p90x beginner w/ questions

havent tried it yet, got it today, just wondering how i should prepare before going balls deep into the program. or should i just bare with it and not prepare my body. ive been doing 30 day shred for two weeks, im still on level one, i am 5'5 140 lbs and i live a not so active life style. i havent done the fitness test, ill do it tomorrow but i am confident i will reach the minimum fitness level. Also, do I need the chin up bar and resistance bands? I found both things cheap online and dont mind spending 50$ for required materials that will give me faster results! Looking to talk to/ add people who have done the p90x. So confused! but still reading all the info.. thinking about starting tomorrow maybe.


  • I'm almost done the first week, I just have day seven left. You're going to need either the chin up bar or bands. You'll also need weights if you don't get the bands (the bands substitute for the weights or bar). I got bands that have a strap that goes into my door frame and stays there when the door is closed. This lets me use it at the angle you need for many of the movements. If you don't have that strap you'll need to attach it to the chin up bar. I got my band set at Wal*Mart for $18 and they work great and come with three different resistance bands.

    You should be fine to start the workout if you've been doing the 30 day shred. It's okay to modify the workout routine and you'll get stronger and better as you do the workouts. Let me warn you though, you'll be sore from the workouts, but they're totally worth it.

    As far as preparing yourself, I would just recommend looking through the nutrition booklet and deciding what type of food plan you'll do, and make sure that you have stuff to get you by. 50% of this program is what you're putting into your body.

    Hope this was some help! Good luck!
  • Starfish1125
    Starfish1125 Posts: 169 Member
    The beauty of P90X is you do it at your own pace. Do your best and forget the rest - Tony Horton. I :heart: him

    Anyhoo, if you can't get the chin up bar, definitely get some resistance bands. They will help you.

    I loved my first round of P90X and I'll definitely do it again -
  • ashuley
    ashuley Posts: 18 Member
    ah thanks guys :) i found some good deals on ebay for resistance bands and a chin up bar but i will def check out wal mart because thats a better deal! thanks again i am excited