People Who Sit All Day Have Trouble With Hips?

I hear this a lot. In fact, I just heard a trainer telling somone they were working with something about this as to why she was having trouble with a certain movement.

I dont' understand. Can someone please explain?

And, then, what can be done about it?

I think I read here sometimes, it's difficult for cubicle dwellers to do proper squats because something happens to them when they sit at a desk all day. Can someone please explain?



  • cyberiarob
    cyberiarob Posts: 229 Member
    I've never actually heard this before, but that may explain something. I've had a weird pain in my hip for about a week and a half now. I'm a cubicle dweller by day and attempting to train for a 5K by night...
  • SmexAppeal
    SmexAppeal Posts: 858 Member
    Very interesting. Must know this now. I sit all day, but I don't feel I have a problem doing squats.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    The hip flexors shorten and atrophy to a certain extent (it varies with the individual).

    I've recently made my work station into a standing station. I couldn't tolerate the pain in my right hip and tailbone anymore. I'd love to advance into a treadmill work station; maybe one of these days.
  • R_Bedard
    R_Bedard Posts: 91 Member
    So true! The trainer at the gym told me that as you sit the hip flexor muscles can shorten and tighten up. That is why it is so important when stretching post workout that you properly stretch the hip flexors.
  • tigger2009
    I sit all day at my job too and worry about long term issues. I am overweight and have been having other issues with Joint pain. I may consider paying the extra money to join an gym where they have a pool and swim for exercise as it is easier on the joints. Water aerobics classes too. I admit I am a couch potato too and can't get motivated.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The key is not to sit all day. Just get up on your breaks and lunch. I've had a desk job for more than 30 years and I have not hip problems and can do squats just fine.
  • KristenF101
    Exactly what they said about hip flexors. We cubicle dwellers also have poor posture and bad lower backs. I got a fit disc, and it's like sitting on an exercise ball, but much less awkward. It definitely helps with my posture. In terms of the hip flexors, get up and walk around during the day and stretch at night.

    It's so easy to become a desk-potato.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Ah, the hip flexors. Got it. Yes, I have major pain. I roll them out on a roller almost everyday, and the pain has been subsiding a lot. I've also been doing extra stretching. Like, if I'm just watching TV, I get on the floor and stretch while I watch, mostly focus on my hips and hip flexors.

    I've been sitting at a desk for a long time. It's not just my hips, but my lower back too.

    Question: Can you sit on the floor, with your legs straight out in front of you, and nothing propping you up, and hold your body straight up?

    I'm so stiff I cannot very easily, or maybe for short bursts of time. I've been working on stretching out my lower back too. I think it's a lower back/hip combo deal.
  • krissielynn87
    krissielynn87 Posts: 214 Member
    and this is why I hate desk jobs -_-
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    I don't know about it affecting proper squats....I can do them just fine. It does however affect your hip flexors. I have developed knee problems due to sitting all day and not stretching my them.. Once I started a stretching and strength training program aimed at this set of muscles, my knee problems have finally faded.
    HJMAYES Posts: 72 Member
    I have these issues and I'm a cubicle dweller too...maybe I should do a standing desk too. ;(
  • ames105
    ames105 Posts: 288 Member
    Its very true about the hip flexors tightening up from sitting all day. Walking isn't enough because you only walk forward and your hips can rotate in different directions. There are several stretches and positions I've learned in my yoga class to help this. It's truly made a difference in my flexibility, posture and comfort levels. It just feels so much better. You can Google stretches for them. Good luck!!
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    sounds like muscle atrophy along with an overall weak core
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Ok... so a lot of stretching of the hips, which is what I do now, has to be done more... My hips KILL! I go to the gym every day on my luch just to get out of this freakin' chair :P
  • snoopnemmy
    snoopnemmy Posts: 10 Member
    I have had a desk job for over a decade and usually don't move from my desk until break or lunch. I have never had hip problems. However, I practice yoga regularly which may help keep my hips from getting too stiff.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    sounds like muscle atrophy along with an overall weak core

    Well, no need to be nasty about it. :laugh:

    Yes, I think that is the core issue. You have a desk job for 20 years not working out, eating donuts, and enjoying life. One day you decide to turn it around, and notice strange issues.
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    Last Friday I was having a lot of weather-related joint pain and could hardly make it through the workday because my hips hurt so much. Normally I don't have much pain but I do notice how incredibly tight my hips are when I do hip-opening stretches in yoga. Aside from having a desk job I walk a lot which seems to tighten them even more. I'd try doing some of the yoga hip openers like pigeon pose.
  • Liz77bandsman
    I have had problems with my hips since i was a child (they should have been broken and reset but the problem was discovered too late). I struggle with squats and exercises that rely on resting on my wrists - I am an office worker.
    What helps me is to get out every lunch time and go for a walk - I am lucky that i get an hours lunch break so can have a proper amble - plus every day i get to power walk up and down a small hill collecting my children (we amble back home). As a non driver i'm used to walking around (and racing for transport too) which possibly makes it easier. All in all i do just over an hours walking Mon-Fri. On the weekends we tend to get out both days - sometimes it's a meander around the town, sometimes a visit to the local wetlands, sometimes a bike ride to the local flat park.
    It wouldn't surprise me to find that office based workers suffer more with their hips BUT i would expect this to affect people that move very little more than those that get out & about.
    Good luck and keep moving xxxx
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,114 Member
    :ohwell: just here to learn.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Yes, this is one of my biggest problems. Sitting all day makes my hips stiff. Plus I have a bit of joint pain anyway since I developed thyroid disease years ago. It doesn't stop me, but it does make it hard to get down into a good squat sometimes. In fact, just dealt with this Saturday. My trainer recommends lots of stretching.