Hello, I'm new (from southeastern Wisconsin)

Hello! Well, my New Year's resolution, like so many people, is to get back into shape. When I was married, I had gained a lot of weight due to overeating and being depressed. Two years ago, while going through my divorce, I got a part-time job in addition to my full-time job to help cover some of the extra bills. Well, while working my part time job, I lost 35 pounds and was back down to 130 lbs, which I hadn't been at since I was in my 20's. Last spring, I was able to drop the part-time job, which was great because it gave me more time to relax and more time to spend with my boyfriend. However, I've been packing back on the pounds as a result. I'm currently at 151 lbs. and would like to get myself back down to around 130 lbs. At that weight, I looked healthy and felt great.

I'm hoping myfitnesspal can help me with my goal. Any advice would be much appreciated, and it also would be nice to meet some new people on here in the process. Hopefully we can make it to all of our goals together :)