Starving following long run!

Hey peeps

I did a 12km run last night and I have been starving all morning today. Last night I had a stir fry with prawns, rice and veg - today I have had porridge (oatmeal) and a smoothie mid-morning to keep me going until lunch. Any runners out there got any tips for not feeling hungry all day after a long run! It's hard trying to lose those final 10lbs whilst still doing lots of exercise.

I am gluten free - so cannot have pasta or bread (unless gluten free)

Thanks :)


  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    are you getting enough protein??
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    If you run your long run hard you burn up an excess of glycogen from your stores. You then feel really hungry because you have to eat to replenish them.

    The only two solutions are to eat or to run the long run at a lower intensity so it burns more fat and less glycogen. For best training results it should normally be run at an intensity of around 75% max heart rate or below.
  • scorpio516
    scorpio516 Posts: 955 Member
    The best way, I've found, not to be hungry long after a run is a good recovery from the run. If you injest something within 30 minutes of completing your run, you won't be as hungry later.

    I prefer chocolate milk as my recovery drink of choice. Don't know if it's gluten free though. Regular milk should work too.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    If you run your long run hard you burn up an excess of glycogen from your stores. You then feel really hungry because you have to eat to replenish them.

    The only two solutions are to eat or to run the long run at a lower intensity so it burns more fat and less glycogen. For best training results it should normally be run at an intensity of around 75% max heart rate or below.

  • annas3911
    Really useful responses - especially RE glycogen stores - I shall read up on this. Thank you :)