Climbing Stairs.



  • Whoa! Twice a day! I have six flights and do it once a day 3x a week and I thought that was good. You are way ahead of me. Congrats.
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    Stairs are definitely your friend when trying to sneak in some exercise. I sit at a desk most of my day at work. there are two restrooms nearby, one up a flight of stairs and one on the ground floor. I alway go to the one upstairs, I don't count it, I just consider it a little bonus.
    When in a building I always use the stairs (seeing as how I am afraid of elevators, it just works out this way) and that is always a nice little bonus to my day's exercise. Luckily I don't live anywhere where they have really tall buildings. Lol
  • found this on line Calories burned climbing stairs – Our calculations

    The short answer: We calculate that you burn 0.15 cal per step when climbing the stairs.

    The longer answer: To accurately count calories burned when climbing the stairs you need to put on one of the contraptions in the picture and then use the stairs. Instead, our measurement of calories burned is explained below.
    1.Steps per minute: carried out a study of 50 people with diverse ages and fitness levels. We recorded how many steps of the stairs they could climb in one minute.
    2.Calories burned per minute: we utilized the MET that were formulated in the Compendium of Physical Activities . Additionally, we set our base weight at 177 lbs, the average weight of an American.

    Combining our numbers and research, we arrived at 0.15 cal per step.

    Limitations: We recognize that no calorie burning calculator is completely accurate. Our goal was to find a suitable average that would be accurate for most people.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    I go to the huge rec centre just to run all the stairs,
    a immense power workout,
    love it
  • katylil
    katylil Posts: 223 Member
    Walking to and from work, climbing stairs at the office or on the tube... I count all of those as part of my TDEE as they're nothing special, they're just movement everyday.

    I only log it if I do a specific, extra, brisk walk at lunch or run up and downstairs as my workout and I try not to eat those calories back. 70kcal? Not worth it.
  • JeffKlingberg
    JeffKlingberg Posts: 4 Member
    A flight of stairs is typically 15 steps at a 7 to 7-1/2" rise so if you have 25 steps of that rise that would be roughly 1.5 flights.
  • jesandrews91
    jesandrews91 Posts: 9 Member
    Yes! Yes! Have you ever used the stair mill at the gym? (Way diff then stair master)... The results showed in my legs just after the 1st two weeks of using this almost daily! I burn double the amount of calories on the stair mill in 10 mins than running a mile in the same amount of time. I normally do intervals of difficult to easy for 20 minutes every gym session. I recommend stair climbing over any other cardio workout. Switch things up by stepping up 2 steps instead of 1 at a time. :)
  • bluearcher23
    bluearcher23 Posts: 1 Member
    Welcome to stairs! I love the efficiency of burning calories on stairs, but my calves wont survive leg day during strength training if they are my sole cardio routine. What I like to do is after my run I'll throw on stairs at the end like 10 flights or so. This is really convenient and easy for me because I live at an apartment complex with 3 floor buildings and I can just run between all of the buildings.
  • osuzorba
    osuzorba Posts: 35 Member
    I count when I do it specifically for exercise, but I climb stairs throughout the day and don't count it. Stairs do burn a lot of calories quickly. I've found that if you do it enough, the calf pain goes down.

    BTW: I have been looking for stairs in MFP log forever, searched for climbing, bleachers, stairs, running stairs, I guess I never search "upstairs." Thanks for the heads up ;)
  • jesandrews91
    jesandrews91 Posts: 9 Member
    I think it's under stair-treadmill, ergometer .. Not sure why it's not just posted under stair climber or step mill... Anyways that's what I use to log my days on the stair mill and it's almost accurate according to what I physically did on the stair mill.
  • ctjh423
    ctjh423 Posts: 1 Member
    I work in a 23 story building at walk up and down the stairs at lunch. I start with a quick 1 mile walk then do the stairs. I think that it has been very effective for me because I am out of shape and really have to work hard at it. Walking up a flight of steps is different than walking up 20 flights. It is more of a workout than getting from one floor to another. I have been doing this for a week (and staying in my calorie count) and I have lost 12lbs in my first week. Keep up the good work!
  • Panda_Poptarts
    Panda_Poptarts Posts: 971 Member
    I hate stairs. They should be abolished.

    Me and the stair climber at the gym are NOT friends. If it's not something you usually do, I'd log the calories. I log my 6 minutes on the stair climber with joy.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    edited April 2016
    I climb 30-40 flights of stairs a day, 5 days a week, and have been doing that for some time now.

    When I started, I worked on the 5th floor of a 5-story office building. I started climbing those 5 flights 3 times a day and worked my way up to 8 times a day.

    We've moved, and I now work on the 2nd floor of an 11-story office building. So I walk down to the bottom, and hike all the way up 11 flights at a brisk pace without stopping. I walk all the way down to the bottom ... and then back up to the 2nd floor. 13 flights. I do that 2 or 3 times a day, plus a few extra to reach 30-40 flights.

    I log it as "Walking, upstairs".

    According to a chart posted at the bottom of the set of 5 flights of stairs in my previous work location, we would burn 30 calories climbing those 5 flights of stairs. So I do a calculation based on that and 30 flights works out to about 180 calories ... 40 flights works out to 240 calories.

    While that's nice ... even better is that all this stair climbing has really improved my ability to cycle up hills.