Running Motivation in the Winter

How do you all stay motivated to run when it is so darn cold out? I hate running on treadmills and try to avoid it at all costs, but it has just become so cold here in upstate New York. I used to run 20 miles a week approximately, and hoped to up that number, but instead I rarely run anymore.

Help please!


  • liittlesparrow
    liittlesparrow Posts: 209 Member
    Probably just going to have to stand running on a treadmill until the weather heats up. Or just layer the hell out of your clothes.
    Personally, I can't run outside when it's cold. My ears get to where it feels like someone is trying to drill inside my head from them. I hate it.
  • RekindledRose
    RekindledRose Posts: 523 Member
    I'm a new runner and I hate the cold, but if I can get my fat butt out in 18 degree F weather with 5-10 mph winds... you can too.

    I just wish I could afford come cx-w insulation stability tights! The wind cuts through my sweats and after I'm done running my legs hurt from thawing out!

    The first step to get out the door is the hardest. But I tell my kids "I'm going to change clothes and go for a run." Then they know I'm going to do it and I can't let them down! I'm their example, after all!