy.
    Thanks anyway.

    Everyone I am hoping for any tips on what kind of exercise equipment like a treadmill/step machine
    What model do you own if you have one ?

    Honestly... Buy a jump rope.... you want cardio?? there ya go! :)
  • Thank you !!
    Useful information lol I will DEFINITELY check that out !!!!!


    They have a lot of great videos and workouts, and most of them don't use any more than your body weight :)
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    i'd recommend the Insanity DVDs from Beachbody, because they require no equippment at all, and all you really need for space is about a body lenght in any direction.

    So it sounds perfect for your situation.

    however, the jump rope is a wonderful suggestion. If all you wanted to do is straight cardio - this is 1000% better then a treadmil and cost pennies compared to a tread mill.

    If you are open to spending a lot on something that may suit your needs, i'd look into the bowflex that folds up and fits under your bed. Some may not think much of the resistance machines but if its that or no resistance training then they pretty damn good.
  • mdcoug
    mdcoug Posts: 397 Member
    I have a treadmill and it takes up A LOT of space. And honestly, I don't use it that much.I find the DVDs to be much more enjoyable, if that's a word you'd use to describe exercise! But, as far as treadmills go, I like it. I'm at work, so I don't recall the brand, but it has different programs you can follow, 12 incline levels, 12 speeds and doesn't bounce too much.

    If a treadmill is what you really want, be sure to check out Craigslist. Or, maybe stick to your DVDs and hit up Craiglist in the fall, after people realize they're not keeping up with their New Year's resolutions, and need money for Christmas gifts. ;-)

    Good luck!
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    I have a treadmill and it takes up A LOT of space. And honestly, I don't use it that much.I find the DVDs to be much more enjoyable, if that's a word you'd use to describe exercise! But, as far as treadmills go, I like it. I'm at work, so I don't recall the brand, but it has different programs you can follow, 12 incline levels, 12 speeds and doesn't bounce too much.

    If a treadmill is what you really want, be sure to check out Craigslist. Or, maybe stick to your DVDs and hit up Craiglist in the fall, after people realize they're not keeping up with their New Year's resolutions, and need money for Christmas gifts. ;-)

    Good luck!

    Rowing machines are amazing cardio and can fold up to be really small
  • Lol I say that because I do use a jump rope regularly in my exercise routines but I was wondering if getting a machine would be more effective than what I have been doing now. Apparently not, thanks to the post about the treadmill !
    I think I am going to look at the insanity DVD's because I keep getting suggestions on it and really never took the time to test it out. Thanks for the comment
    i'd recommend the Insanity DVDs from Beachbody, because they require no equippment at all, and all you really need for space is about a body lenght in any direction.

    So it sounds perfect for your situation.

    however, the jump rope is a wonderful suggestion. If all you wanted to do is straight cardio - this is 1000% better then a treadmil and cost pennies compared to a tread mill.

    If you are open to spending a lot on something that may suit your needs, i'd look into the bowflex that folds up and fits under your bed. Some may not think much of the resistance machines but if its that or no resistance training then they pretty damn good.
  • Rowing machine ??
    What's that ?
    I'm gonna have to google that one !
    I have a treadmill and it takes up A LOT of space. And honestly, I don't use it that much.I find the DVDs to be much more enjoyable, if that's a word you'd use to describe exercise! But, as far as treadmills go, I like it. I'm at work, so I don't recall the brand, but it has different programs you can follow, 12 incline levels, 12 speeds and doesn't bounce too much.

    If a treadmill is what you really want, be sure to check out Craigslist. Or, maybe stick to your DVDs and hit up Craiglist in the fall, after people realize they're not keeping up with their New Year's resolutions, and need money for Christmas gifts. ;-)

    Good luck!

    Rowing machines are amazing cardio and can fold up to be really small
  • Amandatorie
    Amandatorie Posts: 93 Member
    Have you looked into the child care options at the gyms in your area? I used to work in a gym daycare when I was in high school--the parents would just drop the kid off while they worked out, and we'd play with them and sometimes do organized activities with the older ones, or watch kids DVDs with the young ones, etc. And the parents were right there and it was pretty visible, so the parents seemed to think it was safe, etc. It was inlcuded in the price of membership at this gym, as long as you signed your kid up a day ahead or something like that.

    Also, at the yoga studio I currently go to they have kids yoga classes (ages 2-5 or something like that) at the same type as the adult classes.

    I just wasn't sure if you were familiar with this type of thing at gyms--some people who aren't big gym people might have no idea that gym childcare exists!
  • mdcoug
    mdcoug Posts: 397 Member
    Lol I say that because I do use a jump rope regularly in my exercise routines but I was wondering if getting a machine would be more effective than what I have been doing now. Apparently not, thanks to the post about the treadmill !
    I think I am going to look at the insanity DVD's because I keep getting suggestions on it and really never took the time to test it out. Thanks for the comment
    i'd recommend the Insanity DVDs from Beachbody, because they require no equippment at all, and all you really need for space is about a body lenght in any direction.

    So it sounds perfect for your situation.

    however, the jump rope is a wonderful suggestion. If all you wanted to do is straight cardio - this is 1000% better then a treadmil and cost pennies compared to a tread mill.

    If you are open to spending a lot on something that may suit your needs, i'd look into the bowflex that folds up and fits under your bed. Some may not think much of the resistance machines but if its that or no resistance training then they pretty damn good.

    FWIW, my husband has a seasonal PT job that takes him away from the home 40 nights a year, making a regular after-work gym schedule next to impossible. Last season I picked up Insanity and it kicked my butt--in a good way. Now I'm doing Chalean Extreme and really enjoy it.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Bands and work out dvds...that is all you need. Bands are easily storable.
  • AlyssaJoJo
    AlyssaJoJo Posts: 449 Member
    You can find 30 day shred on youtube!!! There's a lot that you can find on youtube... so not only can you do it at home but you can spend less money.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Have you looked into the child care options at the gyms in your area? I used to work in a gym daycare when I was in high school--the parents would just drop the kid off while they worked out, and we'd play with them and sometimes do organized activities with the older ones, or watch kids DVDs with the young ones, etc. And the parents were right there and it was pretty visible, so the parents seemed to think it was safe, etc. It was inlcuded in the price of membership at this gym, as long as you signed your kid up a day ahead or something like that.

    Also, at the yoga studio I currently go to they have kids yoga classes (ages 2-5 or something like that) at the same type as the adult classes.

    I just wasn't sure if you were familiar with this type of thing at gyms--some people who aren't big gym people might have no idea that gym childcare exists!

    This also, the YMCAs have children day cares for parents who are working out. Not sure how much it is. I know the one at my old station was free if you weren't there very long.
  • ajsmommy2010
    I recomend a Beachbody workout. I started out with Hip Hop Abs and now I use Insanity. This is my second round of Insanity and the results are amazing. You don't need alot of space or equipment. The workouts are on average 40 to 45 minutes.

    The jump rope is great too.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    I suggest you buy some high quality strength bands and door anchors. You'll get a tremendous workout using them and they take up virtually no space. For cardio, get a portable stationary bike (just the wheels) and perhaps a portable stepper. That's all you really need.

    Beyond that, you can dance or run in place. You can do bodyweight workouts, push-ups, things like that. You don't need a gym and you do not need lots of expensive equipment that only takes up space.