3:30 PM

It is my downfall! Like clockwork, I am STARVING at 3:30 PM every single day! I eat some carrots or some yogurt or something but I really want something chocolatey and crunchy and deliciously bad for me. No, I do not give in but I wish this 3:30 thing would go away. Dinner is not until 7pm which cannot come soon enough!


  • luvinna
    luvinna Posts: 50 Member
    Have you tried any of the low calorie chocolate snacks made by Special K, or Slim Fast or (looks at the ad to the left...) Fiber One? One of those might satisfy your chocolatey/crunchy craving without adding a ton of calories.

    Or you could try buying a bag of mini size chocolate bars (pick your favorite), throw one in your lunch bag or purse every day and eat that at 3:30. Most of those are under 50 calories a bar. (Back before my company reduced our hours in November, we were working 9 hour days and every day at 3:30 - also known as choco-thirty - one of my co-workers would go around and give everyone a mini candy bar.) The trick with that is not letting yourself binge on them. :ohwell: