i NEED help please...

hiya, am after some support and words of encouragement...i need to lose about 2.5stone (35lb) but cant seem to get my head in the right place to just get it done....i know i can do it,but i've lost all faith in myself in being able to do it, and then just think "sod it, lets eat, drink and be merry" lol......

can anyone offer some advice, real words of wisdom ?!?!!?!?

i dont mind straight talking, i think i need it to be honest !!!!!!!


  • deedeeFP
    Your doing great so far. I see you lost 10 pounds, that's great. I'm trying to loss alot of weight and I think if we take it one day at a time and realize that losing 1 to 2 pounds a week is best will get less frustrated. the buddy sysem on this site and being patient will help. Before you know it those 30 pounds will be gone. Just in time for SUMMER! :smile:
  • Danni1585
    Danni1585 Posts: 250 Member
    i wont judge you. For me it was admitting I was unhappy being fat, and deciding there was no quick win or easy fix. This forum really shows perserverance pays off. Its flippin hard work, but you have loads of people here to help. Invest time here, reading other peoples stories or getting in touch and making friends. You can do this if you really want to. Other thing to consider is how you feel now? Do you feel happy or fulfilled? I guess not so stick with it
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    bro tip#9 man the fuark up!

    :) add me ill encourage u lol
  • okidoki7
    okidoki7 Posts: 151 Member
    thank you so much for your replies...

    im not happy with how i look, but am very happy in my life, so i guess i sometimes gloss over the weight issue and forget how important it is to me...

    i need to be patient with losses and accept that i need to change things in order for things to change....thanks very much, its nice to be bale to get my thoughts out of my head lol..
  • okidoki7
    okidoki7 Posts: 151 Member
    bro tip#9 man the fuark up!

    :) add me ill encourage u lol

    exactly that lol.....thanks :)
  • hunter1025
    hunter1025 Posts: 281 Member
    You can add me.
  • Frenchy86
    How bad do you want this?
    It seems to me you dont want it bad enough....

    Think about how acomplished and great you will feel in yourself for achieving your goals; use this to motivate and will yourself to get going!

    I cant drag you out of bed in the morning you have to want this badly enough to be your best motivator!

    Lastly....YOU CAN DO IT!
  • Noni2863
    Noni2863 Posts: 36 Member
    I too was pretty happy with my life 35lbs ago. After more than five years of no loss I was even beginning to think that I didn't really want/need to lose - I just needed to get my head round the size I was AND find a style that suited me. Plump and happy was obviously what I was meant to be.

    15lbs down - for the first time in 5 years I found myself allowing photos not only to be taken, but also tagged on Facebook
    25lbs down - wore jeans and smart top to a business social event - started getting compliments
    35lbs down - I feel so, so much better. I can walk up hills without getting out of breath. I have energy and enthusiasm to do things. I now plan what I am going to wear - not just think "that'll do"
    I still have a way to go - but I can honestly say that it just keeps getting better.

    So I suppose my words of wisdom are - do you want to feel even happier than you are just now? Well you can.
    Here are my hints and tips if they help at all:
    get your head round a week at a time not a day - max 1lb a week to avoid getting a scunnered (Scots word for fed up) - dont worry about the "red" days (i havent had a week without at least 2) - keep an eye on your weekly graph and make sure you finish in the green for the week - you have just lost a pound! I weigh in once a month cos I like the 4 or 5 BIG loss numbers and I know it would only take one week of no loss, or gGod forbid gain and I would be scunnered and likely to talk myself down.

    Good luck - I KNOW you can do it if you really want to.
  • luannpf
    luannpf Posts: 9 Member
    I know how you feel. I had a bad day like that last week. I just have to tell myself that today's a new day. Don't be too hard on yourself when you have bad days--they happen. No one's perfect.

    I'm probably going to have a high calorie day today. It's my daughter's birthday and she wants to go to a spaghetti restaurant and have cake. I try to figure out the calories head of time (if possible) and try to work in some exercise to counteract the calories on these "bad days."
  • okidoki7
    okidoki7 Posts: 151 Member
    thank you all so much for your encouragement...im not going to give up, i know i will be even happier at goal weight..i think i just need to adjust my mindset, the guilt i feel for having a bad day is whats derailing me, rather than thinking "it was one day, move on" i spend a few days feeling like a failure, forgetting all the great things i have achieved..not in a "self pitying way", but in a " frustrated with msyelf"kind of way...

    however i've spent this morning and afternoon thinking about what i REALLY want and how im going to get it, also i've figured i need to be kinder to myself in order to succeed

    hope some of this makes sense lol....thanks everyone :happy:
  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    It is difficult when you are in the process of losing weight some days. I lost 30 lbs since the summer (still have 15 left) and at the beginning it was the most challenging, I actually gained a bit and I didn't think I was getting any results. But I stuck with it and it was worth it.
    Stick with it because it will happen! Maybe take some before pictures so you can actually see your results as you go through it, it will help motivate you.
  • nataliedrake3
    nataliedrake3 Posts: 23 Member
    You can add me, the more encouragement you get the better our success :)
  • MrsTre
    MrsTre Posts: 34 Member
    With determination, you will do just fine. Hang in there and know that slow progress is still progress. Increasing your support network will also be very helpful. That's what we're here for. Add me if you'd like.
  • sweetsarahv
    sweetsarahv Posts: 180 Member
    if you've lost 10 pounds already, you are already way closer than you were before! you know you CAN do it...it's just about deciding that you are WILL do it!

    We all have faith in you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 4_Lisa
    4_Lisa Posts: 362 Member
    i know i can do it,but i've lost all faith in myself in being able to do it,

    First of all, quit talking yourself out of it... do you believe you can do it? can you picture yourself without the weight?

    You say you know you can... then you say you've lost faith... I think I can... no i can't.... talk yourself into it. You can still eat drink and be merry, but in moderation. Talk youself INTO it not out of it

    Good luck