FRUSTRATED - Back Pain - any suggestions???

mynulife Posts: 28 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Hello, I have been on MFP since the beginning of February - and it has made a TREMENDOUS difference in my life - I feel better (well felt better) and I have hope that I can lose this extra weight! I am aproaching 40 in a few months and have never been very active until now. I have been doing WII fit every day for about 30 minutes (varying the activities that I do). Up until now I am sure you are saying "so what's the problem!" However that's where the good news goes south and I need some help. Just last Thursday I started with severe back pain when sitting or standing for too long the Dr. says it's a disc - the Chiroprator says it's muscle - probably because I have never been active and am now! My frustration is that I DON"T want to backslide and destroy all I have accomplished. I already found myself eating stuff this weekend that I would not have eaten since starting MFP. I know this sounds like a pity party for me but has anyone had this problem - any suggestions????


  • healthychoices
    healthychoices Posts: 4 Member
    IF it is disc problems, then I suggest physical therapy with core training exercises. Yoga is also a good way to stretch and tone. I have had disc problems with physical therapy and chiopractor decompression therapy. I'm an avid runner and cyclist as well. If I do my stretches and treatments, I"m pretty good to go.
  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    Hello! I would chill on the Wii for right now and a light yoga might be good for it too. I have the knee thing so I've had to find exersizes that are knee-friendly. Try a heating pad for 20 minutes before exersize and an ice pack for 10 - 15 after. sometimes if you can take it, an anti inflammatory like ibuprofen will help too, but ck w/ dr first. I know the heat/ice alternating b4 and after exersize has been helping me.

    Maybe give up the twisting etc on Wii active for a bit and just walk? That should be kinder to your back for a bit.
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    I had extreme back pain for 2 weeks straight - out of commission and could not go to the gym, sit, stand or was killing me.
    I narrowed it down finally after trial and error and pinned it down to my running. It seemed everytime I ran on the treadmill - about 2 days later is when I felt extreme back pain that was unbearable. It was my form and the way I would lean when I ran and probably also the shoes I was using - not a lot of support. Once I took running out of the equation - I have not had back problems.

    I have also started watching my form in everything I do including strength training because I do not want to go through that hell again. SO far so good. But it could be a number of reasons for back pain, just giving you my personal story.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I would suggest low impact activites- yoga (nothing too intense), tai chi, walking, and light strength training.
    If it's a disc it could lead to other issues...pinched nerves, a fully slipped disc, ect.
    If it's a muscle it should heal rather quickly (it it doesn't feel better within 3 weeks...go see a doctor and get x-rayed just to be sure it isn't a disc issue).
  • mynulife
    mynulife Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you everyone! I haven't started back on any exercise yet - I think I will try just the freestep on Wii Fit Plus. and Surprise I just weighed in and I am actually down - only .7 but that was a big motivator for me! Have a super day:flowerforyou:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    OK, well, first things first, forget the exercises, seriously, until you know EXACTLY what the problem is, don't do ANY exercises that could make it worse. That means anything with ANY impact in it, or any load bearing exercises. Basically until you get a real and true diagnosis, do nothing bur recumbent bike and maybe some elliptical if that doesn't hurt (no impact, and maybe non-weight bearing exercises).

    Second, get an MRI done and don't get it looked at by a GP doctor, have it looked at by a spinal expert. My wife has a severely bulged L4 disk, it took us 4 different doctors until we finally got angry and demanded a referral to a specialist before we got someone that knew what they were talking about. Her back is still weak, but she's getting there, and now she knows when to stop her exercise before it gets bad. Up until the specialist the doctors kept saying "Well, it's hard to tell because it's not currently fairing up but to me it looks like ... blah blah blah!) The expert came in, took one look at her MRI and X-Ray and was like oh look, you have a bulging L4, you need 3 months of light rehab then you can start easing back in to more load bearing exercise. No question, no discussion. Done. It was very refreshing.

    Back injuries are very brutal if not treated, until you get a confident diagnosis, and are able to speak with a rehabilitation trainer (someone with a degree in sports injury rehab) you don't even want to go anywhere near any load bearing or twisting exercises. Seriously, even walking has impact, which can jar the spine.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    bump to read a bit later :)
  • mynulife
    mynulife Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks everyone! I just walked really slow at lunch and after work took the boys to the school's track and walked just a little - 3 times around and boy I feel great - I missed doing something every night! I will heed the warnings that everyone has given - thanks so much - I am going to a chiropractor that has been working with me for years and so far he has been right - we'll take one day at a time. Happy Exercising! Oh and SHBoss1673 - I am glad your wife is doing better - good luck.
  • mynulife
    mynulife Posts: 28 Member
    Hi All,

    Just an update - After several Chiropractic appts. and a new mattress - I am 99% back to normal - Thank God! Dr. says to very slowly work up to exercising. I am starting at just walking and will go from there. Have a SUPER Week!
  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    thanks for the update nulife...glad to hear you're feeling so much better!
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