SBF2 Reboot Boogaloo! March 8th

yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Welcome to a new week.

I made it to the gym yesterday. It was nice to get my HR back up. We have some warm weather this week, so I plan on getting some bike rides in. Today is rain, so yoga and walking. Next week, with day light savings starting, I'll be able to bike to Monday yoga.

I need to take my CPR certification again. I better do it soon - if I want to keep my yoga job.

Warm weather, boogaloo.


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs.

    Wow, still more sunshine today, and a high of almost 60! Hope to spend some walking time with my husband, who gets back from the road today. (for whatever reason...this was a hard one...missed him more than usual)

    I think this week I'm going to skip classes (except yoga) and just work out on my own. I don't want the ego/competitive urge to make me push too hard and just make myself sick again, but I need to start working out. So, the elliptical/spin bike programable thingee shall be my partners this week. I miss my classes, though...especially zumba. I keep thinking "hey, I'm all better" and then someone lights up a cigarette at the bus stop or I have to run to cross the street before the light changes and I think "nope. not so much." We need all of our lungs, I guess.:wink:

    Also, I've been cleaning a bit this am, so with that and my walk later that should be enough activity for the day.

    Moderation in all things (even workouts) boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I am exhausted. We went to Longview today and saw Alex's doc. It went great, once we finally found his office! He is awesome! He didn't even charge us for the visit today. He said Alex looks great and seems great!
    It was raining pretty much all day and at one point I had to pull off the highway because I couldn't see in front of me. Tomorrow is sunny and we will be in Austin. Hello again Mary! I may get some walking in around the capital.
    Oh, Steve had the adoption papers all fixed up nice and neat so all my doctor had to do was sign them (remember he messed the office messed them up last week?), and we dropped them off last week. Steve went by to pick them up and believe it or not the doctor screwed it up AGAIN! All he had to do was sign it and date it! He messed up on the date. Thankfully it was only on one copy of each and it will be okay, but how incompetent can you be? Seriously? Not only that, we paid him an extra $100 out of the goodness of our hearts, for him to fix it and he had the nerve to say he doesn't want to deal with this adoption stuff anymore. What a....! If money will allow I am going to go to a different doctor to get my thyroid checked. That's just ridiculous. Gets my blood pressure up just thinking about it. If they would have just done what we asked in the first place he wouldn't haven't to keep messing with it! Vent over.
    It's late I need to get to bed. I guess I just needed to get that off my chest. Thanks for being here for me. :smooched:
    Night night boogaloo.:yawn: :yawn:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hi pebbles. It has been a rough day for me, too. There are some things at work that are not going well, and I am feeling really disheartened. I was thinking about your blog entry, V - figuring out how to feel it instead of eating it. I think I tend to eat it when I feel helpless, or I don't know what to do. Action and decisiveness are not my strong suits. :tongue:

    So, I ate some of it... but I also exercised. I ran two whole miles at 7mph (this is fast for me!) and then a third mile at a slower pace. Now I am doing my pushups. They seem a little easier than last week. Also, while the weather wasn't quite as warm here, it is still sunny, which is great for my midday walks. I am considering doing a 5 mile race on Saturday - I only found out about it last week, and I was all psyched until I looked at the forecast and saw rain. Mid-forties and rain sounds bone-chilling... but who knows, maybe it will be nicer since I'll be running and hot. :huh: I have until tomorrow to register at the cheap price.

    MM, sorry your paperwork has been such a hassle. Mary, I hope your kitties have a better week! V, deep breaths (as your lungs allow). :wink:

    Last set, boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    7 mph is fast for most people :happy:

    Should be nice in Austin, MM. You can always show Alex the crack in the capitol floor - and spin him around while he looks at the ceiling.

    I forgot to mention that I tried my 1-2 minute jogs in the barefoot shoes - no ill effects so far. It feels like a lighter jog (could be the shoes only weigh about 6 oz) - but it's been so long since I moved at faster than a walk, it was still tough.

    I finally got all my paperwork, so today I will do our taxes. Walking and biking will be required, though the taxes are easy this year.

    Tax time, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    CP, for me 5 mph is "running". 7mph feels like a sprint.

    I just finished my morning round of marking. I've broken it down scientifically into how many I need to do a day to finish by Sunday. This is a much better system than my previous one, in which I crashed through all my marking in the day or two before deadline. Once a procrastinator, always a procrastinator. The other thing is, I have noticed that I can actually eyeball an assignment and get an impression of what the grade is. Upon further examination, I am almost never wrong. An "A" paper looks pretty. Organization shows just on a surface glance. A shoddily written "C-" looks like one. Think of all the time I could save if I didn't care enough to actually read my students' work!

