Weight Loss Deadlnes?

DP325i Posts: 677 Member
I've been thinking all day if I was insane for setting a weight loss deadline, and if anyone else is really doing it?

I'll start, Mine is the first day of summer i want my 6pack back.


  • I don't think it's insane. For some people it can be really motivating to know you have something to get done in a certain amount of time. I have a deadline of losing 12% of my body weight each quarter (i.e. every three months). I will need to be that focused if I want to reach my goal of losing 100 lbs this year. Good luck with getting your six-pack back!
  • Setting goals and working to achieve them is awesome. Just be realistic when setting them. If you honestly think that you can get to where you want to be, in the time frame that you have chosen, then go for it. Personally, I have long term goals and short term goals. The short term goals keep me from getting discouraged along the way to reaching my long term goals. Whatever you do, don't get discouraged. A deadline to reach goal suggests that if you don't make it you will quit trying. Don't quit!!
  • Deadlines can be stressful. I really stressed out about fitting into a dress by Christmas time. I did it, but it was stressful. That being said, a deadline can spur you on!
    Also it's good for the goal to be somewhat less restrictive than say, must lose X pounds by X day. The six pack is a great goal. My next goal is a size 12 sun dress hanging in my closet. Good luck!
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    My SIL got engaged on Sunday, the wedding is in October and I'm a bridesmaid. Gotta lose 60 lbs by then. I know I can do it! I've lost 10 lbs since the 27th of Dec :-)
  • glubben
    glubben Posts: 45 Member
    Im going to Hawaii on June 4th. I want to be close to 200 pounds by then.
  • I am hoping to lose my 53lbs before my fiances birthday on 29th August but as long as I am there this time next year I dont really mind.
  • I think deadline is essential. I mean you know to set goals and rewards etc.. It 's the best way to stay motivated. My final deadline is for June but I set mid-term goals: 1kg every two weeks etc and I reward myself.
    You may start a diet without any deadline but I think it is more difficult to stay focus. Anyway, a diet is a journey and we should not forget that the fight is not over after we lost our fat.. It's a commitment that remains for ever!

    (Sorry about my english, I'm french:) )
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I think that a deadline for any goal is good. Otherwise, it's too easy to just put it off until tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. But it's also important to be flexible. If it's nearly the first day of summer and you're only halfway to your sixpack, you've made good progress, but you're not going to reach the deadline. It's okay. Just reassess and reset your deadline (based on what you've done so far and how much harder you're willing to work). The big thing is to not beat yourself up, or get discouraged and quit, if you have worked and don't reach your deadline.
  • i've decided to set a bunch of mini deadlines, for myself if the deadline is to far away i always feel like i have plenty of time (yes i'm a bit of a procrastinator). So shorter deadlines keep me in check :smile:
  • xcarinarx
    xcarinarx Posts: 31 Member
    I need to lose 40 pounds by June.
  • I'm getting married in June....and don't want to be a FAT bride.... :-)
  • slowly_changing12
    slowly_changing12 Posts: 192 Member
    I have gave myself a weightloss deadline too.... I told myself to be down to 170 and have a nice lean muscle body by July........deadlines sometimes can be stressful but motivating too. If you dont meet your goal by then just dont get discouraged and try harder next time. that has always been the trick for me with my deadlines......and your not crazy for having one :)
  • jha1223
    jha1223 Posts: 141 Member
    This is what my mantra is with goals. I believe it is credited as a Burmese saying. I'm finally applying it to my health and not just my career:

    "Who aims at excellence will be above mediocrity; who aims at mediocrity will be far short of it."

    Set lofty goals for yourself. But, when you reach your deadline, measure yourself against your goal as well as from where you have come.
  • FerimElwin
    FerimElwin Posts: 1 Member
    Back when I was in high school, when the year ended, I would decide to lose 10-15 pounds over summer, with a deadline of school starting back up. This was an easy, reachable goal, and as long as I lost 1 pound per week, I'd reach it. The problem was it was too stressful for me, and I always ended up giving up. One big problem was that if I screwed up a week and didn't lose a pound, or worse, gained a pound, I'd feel demotivated, knowing it would be that much harder to meet my goal by the deadline.

    Now I'm in grad school, and instead of setting a deadline, I've set a target rate. Lose two pounds per week. Since I have a target weight I'm aiming for, this implies a deadline, but it removes stress for me in some ways. In particular, if I screw up one week and end up losing less than I want to, or gaining some weight, it's not a problem, since I can get right back to work the following week. Without the deadline, I never feel demotivated when I mess up.

    However, I can completely understand why others choose to set a deadline. But setting a deadline just isn't for me.
  • shellbellnz
    shellbellnz Posts: 115 Member
    I have basically set deadlines for myself. I have a set goal for the end of January which I am fairly confident I am going to meet, then another 5kg by end of Feb and then another 5kgs by end of April and will re-evaluate my goals then. By end of April I plan to be at a really good weight but may like to lose another few kilos. Will see how I go. For me I think goals are good and they help keep me focussed and motivated. Whatever works I say.
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    I'm going Spain around August time and I want to actually have abs I can show off instead of the layers of fat/flab I had 5months ago. Not sure how realistic it is but here's to striving for this particular goal.
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    I met one mini-goal yesterday, which was to get to 180 lbs by my birthday.

    I'd like to lose another 6 lbs by mid February so I'll be at the halfway point when a friend is coming to visit who hasn't seen me since I started losing.

    I'd like to be at goal weight by May 19, which is both my boyfriend's birthday and the 10th anniversary of our first date. I might fall a little short (my current avg loss per week won't quite get me there) but it's motivation to have that goal.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Realistic deadlines are fine. People who usually just "wing it" end up being procrastinators.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • FattyGoesByeBye
    FattyGoesByeBye Posts: 18 Member
    I am giving myself until 1/1/14 to lose my remaining 20kg. Or at least get damn close to it! I think if you have a goal/deadline you are more likely to keep striving, rather than thinking, oh, yeah, I want to lose that some time. If you have a set date or occasion if gives you something more concrete to work towards.
    So no, you're not crazy :)
  • TenaciousKelly
    TenaciousKelly Posts: 16 Member
    Since I started January of 2009 I've lost 190lbs. I have 20 last lbs to go. I was always in shape until an accident and health issues changed my life. I gained weight due to thyroid issues. I've adapted and overcome it. I've done it on my own through Change in food choices and workingout everyday. I have quality of life back and I love it. I can say I'm very happy now.
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