No late night "junk"snacking - March 8 - 14


Many times, we may have a great day as far as eating healthy, getting in our exercise, right up through dinner. But then the after-dinner munchies start to happen. We sit in front of the TV or we get a snack for our kids and we realize that we are eating potato chips, ice cream, chocolate bar, when in reality we didn't even really want it.

That is what this thread is about. For some of us, we make a cut off time that may vary from day to day and decide not to eat anything past that time at all (usually about 2 hours before bed). For other, we may make a resolve to simply not put anything processed in our mouths past that given time and keep everything natural.

Whichever way you do it, please come join us and encourage us and be motivated to keep your day healthy even past dinnertime.

WELCOME ANY NEWBIES, welcome back us oldie but goodies.


  • joliekarno
    joliekarno Posts: 11 Member
    This is exactly what I need. After dinner I was full and kept eating junk until I was WAY over my calorie allotment. Can I commmit to not eating after 10 pm? Here goes.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    This is exactly what I need. After dinner I was full and kept eating junk until I was WAY over my calorie allotment. Can I commmit to not eating after 10 pm? Here goes.

    Welcome. Set a goal that is good for you to work with. I had orignally set mine at 9, but then went to bed shortly after. I've since moved it to 7:30 on week days just to give my body time to digest before bed, but each person is different. Do what works for you. We are happy to have you.
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    I was 6/7 for last week. Onward and upward for this week.

    TeeTee - you will be in the body contest for sure the next time. You have great resolve and don't give up. It'll be great fun.
  • miss_alias
    This seems like a great thread! Late night snacking is my downfall. Just last night watching the Oscars I found myself stuffing my body with chocolate when I just had dinner an hour earlier. Not good! I'm going to set my cut off time for 7:30pm.
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    2 nights in a row. I counted to have frozen grapes, but it's 8pm and I am not hungry, so I will delete them from my diary. No need to eat them just because I can.

    Rosemary: Thank you for the encouragement. I am definitely hitting the gym hard and somewhat tempted since I am almost at my goal then I can start to tone and work more weights from there. Though, rumor is the next one will be in October, and I much rather be back in the states than participate in a body competition. We'll see. :wink:

    Welcome to all the newbies!
    My weeknight goals is 730 pm.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I'm one day up and one day down :angry: - after almost a month of being good, one would think I'd know better, argh! :grumble:
    Well, this is just to let you know I'm still around :smile: Keep up the good and inspiring work, everyone :flowerforyou: .
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    I'm one day up and one day down :angry: - after almost a month of being good, one would think I'd know better, argh! :grumble:
    Well, this is just to let you know I'm still around :smile: Keep up the good and inspiring work, everyone :flowerforyou: .
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    I'm one day up and one day down :angry: - after almost a month of being good, one would think I'd know better, argh! :grumble:
    Well, this is just to let you know I'm still around :smile: Keep up the good and inspiring work, everyone :flowerforyou: .

    Dewdrop 95% is still an A. It's awesome and inspiring to me. Just when I think it's getting easier it becomes difficult again.

    Monday was good for me.

    Why is time always so strange on the posts?
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    1/7 for me this week on "no late night snacking" and on keeping within my calories. I had the munchies last night, so thank goodness for this thread and knowing I'd have to report, or I would have started picking.

    Dewdrop - isn't it amazing how many ups and downs we have without even having a clear reason sometimes? But you will definitely get back on track, I have no doubts.

    teetee - good job on listening to your body. Because you mentioned the frozen grapes yesterday, I went and bought some and put them in my freezer for my little late snack. Didn't get any last night though, but probably will after the gym tonight.

    Rosemary - I love your positive attitude to dewdrop about the 95% and an A. Sometimes, stepping back and looking at the overall picture and success is what matters. But then again, for me, sometimes just having ONE DAY of success if a huge accomplishment :smile: Glad to have you to help us keep things in perspective.

    Have a successful evening ladies. See you tomorrow.
  • miss_alias
    1/7 for me.

    Wow is all I can say. Last night was the first night in a long time where I didn't reach for something to eat while watching reruns of The Office at 7-8pm. I'm pretty proud of myself! I also stayed within my calories and while I still think it's a bit off eating your exercise calories, I'm giving it a try and will hopefully see some good results when I weigh-in next Monday. Have a great day everyone! :smile:
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    Good job miss_alias, I think you will see some results over time. I've been really pleased with the MFP site. It really does work.

    I'm still 1/7. Tomorrow will be better. I really am happy though since I lost 2lbs from last week.
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Rosemary: Congrats on the 2 lbs! I definitely agree that MFP works.