    Other goals for the day: haircut, groceries (fruit and veg is needed in my house, in order that I might eat them more often) and gym yoga this pm. I was talking to my trainer, and telling her that I was frustrated. I described how yesterday, I went out and walked for about two hours (slowly around and window shopping with my husband) and scrubbed my bathroom and kitchen and did some laundry and I was really tired. She said "that's what normal (non-working-out) people feel like. You usually go above and beyond normal. Just be normal for a couple more weeks." Kind of put it into perspective. My old lifestyle was so inactive...and nowadays, just a normal non-workout day is maybe five-ten times more active than an old normal day. When I first moved up here, I walked to a store (it looked closer on the map) and it seemed like a 12 mile hike (it was about 3 miles). Now, that's a light day of walking for me. I saw a film recently that pointed out that the average city-dweller is 8 pounds lighter than your average suburb dweller. Interesting...I'm thinking of getting a new pedometer (I lost my old one) and wearing it.

    Patience and self-discovery boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    CP, way to go on the running!
    Where'd Bobbie go? Did I just miss her posts?
    V, I wish I had as much energy as you usually do. :smile:
    Mary, it was a nice day in Austin. I didn't know about the crack in the capitol floor. And I laughed at spinning Alex around while he looked at the ceiling. He would have loved that! :laugh: I enjoyed walking around in it and Alex seemed to enjoy it too. He liked looking down to the bottom floor and pushing the buttons for the elevator. :tongue:

    The trip to Austin really isn't a bad one. It always seems like such a long drive to San Antonio which is only another hour away. We got the paper work done and to the post office for its overnight flight to Alaska. We think we will be receiving our court date at the end of next week! Olga said it's usually about 4 weeks out. So we should be going about mid April and bringing M home late April or early May. 18 months after this process began. I get nervous and a little scared and quite often still have thoughts of how did this happen or are we really doing this? lol. Answers: I don't know and yes we are! :laugh:
    This has not been a good "lifestyle change" (I was going to say diet, but that's not my goal) week for me. Lots of sitting on my bottom and eating out. Not a good combo. But it's been productive. I was going to go walk/run this morning but I'm still tired/worn out. I will try to go in the morning though when I don't have a lot planned.
    Today is horse therapy and eye appointments this afternoon. Church tonight. MIL is leaving tomorrow (I've been so thankful to have her here to help), and I have about a day to get things cleaned up before my family comes for the weekend (which already includes more eating out planned :sick: ). I'm trying to mentally prepare myself to get a salad for lunch today instead of what I would usually get.
    Eye charts boogaloo!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    I feel like I should check in, but I don't know what to say. This work stuff has me really out-of-sorts. And I didn't sleep well (related?). Dance class was OK last night - we practiced balancing plates on our heads while dancing (in preparation for more fancy props like swords). Tonight I will probably run again, and do pushups. My back is sore, but it's not from working out - it's from cats sleeping on me at night. :huh: I'm a sucker for making cats comfortable.

    I sometimes fantasize about living in a different city where I actually can walk around to a lot of my destinations. I walked a lot on my semester abroad and lost probably ten pounds without even trying. But, there are always trade-offs, I guess. Complicated commutes don't appeal very much.

    I almost said the opposite of dishearten is rehearten. :laugh: I need a little reheartening right now.

    Heartening, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Glands swollen, throat sore, exhausted, and coughing again. :grumble: Unhappy boogaloo.

    Resting instead of cardio today. Some marking scheduled, some reading scheduled and not much else. Boo.

    Sorry things are so weird at work, CP...that is such a drag.

    Slow and steady healing thoughts boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    The story I heard about the crack in the floor in the center of the Texas capitol: the guy that was painting the ceiling, fell and caused the crack. Don't know if this is true and couldn't find it on the internet - weird, right? I remember when I was 16, I was taking a guy from Europe (that was visiting my Dad's company) around Austin before his flight out. I took him to the capitol, and he asked what the 6 flags over Texas were - I didn't know them all - but I have since, never forgotten. I also got lost on the way to the airport - quite an embarrassing day. (US, Texas, Confederate, Mexico, France, Spain, btw)

    I did my taxes and got my cpr certification yesterday. It's nice to have that done. Did some yoga at home to prepare for Thursday's class - went for a bike ride and walk as well.

    Hope things improve for all!

