New to mfp

Hi all i have been using this app for one week and have lost 6lb so far i am from the u.k have a great wife and 2 great kids and i want to get healthy and thinner,i am tired of being fat and 40 so anyone who wants friends on here feel free to add me.


  • wannabtight
    wannabtight Posts: 187 Member
    Great job on the 6 lbs> I am adding you.
  • mich000
    mich000 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi from Spain.
    parallel lives.
    6lbs in a week. Great job!!
  • stephlillyann4ever
    stephlillyann4ever Posts: 18 Member
    hello mfp memebers..names stephanie..i have been using this app for almost two weeks now..just trying to get healthy for my daughter she is two years really stinks being 25 and weighing close to 300 i just joined LA Fitness Center beginning of January and using this and virtual gym on my phone..i feel very modivated..the only thing is missing is a set of friends..:) well everyone have a good day is it okay to introduce your someone else post of introduction?..well anyhow i did