Trying to get started

Hey everyone! I'm new here and just trying to figure all this stuff out and get started finally working toward a happier healthier me. And to be quite honest, I'm completely fearful and dreading this whole thing but still hopeful that this will work! As I've been thinking about doing this for months, I finally got on the scale yesterday to see 187. Feeling the way I do right now, I might be happy at 170 but I think 150 should be an approachable healthy goal.....but if I can do that then maybe 140. Who knows....only time will tell! I don't really exercise but I have a very active 7 year old that keeps me on my toes but it breaks my heart to not have the energy to keep up with her. I stay pretty busy with a full time job and my family and being involved in everything that my child does from school to girl scouts to dance class and everything else that fills her social calendar. I've tried Curves and a local gym before. Curves I loved but then had a personal conflict with the owner. The local gym, well I didn't feel I was really getting much help there so I think I'm best to stick to exercising on my own I guess just don't know where to start. Quitting smoking is a goal of mine as well in the very near future.