Anybody doing low-carb?



  • Sasmin40
    I do! And it works for me.No more cravings, and feeling a lot better. Will send you a friends request. There's a group here on MFP you can join too.
  • Rehfer
    Rehfer Posts: 5
    Sasmin. Which of the low carb groups do you follow?
  • bearii
    bearii Posts: 15 Member
    I've been doing a version of the South Beach low carb which focuses on Net Carbs. Meaning you subtract your total fiber grams from your total carb grams. I'm keeping my Net Carbs below 35-40 a day.

    I set up MFP with my goal weight and timeframe so I'm at 2lb/wk for a target, calorie target of 1620 and an exercise target of 30min/304cal. I enter EVERYTHING in MFP and have found it very easy to stay in the Net Carb range by checking things BEFORE I eat them (phone app is great for that).

    By hitting the Net Carb and calorie targets faithfully (I haven't exceeded either yet) and exercising significantly more than the exercise target I'm down 39.4lbs this morning, it's my 50th day today. I feel great! I had my cholestrol checked a month in and it is fantastic, well into the healthy range!

    This is really more like a Paleo diet, lots of protein, salads (primarily leafy greens, have to check things carefully beforehand for carbs), no chips, bread, pasta (shouldn't eat all that processed crap anyway). You have to be very careful with fruit, check everything for carbs/fiber before you eat it!! I don't find it hard to get enough variety but hey, I love to grill and what's not to love about surf and turf on the grill - ha, ha! I even whip up veggie laden omlets some mornings, yum!

    And since I travel a lot it is an easy diet to eat on the road. If I order something like a burger though I insist they bring it without the bun or fries. If they forget and bring it anyway I send it back. I'm never that picky but I have decided this time enough is enough, I don't want the temptation anywhere near me!! It's working too, I just explain it to the server and usually they are more than helpful, some even get excited for me.

    Good luck, hope it works for you!
  • lolabluola
    lolabluola Posts: 212 Member
    for the past year, yep - love it.
  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member
    I'm doing low carb as well (just started a month or so ago.) I love it, because I never feel hungry lol.
  • garyobesedeleted
    garyobesedeleted Posts: 117 Member
    I am, I'm doing Six Weeks to OMG.
  • kmstieg
    kmstieg Posts: 58
    I am doing low carb....down 30lbs. since May of 2012.
  • kmstieg
    kmstieg Posts: 58
    Here is a great site to check out with some amazing low carb recipes that are simple and delicious.....