    Six flags, boogaloo.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hi Mary,
    I was intrigued by your story about the capitol floor and couldn't resist a challenge to find something on the internet. I found a couple references to the story from tourists, but then I found a magazine article that says it is not exactly true - a worker painting the dome did fall to his death while it was being built, but that was before the floor was installed. The crack was apparently just caused by temperature changes. Here's the link (I hope): capitol building crack floor&pg=PA88#v=onepage&q=&f=false

    I am such a geek.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Just a quick update, though I posted it on FB.
    Alex is getting glasses. His eyesight isn't bad, but he's farsighted and that's why he's blinking a lot when looking at thing up close and his eyes are crossing when looking far away. The doc wants us to take him to an ophthalmologist in a couple of months to see if the glasses are correcting it or if he needs anything else. It's going to be weird seeing him in glasses but I am SO glad we finally got him in to see what's going on! His eyes have been crossing for over a year. It's going to be two weeks before he gets them. I'll try to post a pic or at least put it on FB.
    I'm going to try to get out for a run in the morning. MIL will be here for the morning so maybe I can go longer. My fat is collecting everywhere but it's mostly in my bum. Not like I needed more there. The time change this weekend might throw me off because it will be dark in the mornings again. I don't know if I will want to do it in the dark.
    I'll try to check in tomorrow.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    What warm weather we are having - just in the mid 70s each day. Perfect biking weather. I don't know what the plans are today - depends on the guy that is working on my house. He's retired, so he only works a couple of hours at a time.

    Now that you reminded me, CP, I do remember hearing that.

    Bobbie, where are you??

    I'm teaching an experimental yoga class tonight - I'm using songs to time the poses. It may not work. I don't usually use music in my classes, but I'm subbing a class that always has music. Most of the songs are instrumentals, but I also have a Beattles and Patsy Cline song. The music I use for myself wouldn't go over that well. I don't think many people thing NIN and yoga go together.

    70s, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Still struggling today. I think I overdid this past weekend/first few days of the week. I'm not sure. All I know is this is very difficult. I just want to be able to depend on my body. Also, I confess that I'm jealous of bike-riding weather. I'm torn between my desire to stay in a big city and to find a job in a place that I feel safe riding a bike. (when job hunt time comes).

    On the list today: rest. marking my goal number of papers. more rest. My husband left for the road again, so I have zero rest distractions, and no need to speak (my throat is crazy sore and irritated) My body is saying "go to bed and sleep." So, I'm going to give it what it wants. I'm also going to take an allergy med. to see if that's part of the problem. (? I just don't know...)

    Oh, and Mary...the other night at gym yoga the teacher had a Pogues song on her mix (I'm pretty sure it was fairytale of new york...gave me a laugh...but I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who noticed it.) The savasana track was "a kiss to build a dream on" by Louis Armstrong. I thought..."hey, did she steal my iPod?") I have mixed feelings about music in class, because for me I always go into deep listening analysis mode (job hazard) and it's hard for me to experience music as "background". I do like it when teachers play classical Indian music. I once gave a teacher a shakuhachi (japanese bamboo flute) cd, which I also enjoy when I meditate at home. But, hey, doesn't NIN go with everything?

    Good day to all my pebbs, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Urgh - Iggy may have a URI now. Poor guy. I'm so ready to have healthy cats again. Scary thing is, this could spread. It's fairly easy to treat though.

    Yoga class went well last night. Today is another class and a walk or bike ride this afternoon. I think I need some sunshine.

    That's all for today, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    Just checking in. Managed a very moderate walk yesterday. I called up an old friend who is a nurse yesterday and she gave me the what-for. Essentially, she told me to be prepared to be sick for a while and not to push myself cardio-vascular-wise. The problem is, I feel fine, push it, and then feel for a day, feel fine, push it, and then feel terrible....repeat. She also could not believe that I didn't get put in the hospital...but I don't think I was THAT bad. I wish I could manage my health on a calendar, but I must accept that I cannot. Pout. I go back in two weeks for a chest x-ray to see if all the gunk is gone. Gunk be gone!

    My goal today is to walk home from the subway if the rain stops and I feel up to it after teaching. If it's still raining, I'm doing a short yoga practice at home.

    Poor Iggy is having a rough time of it. He and I should start an inter-species support group.:tongue:

    Patience is a virtue boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    I haven't wanted to check in because things haven't been going that well this week. I ate out a lot (more than even I wanted to) and barely had time to work out. Yesterday I swept off the front porch and driveway, so at least I did that. I may not betting getting work outs in per se but I am trying to stay more active.
    Found that another rat had gotten in the potatoes again this morning. :explode: I was so irate. DH had to calm me down. I'm so tired of this! We are seriously looking at trying to move between the court date and bringing M home. We'll have about two weeks in there to do that. I know it's going to be chaotic but it might be best to move then. We'll just have to see how things go. It dawned on me this morning that it could be as early as six weeks. So I think I am going to start packing and throwing away this week.
    I'm finishing up the Biggest Loser from earlier this week (listening to Alex scream in his bedroom) and then I am going to get to work. I'll check back in soon.
    Doing it in faith boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I would be angry about the rats, too. Has your landlord called an exterminator? Because that is just nasty. In some places, a rat problem can condemn a building. I'd check that out...maybe if you hit him in the pocketbook? But, I'm so sorry you have to deal with that, when you already have plenty.

