How do people lose weight SO FAST?



  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    The rapid ones tend to be muscular males. Think of offensive linemen in football. They are way heavy, but underneath is pure muscle. When they stop over feeding, they get normal very fast. Females tend toward softer, smaller muscles. Don't worry about competing in weight loss, time is on your side and you will win!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Depends on how much weight a person has to lose, I lost 60 lbs in 6 months because I had a lot to lose.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    lose weight fast = gain weight fast
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    i have been following a 1500 calorie limit and exercise on my elliptical 1 hour to an 1 hour and a half EVERYDAY. i have lost 14 pounds in 14 days. it is possible. but it takes work.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I think the first thing it depends on is.. how much do they need to lose? Those who are very overweight will lose a lot, very easily at the beginning.

    Also, it just depends on how strict they are being with their food, how much exercise, etc.

    It took me from April 2010 to Sept 2010 to drop about 40lbs. BUT. I wasn't morbidly obese either.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    I think maybe the more you have to lose, the faster it comes off. At first.

    People who need to lose 100+ pounds might lose very quickly in the beginning. People like me who are battling vanity pounds will probably not see that kind of dramatic drop. Possibly because we are very close to our body's "happy weight" in the first place. That's what I'm hoping the problem is. :grumble:
    Yep. The rate and magnitude of weight loss depends on how much fat mass a person has combined with the health of their metabolism and size of deficit. The more fat mass a person holds, the more weight they can lose in any given time frame. However, some individuals, regardless of amount of fat mass, may assume unreasonably restrictive deficits which cause them to lose weight (fat mass and fat-free mass) too rapidly. This shouldn't be a race, and those who strive for the most loss in the shortest amount of time tend to have a very high rate of gaining it all back due to various reasons involving the decline in Resting Metabolic Rate and initial body fat percentage.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Easy go, easy come.
  • lindsyrox
    lindsyrox Posts: 257 Member
    I've been only losing 1 lb a week but this week i lost FIVE the only thing i changed was my sugar intake, i tried to cut out anything that had sugar in it, thats all i can figure. I doubt I'll lose much more but 5 lbs in one week is insane! worth a try :)
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    One of my gym friends is male, young (27), and about 200 lbs overweight.....he thinks about working out and loses 10-12 lbs a week. Blah. I'd like to have that too but it's just not to be.
  • Meamo
    Meamo Posts: 89 Member
    Great tips! wanted to just bump.but.
    do what u know to do first! good luck on your journey!
  • motown13
    motown13 Posts: 688 Member
    I'm sorry I posted this. I should have disguised it better, not that I felt like I said anything bad, but I offended one of my MFP friends. I apologize for that.
  • mmmyotwnz
    mmmyotwnz Posts: 119 Member
    I have wondered that too. I have been doing this legitimately since April 2012 and I am only to a 40.5 loss. It averages to a 1.2 lb loss a week..wish it were more.

    I have tried loosing fast- I plateaued. I tried working out all the time- I lost inches not pounds and then plateaued. I listened to a MFP friend say I was working too hard and I backed down the workouts, nothing. I have scaled back the calories to 1300-1500 daily and lost nothing, then I was told to do the Eat more to weigh less, ate when I wasn't hungry to get to the 2100 calorie goal set for me, and lost nothing for five weeks. I lost then only when I said that 2100 was more than I could do.

    After the holidays I bounced from 3 to 5 to 7 lbs over the last loss. I didn't log it because it varied so much and seemed to have no substance. I thought is was water weight from the different foods of the holidays and just took care to keep recording in my diary.
    I am now back to 5 days a week with heavy workouts and watching everything that goes in my mouth. I have reduced wine consumption, I haven't drank sugary drinks in a long time, nor eat a lot of sweets(even if I am craving chocolate). I am watching carb intake but am gluten and dairy intolerant, so my diet is strict in a sense. I drink my 9+ glasses of water like a good soldier and supplement with green or herbal teas with stevia. I log 99% of what I eat whether it was a great day or not. I have only gone over my calories one day in 260+ days.

    I was back down with in 2 ounces of my 11/14 last loss 6 days ago. This morning I got on the scale to discover that i was up 5.9 lbs after a very heavy workout week. I was stunned. I felt like the Chevy Chase character in Christmas Vacation where he can't get his lights to work after trying and trying. If there had been a Santa figurine close by, he would have went sailing. I am stumped now. I had a major pity party today and now have to get over it. I refuse to give up, just wish I would see some progress on the scales. I have a lot to loose yet, so moving down is a goal.

