Workout Routine?

Hi there!

I'm new on MFP and am interested in meeting other women with goals similar to mine. I'm trying to lose that extra 25 pounds before swimsuit season. I'm at the gym every day and have been following a very strict high protein diet (mostly chicken and turkey) as well as veggies, fruits, greek yogurt, hummus and lots of water!!!

I'm super active and would love to hear what kind of workouts other women are doing to lose belly fat.

Feel free to friend me for support and motivation!!



  • ktrichards06
    I'm just getting back into the gym and I have a lot of weight to lose but I am taking it one day at a time! I am doing cardio and adding in weights slowly!
  • bridgetburgess
    So glad to hear!! The gym has become my best friend lately. I've always had such a hard time shedding weight, especially around my stomach, but I'm hoping this new lifestyle diet will be the solution!
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    Lately I've been doing spartacus. it's a great fat blaster. I do it twice a week. Do pitaiyo once a week for an hour..... running three times a week (with long runs on saturday morning).... and some other stuff thrown in there. working your lower body is great for shrinking your mid section.
  • bridgetburgess
    I've never tried spartacus before! I'll definitely have to check that one out. I do a lot of cardio but sometimes it gets boring being in the gym on a machine for an hour!! Thank you!!
  • ashleyranae09
    I follow a routine that includes HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training). Basically, my workout consists of a 30 minute treadmill or outdoor run where I alternate between an all-out sprint and a slow jog or walk, depending on how I'm feeling that day. It is a great way to burn fat and allows you to build up your speed and endurance simultaneously. Normally I begin with a walk/jog interval of about 1 to 2 minutes and then do a run interval of at least 1 minute. On the run intervals, try to run at about 80% of your effort. If you are just starting out with a HIIT program, starting with a walk/fast jog routine would be the way to go. If you stick to it, you'll notice SERIOUS results in your legs, abs, back...everywhere! I also mix in a strength training program. Mostly low weight and high reps to build lean muscle. The key is to not let yourself rest too long between sets. If you keep moving during your strength training, you can get cardio at the same time! Remember to eat lots of protein and drink lots of water! It also REALLY helps me to have a plan before I step in the gym. If I don't have a plan for my workout, I find myself just wandering around and getting nothing accomplished. Haha. Hope this helps!