    Sounds like we're all going through trying stuff right now. I wish we weren't. I always try to say "I'm learning (x,y,z) when I'm going through something..." but even that is getting old to me. I know that I am being taught patience. Again. I wish I'd learn it already, I'm tired of waiting!:laugh: (I make a joke!)

    It's gray and windy and rainy here today. If my energy level is good this afternoon, I may go to the gym and use the elliptical. My goal would be twenty minutes at a slow pace. My new gym feels like a private gym (think nice hotel gym, with a little more equipment) and I'm often the only person in there, so no ego. My joints are starting to hurt, and I need to move them/warm them up. I'm trying to make that be the only goal of the workout.

    I haven't weighed myself, but I think I've lost weight. I live in a very "neighborhoody" neighborhood, so I know the people who work in the markets, butcher, drugstore, name. (my bank teller sent me a "get well soon" card) Yesterday on my little shopping errand, three people said "you've lost weight". Maybe coughing is cardio after all. Also, my pants are getting, yay?

    Patience, patience, patience, lord (and please hurry) boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Maybe you can borrow someone's rat terrier, MM? I heard they do a great job.
    Take it easy, V.
    Hope things are improving at work, CP.

    Two things that have improved my happiness: gratitude and not wishing my life away. I've only learned this recently. If I'm grateful for what I have and those around me, and I stop thinking "I can't wait until _____" or "wouldn't it be great if only _____ would happen," I'm a much happier person. With that in mind: I am grateful for antibiotics. I have a wonderful home for my kitties. I am healthy enough to practice yoga today. I've never had to worry if I have enough money for food. I have indoor plumbing (the best invention, ever). I have so much.

    Enough with the seriousness. I didn't get my bike ride in yesterday - I was asked to make perogies. Yoga class was good though. Today - bike ride. Oh my, the first ride of the year is in 2 weeks. How did that happen? Husband hasn't ridden in a very long time! He'll have to get moving as well.

    Fortunate, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good Saturday morning!
    It's cool outside right now but it's suppose to be beautiful today. I love the sunshine! That's what I'm grateful for! Along with many other things.
    We've been house hunting and realizing that it's not going to be that easy. We are trying to get our rent to go down or at the very least stay the same, and yet be able to get one more bedroom. I also realized I need to start packing up some things that we don't use often so I can start getting ready to move. Then DH told me this morning he is not going to pay for a truck to tow my camaro this time, so I need to get it at least driveable. :huh: I have to put on the driver door, the front "bumper", and bolt in the seats to make it driveable. Sounds easy right? Yeah, I can do it in a snap. That's why it's been sitting in pieces for the last five years.
    I went for my run/walk this morning. It wasn't easy. I struggled but I did it. Now I am going to go work on the garage and my car. My focus today (besides the car) is watching how much food I inhale. I felt sick to my tummy last night because I overate. I felt fine while eating but later it felt like the food expanded. :sick: Not good. So I am going to try really hard to pay attention to that today. I told myself this morning that I could be going back to Russia in five weeks. I could lose 5-10 pounds in those five weeks if I at least try. So I am going to put forth some effort. If I have to pack and put my car together then that means I should be more active.
    I'd better get to work before motivation runs out.
    Patience for us all boogaloo!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Yay, I did it! I did the 5 mile run this morning, even though it was cold and drizzly. I was really nervous about it, because I don't have any fancy running gear - I thought I'd be too cold, or hot, or my clothes would get super heavy from the water or I'd get blisters. I thought I was going to have to work today, so I had pretty much accepted that I wasn't doing it, and talked myself into not being disappointed because the weather was going to be bad. Then when it turned out I didn't have to work, I felt obligated to run since I told people about it. :laugh: But it turned out fine - it didn't even rain the whole time, and I was happy that I finished and ran the whole way. I think my official time was 53:40, but my watch called it 53:00 because it took a little while to get to the starting line. So, yay! My favorite part was the guy parked along the route blasting Flogging Molly from his car speakers wearing big green Incredible Hulk gloves (the run is sponsored by an Irish pub a couple of blocks from my house). That made me smile, and I was singing 'Rebels of the Sacred Heart' for most of the rest of the run. :bigsmile:

    I am hoping that the run makes up for some, uh, indiscretions yesterday (involving more than one donut). My exercising has been better than my eating lately. In other news, we're finally going to see Avatar this afternoon. MM, good luck with your house and car. Mary, good advice - and have fun riding. V, slow and steady! :wink:

    Runnin' of the Green, boogaloo!
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