staying motivated

Hi, everyone i have been working out now since november 30 i have doen quite well i started off at 173 pounds and now weigh 155.5 pounds so i am doing well but now it is march and for some reason i am so not up too working out and eating right. my best friend is incredible and has been a great help to keep motivated at this time she has lost 10 pounds too. does anyone have suggestions to stay motivated and stay on track. this weekend i think i ate anything that came in contact with my hands,mouth etc!!!! thanks


  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I lost motivation about a week and a half ago due to the same workout routine. I switched that up by starting to train for a 5K and dropping down my sessions at the gym. I was getting tired of being inside and seeing the same people at the gym and being outside (despite the sub-30 degree temperatures) definitely helped me. Seeing results keeps me motivated...both on the scale and in terms of taking my measurements. If you aren't taking measurements, I highly recommend that you do! In terms of eating right, if I eat well and stay under my calories and sodium, I allow myself a few pieces of chocolate as a reward. Try to switch up what you're eating perhaps too? I was eating the same thing day in and day out for breakfast and lunch and have been switching it up and that's definitely helped keep me less bored with my food. Good luck!
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    It's starting to get nice outside, you could try and set an amount of time to be outside a day or week. Maybe go for a walk or a run a few times a week. The fresh air will feel great! Your friend and you could do it together! Just an idea.