Advice on coffee and Diet Coke??



  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    i developed IIH and the dr told me i should cut back.

    That would probably be reason to cut back.
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 441 Member
    I am a self confessed coffee addict! I drink about 12 cups a day.
    QUESTION: is this going to affect my weight loss?

    2nd Question: is diet coke REALLY that bad? i have basically cut out sugar but i do need a can of this heavenly mixture now and then... how bad is this? (i know diet coke has no 'sugar' but it has sweeteners which really are just as bad!)

    Both caffeine (found in both) and phosphoric acid (in Diet Coke) have been linked to increased uninstructed calcium losses which could increase your risk of osteopaenia / osteoporosis.
  • GADavies
    GADavies Posts: 62 Member
    How can you sleep if you drink 12 cups of coffee a day?
    Same as any other drug, you develop a tolerance. I replaced most of my coffee addiction with a diet pepsi addiction but even when drinking triple shot cappucinos I never even noticed an effect from caffeine.
  • CupcakeDefeater
    CupcakeDefeater Posts: 113 Member
    1. I love coffee. Every once in awhile I eliminate it just for fun. I have not noticed that coffee causes me any problems.

    2. By the way you word this question, tells me that you love your Diet Coke and are not open for information that doesn't support your current belief. In my experience, many MFP members share this trait (wanting only info that supports, not challenges, existing ideas) and if I present info that goes against that, I will be attacked and ridiculed. Do your own research, experiment with your own body.

    no i support alternate opinions, i just want to know from someone who isnt a major conspiracy theorist telling me its trying to brainwash me! (my best friend) but i will do some research, thank you.

    p.s i would never attack or ridicule anyone, not in real life, not on MFP!
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 441 Member
    I am a self confessed coffee addict! I drink about 12 cups a day.
    QUESTION: is this going to affect my weight loss?

    2nd Question: is diet coke REALLY that bad? i have basically cut out sugar but i do need a can of this heavenly mixture now and then... how bad is this? (i know diet coke has no 'sugar' but it has sweeteners which really are just as bad!)

    Both caffeine (found in both) and phosphoric acid (in Diet Coke) have been linked to increased urinary calcium losses which could increase your risk of osteopaenia / osteoporosis.
  • CupcakeDefeater
    CupcakeDefeater Posts: 113 Member
    i developed IIH and the dr told me i should cut back.

    That would probably be reason to cut back.

    sorry i didnt make that clear, he told me to cut back my working hours. it was a little over the top but one job was helping out a mate so i was a bit stuck for a while.
  • rainghirl
    rainghirl Posts: 203 Member
    And I thought I drank a lot of coffee, 5 today. I haven't found the coffee to be a problem, I did stop drinking it with sugar when I was losing weight and used reduced fat milk. I drink quite a bit of water as well though.

    Can't help with diet coke - I don't like soda / fizzy pop at all so it's not been an issue.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I am a self confessed coffee addict! I drink about 12 cups a day.
    QUESTION: is this going to affect my weight loss?

    2nd Question: is diet coke REALLY that bad? i have basically cut out sugar but i do need a can of this heavenly mixture now and then... how bad is this? (i know diet coke has no 'sugar' but it has sweeteners which really are just as bad!)

    Both caffeine (found in both) and phosphoric acid (in Diet Coke) have been linked to increased uninstructed calcium losses which could increase your risk of osteopaenia / osteoporosis.


    I'm asking because this would indicate otherwise, granted this is not the entire body of research:
  • CupcakeDefeater
    CupcakeDefeater Posts: 113 Member
    And I thought I drank a lot of coffee, 5 today. I haven't found the coffee to be a problem, I did stop drinking it with sugar when I was losing weight and used reduced fat milk. I drink quite a bit of water as well though.

    Can't help with diet coke - I don't like soda / fizzy pop at all so it's not been an issue.

    I guess that is where im lucky, i hate milky coffee AND sugary coffee. so i never had to give those up. well done!
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 441 Member
    I am a self confessed coffee addict! I drink about 12 cups a day.
    QUESTION: is this going to affect my weight loss?

