Fat vs. muscle and the SCALE

Celestia Posts: 106 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I know this has probably been discussed before on MFP, but I'm really confused. I use the Wii Fit to track my weight loss progress and I weighed myself in January and it said I was 153 lbs. Then I weighed myself again this weekend first thing in the morning and it said I have not had any changes in weight after 3 months of exercise and cleaner eating. The curious thing is that I know I've lost weight... I can feel it in my body (pants are looser and stomach, legs, arms and face feel a little tighter) and other people have commented on my weight loss.

So of course, I think that because I'm becoming stronger and building muscle (from weight training) that the scale doesn't *really* tell me how much fat I've lost, but its a little discouraging to see the numbers. I'm trusting my intuition and my body to know that I've lost fat and most likely replaced it with muscle.

I feel a little slimmer but the numbers say different. I also must add that I only weigh myself once a month. I can't do the obsessive daily weighing on a scale (because I'd drive myself crazy and get too discouraged) and I only weigh myself once a month. I would rather trust lost inches as opposed to lost lbs. Has this happened to anyone else? Have I really not lost any weight?


  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    The scale isn't your friend. It only tells you your weight. And it doesn't lie. So yes, you have not lost any weight. The question is are you happy with the results you have acheived? If you clothes fit better, and people notice, and you feel better...does it matter what the scale says? Don't tie your notion of results to just one thing. If 9 out of 10 things are telling you great job, then GREAT JOB!
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    You said yourself the scale didn't move but your clothes fit better. If you're weighing monthly you're clearly more concerned with your fitness level than your weight. As you should be. The scale is just 1 of many ways to measure yourself. It's certainly not the best. It doesn't take into account your height, age, bone density, metabolism, cardiovascular health, or body fat %. Just keep that in mind. At 200lbs if you're a jockey, you're not healthy, but as a wide receiver you probably are!
  • niccup
    niccup Posts: 32
    Im so glad to hear someone else have this question. I am in exactly the same predicament. It can be frustrating to feel a difference but not see it on the scale. I feel like maybe im building muscle but not burning fat and im affraid that i just look bigger. I can see the muscle too, through the fat. Im confused also. Its been 2 months for me and at the end of March it'll be 3 months. Ive learned that once you hit 3 months you hit whats called the training effect. I hope this means more fat loss and toning. Ill keep you posted and would love it if you would keep me posted as well:smile:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    The scale is an evil b!tch. (forgive my expletive, but it is SO TRUE!)

    I've worked out for going on 9 weeks and tracked calories. I haven't always pikced the best foods and have gone over cals, but have consistently worked out. I've seen my clothes fit better and my body change for the better but I lost that water weight and that is it on the scale. So I don't use it anymore. I decided to just go by how clothes fit from now on. Best I can do.

    I know I've burned body fat and gained muscle which is why I'm less wobbly than before on my legs, stomach and arms..and I will take that any day over being skinny and wobbly.
  • Celestia
    Celestia Posts: 106 Member
    Thanks for the responses. Its good to hear feed back from others. I'm not totally happy with the results but what I'm happy about is that I'm getting results. I would love to see the numbers drop after 3 months of dediciated work. I guess I have to try harder at cardio and lifting, but most importantly is making better food choices on the weekends!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I'm not sure what you're exercise routine is, but I started doing a 25 minute run/walk treadmill routine at the beginning of my workouts two weeks ago and changed up my weights and finally saw a change on the scale.
    Have you changed up your workout routine lately?
  • Celestia
    Celestia Posts: 106 Member
    I'm going to buy heavier weights this weekend and add more HIIT cardio to my routine and do rock climbing once a week. I'm probably hitting a pleateu after 3 months of the same things. Thanks for the suggestions and I will add some more cardio in my routine. Before a work out is a good warm up and extra calorie burner.

    I think a key factor for me is weekend noshing. I tend to relax a bit since I'm not infront of a computer all day to log everything I eat, so I eat a little less carefully. But I still try to remain mindful.
  • osram34
    osram34 Posts: 54
    Get yourself a body fat clipper and gage your progress by body fat percentage it takes longer to move than the scale but ill let u know what u really care about which is loosing fat not weight :)

    ohhh there very inexpensive gnc has them for like 20 bucks..
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I too have a major issue with weekend eating. One way to combat that is to not eat back the bulk of your exercise cals until the weekend. I find that I always have left over calories during the week and while I'm not losing like I'd like to, I am definitely shrinking and I think that having those extra cals left helps me with my overeating on the weekends.
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    Man, the scale is annoying. If you are looking to have definite concrete progress you can track other than your clothes fitting better start taking your measurements and go that route on your MFP weigh in rather than the scale. It seems like that is where you are seeing the real difference.

    My husband's weight wasn't moving on the scale at all for weeks, but in that time he's lost at least an inch (usually more) off of his chest, waist and hips.

    Seeing numbers go down always gives you a good inner "YAY!" so I recommend measurements if you need one - I know I do.
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    The scale can be frustrating. ESPECIALLY the Wii scale! It tells me I gain and lose weight while I'm using it. Get yourself a real scale. Use it once a month. . . (HA! Do as I say not as I do). Body fat percentage and measurements are better at showing your results.

    Also, make sure you are eating enough and drinking enough water. You may need to eat more exercise calories. Even though I know the scale shouldn't matter, I'm stuck on the numbers too. So, i understand. But, I am more concerned with body fat percentage than my weight. If I weighed 130 and had 16% body fat vs weighing 115 and having 24% body fat I'd be happy. So it is about numbers, but making sure you are keeping track of all of them and not just the one on the scale.
  • Karna6e
    Karna6e Posts: 57
    It's likely you initially dropped some weight with some fat loss, but as you gain muscle, you'll increase your weight again.
  • Celestia
    Celestia Posts: 106 Member
    Get yourself a body fat clipper and gage your progress by body fat percentage it takes longer to move than the scale but ill let u know what u really care about which is loosing fat not weight :)

    ohhh there very inexpensive gnc has them for like 20 bucks..

    yes! A new gadget to get! Thanks for the idea...I never knew that a body fat clipper was so cheap. Tracking body fat % seems much more reliable than a scale.
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    Get yourself a body fat clipper and gage your progress by body fat percentage it takes longer to move than the scale but ill let u know what u really care about which is loosing fat not weight :)

    ohhh there very inexpensive gnc has them for like 20 bucks..

    yes! A new gadget to get! Thanks for the idea...I never knew that a body fat clipper was so cheap. Tracking body fat % seems much more reliable than a scale.

    This was going to be my suggestion as well. This plus measurements of hips, waist, etc. & TAKE PICS! As long as my body fat & measurements are going down & I look better in my pics, I don't really care too much what the scale says.
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