just not losing the weight :(



  • lasmit4477
    lasmit4477 Posts: 308 Member
    I think others have pretty much covered the issues but one thought I have for you is to switch around when you eat what. You're starting off the day on very little (100) calories and each meal increases. Try eating more earlier in the day and less later in the day. While you're up and active you'll burn more calories than at night/rest.

    Meal timing is of no importance. It is personal preference. At the end of the day, being in a calorie deficit is what will cause weight loss, not the timing of meals.
  • Jo4applerose
    Jo4applerose Posts: 36 Member
    Helpful hint already presented...it is impossible to input the calories without a kitchen scale and measruring utensils. Impossible! Sure, processed foods have the calories on the labels but when it says for example 1 cup of cereal for 100 calories you must get out a measuring cup and not just pour it in a bowl. You MUST weigh or measure! It is crucial to pay attention to portion sizes or you will NEVER succeed at this. Hope that helps. Good luck...be patient and learn all you can.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    also heard it could be that my fat is turning to muscle as i have been working out a lot

    Oh dear. Fat cannot turn into muscle. They are two very different things. Like your eyeball cannot turn into your nipple, or like your hair cannot turn into your finger.

    I literally laughed out loud, then had to explain to my coworkers what was so funny...

    Everyone has it on the nose, you need to eat. Take your setting off of 1.5 or 2 pounds per week, set it at half a pound a week, eat allotted calories (plus exercise calories - I eat half, I'm assuming that MFP overestimates), log the food you are eating, not just quick added calories. If you follow this, you'll lose. Stick with it for more than 2 weeks, you'll get there,

    I want to say that what Jo4applerose says is 100% bang on, You need to weigh and measure if you want to be accurate with your foods!!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    have you tried detoxing with raw fruit and veggies? that helps out

    also no, but eating them is good for you.
  • OutsideCreativ
    OutsideCreativ Posts: 143 Member
    Well, yes, it's implicit that you need to do something to rev up your metabolism. It won't do it on it's own-- figured people knew that.

    This is incorrect. What's implicit is that your metabolism is already working and revved up on it's own - otherwise, how has any fat person been even living?? You don't have to 'jump-start' or 'kick-start' or 'rev-up' your metabolism.


    I think you missed the beginning of the conversation. Yes, your metabolism is always working-- that's how fat people are living. But you can almost always increase/"rev up"/jump start"/"crank up" your metabolic rate through things like consistent activity, eating breakfast, adequate caloric intake to support a higher metabolic rate.

  • fstephanie4
    fstephanie4 Posts: 196 Member
    It's only 2 weeks. 2 lbs loss is right on track - that's the pace you should be aiming for.

    ^ This.

    And don't just quick add! searching adds all the other stuff like protein, sugar and sodium which is good to keep track of too!!

    We all want a quick fix but all of us on MFP have realised it just isnt going to happen! You'll learn that soon enough. Once you're past that you'll be just as happy when you lose 0.1lbs as when you lose 2lbs! Trust me. Be a tortoise not a hare!
  • lealea_2012
    lealea_2012 Posts: 10 Member
    thanks everybody for taking the time to comment. i realise now what changes i need to make. went shopping this evening and bought lots of different meats, fruit, veg, rice and some healthy snacks. definitely no more ready meals and will do my best to double my calorie intake from now on. i go the gym most nights and usually burn off about 500 so does that mean i need to eat 1800 to make up for it? or can i go a bit less than that as that just seems like a huge amount, especially when i am only eating healthy foods and no takeaways. felt a bit thick reading some of the comments back but i genuinely thought the less food you ate, the more weight you would lose.. how wrong was i! fingers crossed i get somewhere now :-) thanks again xx
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    If you are going by MFP estimations, you may want to eat a little less. This site seems to overestimate. I usually eat half. If you are using a heart rate monitor, eat what you burn! It seems strange, but yes, you do get to eat while losing weight!! :wink: