bikram yoga...

workoutqueen628 Posts: 220
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I've recently taken a liking to yoga and pilates, and am thinking about trying Bikram Yoga. It seems like a hell of a good sweat, but I'm kind of scared I may pass out in there! Any hot yoga fans out there? Should i try it?


  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    I used to do Bikram everyday when I lived in Vancouver. It never feels as hot after your first session and (at least for me) I'm thinking about the poses and not how hot it is. You are allowed water, and you are welcome to lay down if you feel dizzy. I've known people who have done it for years who still lay down, sometimes you just need to. Its normal to feel dizzy or nauseous during your first few tries but its an amazing without.

    Let me know how you like it!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Try it , but try it at least twice.

    Why twice? Because the first time your only goal should be to stay in the room the entire time. Then, go back.

    The first time is very, very challenging...or not. My first time I thought I was going to die (I had a full-scale panic attack due to the heat and my claustrophobia). I've taken friends and they aren't overwhelmed by the heat at all.

    The only way to know is to try it.
  • Jelywa
    Jelywa Posts: 13
    I love hot yoga, it's an amazing workout and I feel like a million bucks when I'm done the class. There is no need to fear passing out, most instructors will tell you that if you are a beginner your only goal for the class is to stay in the room. I've often found lots of people in the classes will take breaks when needed so there is no need to feel embarrassed when you take a rest.

    My best advice would be to go in with no ego, that way you'll have fun and there will be no chance of hurting yourself from pushing too hard.
  • My friend has been going to hot yoga classes and absolutely loves it! She has been trying to get me to go........the only reason I haven't is because I am worried about my asthma acting up and my work and school schedule is conflicting with the times she likes to go. I say try it! The worst that can happen is you don't like it and you don't have to go back. As far as passing out, if it starts getting to hard to stay in there I'm sure you can quietly take your own break............good luck!
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    Did you try it? How did you like it?
  • YEP! :) I bought the two week new student introductory pack and have gone 5 times now!!! I am in love! Although the fifth time was really hard for me. I think I did too much too quick and had to take a breather the last 20 mins of class. I also ran that day as well, so I could have been not very well hydrated or just tired. I am a little scared to go back, but I will just take it slow.
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