The deal with oatmeal



  • nomobootydo
    I love oatmeal,I thought it was good for cholesterol you heart & all that I thought it was the ideal breakfast& grain, especially with fruit.I use brown sugar , honey, cinnamon, granola, ground flaxseed.McDonald and burger king sell it if you eat it in the am......I just don't like whenI think somethings good then somebody suggests it might not be after all this long time of saying its good.dammit :-) I want some now!
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    If you find you are hungry after eating the cook on the stove type of oatmeal, add in some walnuts or almond and some ground flax seed. The protein and fat in the nuts will keep you full much longer!:flowerforyou:
  • idahopacker
    idahopacker Posts: 66 Member
    I tried an Energy Oatmeal recipe from The DASH Diet Cookbook. Adding egg whites you oatmeal changes the texture and taste. The combination of blueberries, cinnamon and ginger was good. I added a packet of Truvia for a little more sweetness but it wasn't necessary.
  • peggy90807
    I thought it was just me! I've tried making it with milk and adding nuts but I just crash later. I'm sensitive to blood sugar swings (hungry = crazy) and I've found that the more protein I eat at breakfast the more balanced I am all day. Maybe oatmeal for dinner or as a snack?
  • tsubaki4
    I eat a cup of oats everyday with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, protein powder,a banana and almond milk. Usually blended into a shake.
  • Mellyajc
    Mellyajc Posts: 142 Member
    I've never heard of oatmeal being bad for you before.

    I get the big container (cheaper and less sugar). Made with unsweetened almond milk, a Tbs of walnuts, and usually a Tbs of dried cranberries..or fresh fruit if I have it, for sweetness.

    There are days it really hits the spot. And it keeps me full pretty well. Today was 273 calories, with 6 grams of protein. I try to watch sugar, but not carbs specifically, so for the most part it seems like a healthy choice. Where, with raisin bran, I go over my sugars pretty early in the day.

    I don't eat it every day because I'd get my variety entails bagels with cream cheese and tomator, PBJ, or cottage cheese and fruit (and the afore-mentioned raisin bran). They all seem to tide me over pretty well. Some are worse on sugars obviously, but could be a lot worse.
  • steffiejoe
    steffiejoe Posts: 313 Member
    I eat oat bran every day. I add peanut butter and a mini banana. The carbs and sugar did not stop me from reaching my goals.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    a WHOPPING 57g carbs for one of the three biggest meals a day? OH NO!
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    oatmeal in the morning isn't enough to fill me up for more than about two minutes, or keep me energised for the day. i'd also not want to waste that many carbs on it...if I was going to eat oats, they'd be whizzed up with egg whites and protein powder to make pancakes, then covered in nut butter for fat.

    since switching to higher protein and fats at breakfast, I last til lunch, and I don't get energy slumps. eggs with non starchy vegies and mayo does the trick for me.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I eat instant oatmeal about three times a week. I have half an Apple and a piece of wheat toast with it. I eat at 530 am and it keeps me plenty full till 11 when I have lunch. To each their own. I don't believe in the boogeyfood.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    Just got done eating a post work out bowl of oats-made it with water, 1/8c raisins and 1tsp brown sugar. Super cheap, easy to make and makes a great evening snack :)
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    oatmeal in the morning isn't enough to fill me up for more than about two minutes, or keep me energised for the day. i'd also not want to waste that many carbs on it...if I was going to eat oats, they'd be whizzed up with egg whites and protein powder to make pancakes, then covered in nut butter for fat.

    since switching to higher protein and fats at breakfast, I last til lunch, and I don't get energy slumps. eggs with non starchy vegies and mayo does the trick for me.

    Could you post the pancake recipe-I'm looking for ways to get in more protein. Thanks :)
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    oatmeal in the morning isn't enough to fill me up for more than about two minutes, or keep me energised for the day. i'd also not want to waste that many carbs on it...if I was going to eat oats, they'd be whizzed up with egg whites and protein powder to make pancakes, then covered in nut butter for fat.

    since switching to higher protein and fats at breakfast, I last til lunch, and I don't get energy slumps. eggs with non starchy vegies and mayo does the trick for me.

    Could you post the pancake recipe-I'm looking for ways to get in more protein. Thanks :)

    It changes according to macros, but generally 3-4 egg whites, 15-30g WPC, 30-50g oats. I actually use coconut flour over oats more often than not...
    If your protein is unflavoured you may want spices and sweetener of some description. I also add a little baking powder :)
    Blend it all up til smooth then cook.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    oatmeal in the morning isn't enough to fill me up for more than about two minutes, or keep me energised for the day. i'd also not want to waste that many carbs on it...if I was going to eat oats, they'd be whizzed up with egg whites and protein powder to make pancakes, then covered in nut butter for fat.

    since switching to higher protein and fats at breakfast, I last til lunch, and I don't get energy slumps. eggs with non starchy vegies and mayo does the trick for me.

    Could you post the pancake recipe-I'm looking for ways to get in more protein. Thanks :)

    It changes according to macros, but generally 3-4 egg whites, 15-30g WPC, 30-50g oats. I actually use coconut flour over oats more often than not...
    If your protein is unflavoured you may want spices and sweetener of some description. I also add a little baking powder :)
    Blend it all up til smooth then cook.

  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    I have never understood why people say oatmeal sticks to your ribs, I get a blood sugar crash 2 hours after I eat it because it's so high in carbs. Since I started eating a high protein breakfast I have not had that problem.

    Same. I like eggs the best.
  • ILoveGingerNut
    ILoveGingerNut Posts: 367 Member
    Oatmeal is an excellent breakfast. If it is a packed one check the ingredients to make sure it doesn't have too much added sugar.
    Buying the oats and making your own is the best way to do it.
  • tattygun
    tattygun Posts: 447 Member
    Carbs are good. They give you energy. Your body needs carbs. Ignore fad dieters and enjoy your oatmeal!

    Sound advice
  • Karen_LM
    Karen_LM Posts: 61 Member
    I have eaten oatmeal for breakfast off and on for several years. I like the fact that it keeps me full. Recently, i overheard my nutrition obsessed boss talking about how bad it is because of all the carbs and sugar. I dont believe that there are many "bad" foods out there - everything in moderation. I recently joined MFP and logged my oatmeal breakfast and it packs approximatly 300 calories (not bad for breakfast), but has a whopping 57 carbs associated with it. I usually eat 1/2 cup oats, 1 tbs honey, and 1/2 banana. Thoughts on the value of oatmeal vs other breakfasts?

    Unless your boss is a registered dietician, ignore his/her opinion on foods. Your boss is repeating stuff he has read on the internet, or in a diet book, that happened to sound note worthy to him based on his own diet and weight issues. His panic over his food choices has nothing to do with you.

    Your high fiber breakfast of oatmeal with fruit and honey has carbs, carbs are food, you need food, some of them should be carbs, preferably the high fiber kind. You are doing it right.
  • Karen_LM
    Karen_LM Posts: 61 Member
    That is exactly what happens to me too! I crash hard and get extremely shakey. But it did lower my c
    loresterol. Funny that I cant stand sweet oatmeal so I just salt pepper it!

    My scots mum-in-law would approve. Maybe not with the pepper, but with salt not sugar. She is horrified and disgusted at the very idea of adding sweetener and fresh or dried fruit to porridge. She has had salted porridge most mornings for 87 years, and she is pretty spry!