    2nd Question: is diet coke REALLY that bad? i have basically cut out sugar but i do need a can of this heavenly mixture now and then... how bad is this? (i know diet coke has no 'sugar' but it has sweeteners which really are just as bad!)

    Both caffeine (found in both) and phosphoric acid (in Diet Coke) have been linked to increased uninstructed calcium losses which could increase your risk of osteopaenia / osteoporosis.


    I'm asking because this would indicate otherwise, granted this is not the entire body of research:

    The Prof. in the hospital that diagnosed my osteoporosis (when I was 21 years old).
  • rainghirl
    rainghirl Posts: 203 Member
    And I thought I drank a lot of coffee, 5 today. I haven't found the coffee to be a problem, I did stop drinking it with sugar when I was losing weight and used reduced fat milk. I drink quite a bit of water as well though.

    Can't help with diet coke - I don't like soda / fizzy pop at all so it's not been an issue.

    I guess that is where im lucky, i hate milky coffee AND sugary coffee. so i never had to give those up. well done!

    Thanks, luckily I don't like lattes or really milky coffee, just filter coffee with a splash of semi-skimmed or soya light and half a spoon of sugar to take the edge off. I did give up the sugar, but now I'm on maintenance I've been having it again. Stupid really, should have stopped when I had the opportunity!
  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    Black coffee is its own food group.
  • CupcakeDefeater
    CupcakeDefeater Posts: 113 Member
    Black coffee is its own food group.

  • GADavies
    GADavies Posts: 62 Member
    Black coffee is its own food group.

    The last of the five major food groups along with sugar, starch, grease, and burnt crunchy bits (as Sam Vimes says, the food group of the Gods).
  • bonnieellison96
    bonnieellison96 Posts: 50 Member
    I personally cut out all soda because I have trouble with that "moderation" thing ;) I would say maybe cut back a little (make it a treat?), but if you love it, don't deprive yourself of it =) I drink coffee and am consistently losing, you already said you don't put sugar in it and as long as you don't do creamer either, I don't think there's a problem with it (although the info about osteoporosis is accurate, so make sure you're getting your calcium and vit D in!), I actually put a 1/2 cup of almond milk in mine to boost up my protein and "good fats" for the day :D
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    12 cups of coffee! Wow! I would be jumping off walls
  • ehsan517
    ehsan517 Posts: 114
    i drink about 6-7 cups of coffee a day, with skimmed milk. gives me exactly what i need to get through the day, plus around 10g of protein. research has shown to a certain extent that caffeine oxidizes fat and speeds up metabolism a little...but not too sire about that and dont really care. i love it. low cal, and gives me a kick.

    now diet coke, is fine...contains aspartame which can cause cancer and also can make you crave more sweet stuff cause of the artificial stuff and also can make the body retain water thus making you bloated. i personally think a can wont do you any harm...depends on your goal...but long term consumption of diet coke is not advised generally for your health.
  • GADavies
    GADavies Posts: 62 Member
    now diet coke, is fine...contains aspartame which can cause cancer
    As Aspartame is probably the most well studied food additive in the world it's important to avoid spreading incorrect information about it. It can't cause cancer, there is no credible study anywhere that indicates otherwise.
    and also can make you crave more sweet stuff cause of the artificial stuff
    The effect is nowhere near as profound as with HFCS, insulin and Leptin levels are both raised by aspartame causing satiety. Remember aspartame is effectively two amino acids, one of which (phenylalanine) is both needed for health and cannot be produced inside the human body so must be ingested in food.
    and also can make the body retain water thus making you bloated.
    I see people say this a lot but have never been able to find any scientific evidence either way.
    long term consumption of diet coke is not advised generally for your health.
    There's no evidence of this either, a lot of fat and unhealthy people drink diet fizzy drinks but, cause and effect, that's usually because they're already fat and unhealthy. Thin and healthy people can afford to drink the real stuff.