    Dewdrop: I definitely agree with Rosemary, there are days that are difficult, the most important thing is that you get back up, not allow a mess up to mess your progress up.

    Miss_Alias: Its funny that you amazed yourself, but even better that you realize you are able to control your snacking habit.

    lulabelle: Thanks for the compliment, now I have to learn to listen to it when I eat out too. When I am at home, I have good control but when I go out, I just don't want to bring a doggie bag home.

    Last night was another successful night for me.
  • melsy78
    melsy78 Posts: 65
    Oh this is me!!!!
    I am a late night snacker - doesn't help that hubby works 3/5 nights - so it is just me watching TV and eating junk!
    Last night was good - nothing after dinner but tonight i had a Mars bar and 3 licorice logs - not so good!

    7:30pm is supposed to be my cut off point but I was hungry and I knew the food was there :(
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    2/7. Even got to have a kid's portion of fat-free Rita's custard. With sprinkles of course. My kids laugh at me because I really only eat ice cream so I don't look crazy eating just the sprinkles. Love my sprinkles. Pure sugar, but so yummy.

    How did you guys do?
  • jeh6050
    jeh6050 Posts: 2 Member
    Evenings and weekends are my bad times!

    Last night was good all day , porridge for breakfast, small sandwich and fruit for lunch. Went to the gym at lunchtime and resulted in me being STARVING by the time I got home from work. Thought I shoudn't have dinner at 6.15, and would wait until 7.30 ish, and would be OK to have a snack.
    So I had a piece of toast with marmite. Then I had a cookie. Then I had a mini egg, and another mini egg, until I'd had a whole tube of them, and that was the good day ruined! Then had dinner at the appropriate time, wasn't hungry afterwards, but thought "well, i've already ruined today, so i'll have another cookie", and proceeded to have one.

    I seem to justify this evening snacking to myself and then feel guilty afterwards.

    Any Tips?
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Evenings and weekends are my bad times!

    Last night was good all day , porridge for breakfast, small sandwich and fruit for lunch. Went to the gym at lunchtime and resulted in me being STARVING by the time I got home from work. Thought I shoudn't have dinner at 6.15, and would wait until 7.30 ish, and would be OK to have a snack.
    So I had a piece of toast with marmite. Then I had a cookie. Then I had a mini egg, and another mini egg, until I'd had a whole tube of them, and that was the good day ruined! Then had dinner at the appropriate time, wasn't hungry afterwards, but thought "well, i've already ruined today, so i'll have another cookie", and proceeded to have one.

    I seem to justify this evening snacking to myself and then feel guilty afterwards.

    Any Tips?
    You sound like I was until I found this thread. I now plan my day out ahead of time, sometimes the night before. Then I set an alarm to let me know when my cutoff time has come upon me. I have saved myself a bunch of useless calories this way. I started with a 9 p.m. cutoff time. Then gradually decreased it by 15 minutes until I'm now at 7:30 and happy. I also found a really good, strong peppermint tea that I sip throughout the evening as it gives me that "just brushed my teeth" feeling and the water is filling.

    I wish you all the success. Keep posting here about your successes.
  • miss_alias

    Last night I went to bed at 7pm to read for a few hours before calling it a night. It really helped being in my bedroom and as far away from the kitchen as possible in my house!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Dewdrop - isn't it amazing how many ups and downs we have without even having a clear reason sometimes? But you will definitely get back on track, I have no doubts.

    Well, mine was clear this time :smile: - I am not home on time, usually, and I do not want to grab crap in town, I'd rather have my healthy meals (that night I had eaten "raw" for instance). However, challenge-wise I am not eating according to plan :ohwell: .
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    hello everyone.
    I am sticking w/the challenge. So far, i have made it thru the whole month without any late night snacking (I won't say what I've done befoe my cut-off time :ohwell: - suffice it to say, good thing I've been stopping at 9:30!!:laugh: )
    Good luck!
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    2/7 for me.

    It helps me to not have junk food in the house. This calorie restriction doesn't leave much room for junk food at all because of the need to get in a certain # of fruits, vegetables, calcium, protein grams and nutritious fats. I'm guessing that when I get to my target weight that the maintenance calorie limit will be higher. But I want a healthy lifestyle eating habit that will last me for the rest of my life. I want to eat food that is nutritious, yummy and not too hard to get ready.

    Melsy78 - maybe with hubby gone your snacking is from boredom or feeling like you need a lift since you're missing him. You might try using that time to invest in yourself- like a little spa time or do your nails etc. I like to knit. I've got a project that I want to get done and I can't snack at the same time I'm knitting. But I can still watch TV.

    ZaZa - good to see you again