    So IF you find out, please let me know!!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I have wondered that too. I have been doing this legitimately since April 2012 and I am only to a 40.5 loss. It averages to a 1.2 lb loss a week..wish it were more.

    I have tried loosing fast- I plateaued. I tried working out all the time- I lost inches not pounds and then plateaued. I listened to a MFP friend say I was working too hard and I backed down the workouts, nothing. I have scaled back the calories to 1300-1500 daily and lost nothing, then I was told to do the Eat more to weigh less, ate when I wasn't hungry to get to the 2100 calorie goal set for me, and lost nothing for five weeks. I lost then only when I said that 2100 was more than I could do.

    After the holidays I bounced from 3 to 5 to 7 lbs over the last loss. I didn't log it because it varied so much and seemed to have no substance. I thought is was water weight from the different foods of the holidays and just took care to keep recording in my diary.
    I am now back to 5 days a week with heavy workouts and watching everything that goes in my mouth. I have reduced wine consumption, I haven't drank sugary drinks in a long time, nor eat a lot of sweets(even if I am craving chocolate). I am watching carb intake but am gluten and dairy intolerant, so my diet is strict in a sense. I drink my 9+ glasses of water like a good soldier and supplement with green or herbal teas with stevia. I log 99% of what I eat whether it was a great day or not. I have only gone over my calories one day in 260+ days.

    I was back down with in 2 ounces of my 11/14 last loss 6 days ago. This morning I got on the scale to discover that i was up 5.9 lbs after a very heavy workout week. I was stunned. I felt like the Chevy Chase character in Christmas Vacation where he can't get his lights to work after trying and trying. If there had been a Santa figurine close by, he would have went sailing. I am stumped now. I had a major pity party today and now have to get over it. I refuse to give up, just wish I would see some progress on the scales. I have a lot to loose yet, so moving down is a goal.

    So IF you find out, please let me know!!
    Stick with your program. To me it sounds like you have muscle swelling from the hard workout week, and that's the likely major culprit. Additionally, if it's your time of the month for bloating, that would contribute, and recent diet changes can be unpredictable on the scale- it takes 75-80 hrs to fully digest food so newly adding bulk to your diet could easily result in extra food in your digestive system if it's been slow. Stick to your program like glue. I am not seeing any major red flags that would cause real weight gain (as in, fat gain), and 5-6 lbs of fat in a week would be seriously hard to do anyway, so that all means its something temporary.
  • mmmyotwnz
    mmmyotwnz Posts: 119 Member
    Thanks... I am starting to notice clothes fitting differently again, but the tape measure is 'measuring' that yet.
    I did two workouts today to counteract the pity party. Unless I have something internal that is going on, I am just sitting not so pretty.
    Time of Month is an enigma since that particular organ is no longer with me, however the ov's like to make themselves known. I was in a horrible mood yesterday and no one could do anything right. That is 95% not me.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    very true.......
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    haha.... I'm cracking up over here. U sound like a me in the making.........
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Be patient when your body hits that stall point. I have been there as well. Your body is catching up to the changes you have made and adjusting. Keep going and you will overcome. I recently past this stage myself for the second time.
  • melmonroe
    melmonroe Posts: 111
    FACT: 3,500 is a REAL pound. Do the math!

    Usually your average person needs about 2,000 calories to sustain - so a complete fast is NOT a pound a day.

    But mainable intense 3-5 hour exercise routine and near fasting is close.

    Caveat: Too much work out and you are back to retaining water around injuries and stressed areas.

    If you do stall after a few weeks and you think that it is overexercise, if you don't already drink alcohol, eat light all day then fast (instead of having dinner) and instead of dinner, have a beer or two or three starting a few hours before bedtime (but do NOT eat anything except an aspirin (in case of hangover)-- then weigh first thing in the morning (after your first long potty break) to see where you are really at.

    Eye opener.
  • parkermegan
    parkermegan Posts: 167
    After my twins were born I did everything 110%. Every bite of food and every workout I gave my all. No cheats, nothing. I lost 4ish lbs a week the first couple of weeks then 1-2lbs a week. I didn't have a ton to lose and I think that makes the difference. This week for instance I have worked really hard with my workouts and always been at/under my calorie intake and haven't eaten back any of my calories (I haven't made the best food choices----not sweets etc, just processed/easy foods) but I haven't lost a thing. It's very frustrating.
  • prettigirl01
    prettigirl01 Posts: 548 Member
    You start by not eating sugary foods, fast food, sodas, etc. anymore. Then you become elite.

    even still u don't lose weight that fast. im assuming youre apart of the "elite"