Are your goals to loose 50lb+?


Hello everyone,

My name is Amanda, I am 21-yrs old and I have a soon to be 1-yr old daughter. My goal is to lose 90lbs. I started in the beginning of December and have lost 9lbs thus far. I have struggled with my weight since young and it has always bothered me but either way I remained confident and didn't let it bring me down. After having my daughter and become a mom I weighed 248lb the highest I've every weighed. The day I stepped on the scale and seen 248 I just couldn't believe it. 21yrs old 2lbs away from being 250. For the first time in my life I lost confidence in myself. I started to become insecure, throughout all my years of being over weight never did I loose confidence in myself but the day I seen that number I felt FAT, UGLY, DISGUSTING!

My insecurities controlled me and everyday it creeps its way into my relationship. The weight drops but I'm still waiting for my confidence to come back. I've always been looked at as cocky or conceded but the day I seen 248 I was no longer that girl. I just wanted to hide from the world. I'm still struggling but as the weight falls off I know it will get better, I only wish I had people around me who understands and is also working towards a "better you".

I figured I make this post so I can find people who are going through the same things I am. I want to be able to add you as a friend and check on you from time to time. No I'm not creepy I just think that if I talk to people who are also struggling I'll know I'm not alone and I can come to this post and vent lol. I hope you guys reach your goals, we can do it together.

What are your goal weights and dates?


  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Hi Amanda, I only have about 10-15lbs left to lose now, but I have already lost close to 60lbs.

    I got weighed in July 2011 when my daughter was 8 weeks old, and I was 218lbs. I'm 5'6 tall. I felt so fat and horrible at the time and not like myself at all. I didn't want to go out, but I did because my son had just turned 2 and I had to take him out. My thighs were massive and rubbed together and I felt so, so ugly. So I can totally empathise with how you're feeling right now.

    I'm now 163lbs and I can wear a US size 8, so I've come a long way. So I am proof that it can be done!

    I probably come across as confident to most people (i'm a teacher so I have to be for my job I suppose) but part of me is still incredibly self-conscious.

    You're welcome to add me.
  • LaDiiHeArT
    LaDiiHeArT Posts: 118 Member
    That is wonderful. I am so happy for you. You have come so far and I hope you are happy with yourself. I face the same thigh rubbing issue as well but soon I'll be in the same size 8 boat with you. :) I'll send you a friend request now.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    That is wonderful. I am so happy for you. You have come so far and I hope you are happy with yourself. I face the same thigh rubbing issue as well but soon I'll be in the same size 8 boat with you. :) I'll send you a friend request now.

    Thank you :smile:

    You don't look like you're overweight in your profile pic! You have very striking features.
  • LaDiiHeArT
    LaDiiHeArT Posts: 118 Member
    That's very kind of you, thank you.
  • LaDiiHeArT
    LaDiiHeArT Posts: 118 Member
    That is wonderful. I am so happy for you. You have come so far and I hope you are happy with yourself. I face the same thigh rubbing issue as well but soon I'll be in the same size 8 boat with you. :) I'll send you a friend request now.

    Thank you :smile:

    You don't look like you're overweight in your profile pic! You have very striking features.

    Just added a body pic check it out
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    That is wonderful. I am so happy for you. You have come so far and I hope you are happy with yourself. I face the same thigh rubbing issue as well but soon I'll be in the same size 8 boat with you. :) I'll send you a friend request now.

    Thank you :smile:

    You don't look like you're overweight in your profile pic! You have very striking features.

    Just added a body pic check it out

    Just looked. You carry your weight well! Mine was all in my belly after my baby.

    Here's the most awful photo I could find. I guess my daughter was around 7/8 weeks old here:

    free image hosting

    and this is recent:
    online photo storage

    and this:

    upload foto
  • mncmom3
    mncmom3 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi, I just joined a couple weeks ago. My goal is 100 lbs- down 12 so far. I am a stay at home mom of three kids- 5,3,1 yrs old. I was advised that I was a candidate for gastric bypass after my second pregnancy. I was devistated- I guess I never thought of myself as that heavy that I could qualify. I had another baby a year later and was seriously considering the procedure after his first birthday in July. I attended 2 seminars from major hospitals in my area and talked to my husband about it. After dong a lot of research, I decided that it wasnt for me at this point in my life- I am 29 and feel like I can do this on my own with the support of my family, dietitian and the overwhelming support from friends on here. I wish you the best of luck on your journey! Feel free to add me, we can support each other along the way.
  • Danni1585
    Danni1585 Posts: 250 Member
    We need to support each other, I can totally relate to your post.
    I am the most confident of people in the world to people at work - but the real me, the person I dont want to show lacks confidence in my appearance and hates social situations.
    I have an initial goal of losing 42 lbs but need to lose 60 in truth. I am only on week 2, weigh in tomorrow but I know I am moving more, eating well and my sleeping has already improved.
    We can all support each other, and via MFP I am finding real inspiriation and some friends to help me along the way.
    I hope that 2013 is my year and that by the summer I can wear some clothes and feel nice about myself.
    Happy if you want to add me.
  • Chakiri
    Chakiri Posts: 17
    I know what you mean!
    I'm 22 5'5 and 2 lbs away from 200 lbs.
    I don't know how other people see me, but seeing that number on the scale made me realize that i am FAT.
    No sugar coating it. Even my mom told me the other day that i'm really gaining weight.
    It's time to do something about it and get self confidence!!
  • ShunkyDave
    ShunkyDave Posts: 190 Member
    My goal is 100 pounds. I started at 305 (308 actually), which is the heaviest I have ever been. My goal is to be at 200 by the end of this year. I can't wait to look and feel better. And actually BE better (healthier).
  • Isrn2
    Isrn2 Posts: 160
    My goal right now is 90 lbs. It's taken me over 7 years but I've already lost 120 lbs and kept it off. I'm hoping this next 90 doesn't take nearly as long!!

