hello all!!

My name is Linda. I am 26 years old and a mother to an almost 3 year old. I am a emergency medical tech and spend a lot of time on the road. Fast food has because an every day thing. I weigh over 300 lbs. Help! Looking for friends...mentors... people to keep me on track.


  • junip1977
    junip1977 Posts: 111 Member
    Hi Linda, I'm Katie. I got heavy from pure laziness and out of control stressful eating. Welcome aboard, you will like this place. Add me and we can support each other. :) Good luck!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Does this mean you're in an ambulance?
    I would think you could pack a lunch and snacks and keep it in a cooler in the vehicle. That would help a Lot.

    How is the down time? vs sitting can you get up and walk around throughout the day? Every little bit helps.

    log that fast food. You'll see what its doing to you. That's just calories, not even covering how it affects the insides.

    You can make changes! Go for it!!!!!

    Add me if you'd like

  • PureLife5891
    PureLife5891 Posts: 48 Member
    Hey Linda, I was the fast food queen lol. I was forever at somebodies restaurant. I been on this site for about 2month and it has truly helped me out big time. Im not into fast food like I use to, I may go here and there to treat myself. But if you stick with it and stay motivated you will do good. You have plenty of people on this site to help. I will add you and we can encourage each other. Take care!!