Why wasn't I as sore this time?

Ok so I've now done 3 boot camp classes. They are run about 3 times a week but I can only make it to 2 a week. So after the first one, I was sore not the day after but the day after that and it continued for about 4 days then subsided. I then did another class and thought I'd be really sore afterwards but I wasn't (and I did more weights this time). I have now done my third class and still not really sore. I know I worked hard and every class is different but does this mean its not working? I'm feeling a tad disappointed... Lol!


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Don't be. Soreness is not an indicator of an effective workout. It's just soreness. Once your body adapts to whatever program you're doing you'll become less and less sore. Doesn't mean it's not working. Just means you're not sore.,
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    No, it means your body is starting to adapt to being worked out. As DavPul said, soreness is not necessarily an indicator of an effective workout.
  • cherriegh
    cherriegh Posts: 196 Member
    I also was wondering the same thing, yesterday i did heavy lifting Stronglifts 5X5 and was stiff for a bit in the gym but i'm not sore at all but before i wouldn't even be able to walk properly.....