Keeping Fast Food Within Your Calorie Budget



  • jynnantonnyk
    jynnantonnyk Posts: 81 Member
    Soon after I started on MFP I started studying labels to see what was actually in the food I was eating. It soon shocked me that the 'healthy' chicken salad sandwich I was having at work was as bad as a double cheeseburger from McD's.

    So by preparing the food yourself, you can cut out most of the invisible crap they put in stuff.

    Obviously there are times where you're out with friends or not at home to cook a meal and have to grab something, I often go for something like curry and rice, just avoiding stuff that's fried and full of fat and cheese and all that kind of delicious goodness...
  • kbogati
    kbogati Posts: 39 Member
    I currently work at McDonalds and I have worked there for 7.5 years and I have NEVER seen anyone spray butter on the grilled chicken to keep it from being dried out. . If you don't sell it by the time the timer goes off, you waste and start fresh.

    If the McDonalds you frequent does this, I would not order ANYTHING from there, because it means they don't adhere to the rules in place to serve fresh food, and I would be worried about of food safety issues as well.

    The grilled chicken seems as if it is "dripping" because it makes its own juices in the tray it is held in. Just like if you were to put grilled chicken (cooked) in a pan with a lid directly off of a grill.

    good to know yours is better..but my sis and i have worked at 2 different McDs in this area and they both do it.