    My goal weight is 240 lbs which may seem like a lot still to some people, but I will be so happy to be in the solid 200's. I want to spend a few years maintaining that weight once reached, see how I look and feel and then make a determination at that time whether I need to lose more.

    This is definitely a lifestyle and attitude change. Be gentle on yourself! Recognize the small achievements and overlook the inevitable slip-ups. We can all do this!!
  • kendasc
    kendasc Posts: 1 Member
    I am 36 years old and currently weigh 226lbs. My goal is to lose 60lbs. I have struggled with my weight forever. Lose and gain, lose and gain, lose and gain. I would consider myself a sugar addict. I am a mother of two on high blood pressure meds and pre diabetic. My main goal is to be healthy and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I use food to make me feel better in times of stress and when my feelings get hurt. I want to learn to cope with everyday life issues in a way that is healthy instead of stuffing my feelings and using sweets to feel better. I know I need to change my thinking about food. I am interested in sharing the hard truths of why I'm overweight and what I need to do in addition to eating well to stay on the right track this time.
  • babybeijing
    its my first day and im a little bit afraid...its my first time on such site.
    sorry for my english im french
    i had a lung transplantation recently and with the drugs i have to take (especially corticotherapy) i gained lots of weight
    i have at minimum 20 kilos to lose
    its been a year i didnt work, i didnt go out or on vacation so getting a little tired mentally...
    i find this great that people support each other this way, i ve been reading posts and i find them amazing :)
  • LaDiiHeArT
    LaDiiHeArT Posts: 118 Member
    That is wonderful. I am so happy for you. You have come so far and I hope you are happy with yourself. I face the same thigh rubbing issue as well but soon I'll be in the same size 8 boat with you. :) I'll send you a friend request now.

    Thank you :smile:

    You don't look like you're overweight in your profile pic! You have very striking features.

    Just added a body pic check it out

    Just looked. You carry your weight well! Mine was all in my belly after my baby.

    Here's the most awful photo I could find. I guess my daughter was around 7/8 weeks old here:

    free image hosting

    and this is recent:
    online photo storage

    and this:

    upload foto

    BEAUTIFUL!!!! That is such a great transformation!!!!! I am honestly proud of you. You've come so far!!!!! Love it !!! Keep up the good work!!!
  • luckymi
    Hi everyone, great success and motivation!! My 'I would love goal" is 70 lbs, acceptable goal 50, dream goal 85. So I'm shooting low, aiming high. I've roller coastered with each marriage and divorce. It's a life long struggle, that I'm accepting that it's hard but not giving up. Hopefully this will help me stay motivated and we can encourage one another to keep on striving to meet our goals one pound at a time!>
  • sheppeyescapee
    sheppeyescapee Posts: 329 Member
    Yes, my overall goal is to lose 95lbs. I'm about 23lbs in so far. Always looking for more new friends :)
  • altheajb
    altheajb Posts: 2 Member
    We are all capable. strong, mothers and will reach our goals. Be blessed we are beautiful. Just remember the serenity prayer and know that we can change this one thing
  • LaDiiHeArT
    LaDiiHeArT Posts: 118 Member
    I am so happy for the out come this post has turned out to be. I sent you all a friend request and look forward to seeing your progress. We can achieve our goals and I am willing to push myself and anyone else who needs pushing!!! 2013 is the year we take a stand on our weight. Lets strive to be successful happy and healthy!!! I'm always here to listen!!
  • Kimaw65
    Kimaw65 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi my name is Kim and my goal is about 99 pounds and I'm down 29.2 pounds as of Sunday and I started October 14th. I have my 30th high school reunion coming up this summer and I want to make sure I look "FABULOUS FIERCE". Most of my friends from school are friends with me now, so my weight gain is no surprise to them but still...
    Right now I weigh 219 but would like to get down to 149-150. Reading your stories keeps me motivated and any friend requests will be gladly accepted.
  • chelseybennett1
    chelseybennett1 Posts: 275 Member
    I remember when I hit 180 lbs my freshman year of high school and was sick to my stomach about it. Thought I'd eat better and portion my foods then I just went back to my old ways when cravings kicked in. Then I hit 200 when I was a senior in high school and I had the same awful feeling and again I'd try to eat better and somewhere after a few days I'd go back to my old ways. I started to avoid scales because if I didn't know then I wouldn't feel super awful about myself. I've always struggled with weight for as long as I could remember. Now 5 years later I am now 23 and forced myself to weigh and I was at 235! At that point I realized when will I ever take weight loss seriously. The track I was on was making me gain 20-35 lbs every 4-5 years. If I kept on the same track and putting weight loss off then it would eventually be harder and harder for me to lose the weight. So I've been counting calories and am down to 206 which I am very happy with, but would still like to be at the weight that is recommended for my height which is 145.