winter blues

how many of you get the winter blues/ seasonal depression ?:frown:


  • LGrill27
    LGrill27 Posts: 337 Member
    Me. Starts around Halloween and goes til mid January.
  • maryirice
    maryirice Posts: 9 Member
    I'm with y'all .. The past few days have been rough..
  • Me too. Mine starts when it gets darker earlier. I have a "Happy LIght" that I use regularly. It imitates the sun. I find too, that here in MN, with the temps getting so cold in the winter and the early darkness, it is difficult to maintain my desire to exercise. I really have to work at MAKING myself do something.
  • thetorontokid2
    thetorontokid2 Posts: 231 Member
    i get the summer blues! i really do, may - september, i am just depressed. it's just way too hot and i hate it.
  • I love Winter, it's Summer that gets to me for some reason.
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    I don't know whether its coincidence or SADS but I've had 2 episodes of depression in winter. First one Nov 2011, second started 3 weeks ago.
    However, I think that there were particular events/ build up of circumstances that caused and then retriggered this but I'm not ruling out a seasonal link too.
  • twill68
    twill68 Posts: 84
    sounds like we all have something in common, lots of exercise and eating right can def help! :wink: :wink: :wink:
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    Never! I love our Canadian winters! If I have the blues right now it's because we got that spring weather all of a sudden that brought rain and is melting the snow! Didnt get the chance to go snowshoeing yet!
    Good thing, It's getting cold again and I think it's gonna snow this week!
  • LittleMiss_WillLoseIt
    LittleMiss_WillLoseIt Posts: 1,373 Member
  • gym_king_carlie
    gym_king_carlie Posts: 528 Member
    Me :( but I had my reasons....pffffft love. lol

    but, onwards and upwards, the past is the past, today is a new day, tommorow is a new future :)
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I love Winter, it's Summer that gets to me for some reason.

    Me too! I hate summer! Give me the snow anyday!
  • sedwards9999
    sedwards9999 Posts: 160 Member
    I HATE HATE HATE winter. Mostly because I have a disability that makes getting around with even a small coating of snow and ice pretty much impossible.