what makes this time different

I'm sure that a lot of you have dieted and then gained the weight back and said that the next time was for real. I am guilty of doing that a few times but I have come to a crossroads in life. I realized that I am no longer getting any younger (I really freaked out about turning 30) but I also realize that it is not okay to be my age and have already been on high blood pressure medication and cholesterol medication (been on it since I was 26) The real kick in the pants was went I went to have my regular blood work done and my fasting blood sugar was 105. My doctor was concerned and wanted to check everything in 3 months. I had lost about 10 pounds in those three months but I didn't really change how I ate (I just didn't eat out as much. I brought leftovers for lunch because we went from having an hour lunch to 30 minutes and that's not enough time to go anywhere). My fasting sugar went up to 112. Now because of that I had to take a glucose tolerance test and they tested my A1C. I should know the results of that some time this week. To be honest, I'm nervous because the A1C tracks blood sugar for the last 3 months and we had all the yummy holidays in the last 3 months. But in March it is going to get tested again along with the cholesterol and all that other fun stuff.

With this dark cloud of bad health hanging over me I am determined to have a better test result in March. I am confident that if I track what I eat that I will be able to get better test results. I am too young to be having these issues. Diabetes runs in my family. My mom was type 1 and my dad was type 2. My dad died when he was 47 from complications of the type 2 diabetes. I was 16 years old when that happened. You would have thought I would have learned from that but sometimes you don't learn until you get scared for yourself. And then when I was 22 my mom died from a heart attack. Type 1 is totally different but it still really hurts the body.

I have been tracking "this time" since the January 2nd. I feel better already about almost 5 pounds are gone. I am able to find all sorts of healthy recipes online and they actually taste good. It actually seems a little too easy with some of the recipes. I have been bringing left overs to work and not going out to eat nearly as much.

I know that this time is different because it has to be. I am done with the medications (and spending money on them) and I am done being unhealthy.

Thank you for "listening" and I wish you all the best on your journey.


  • mmoonstars
    mmoonstars Posts: 103 Member
    I got started with MFP for the same reasons, at 20 something I thought it was crazy to be on BP meds and have borederline other health#'s so I'm working at it hard again. Feel free to add me for support