Help me plant an herb garden

wwk10 Posts: 244 Member
I want to start an herb garden and am too lazy to research it online so I am turning to you to tell me how to start.

I have 3 large containers with about 24" diameter.
I live in coastal South Carolina. I think its zone 8. Hot and humid.
I want to combine groups of herbs in containers based on watering needs and sunlight.
I would like to grow:

Basil (lots)

Rosemary (can I plant this as a shrub??)

Lavender (maybe maybe not)
Anything else you recommend for cooking
Can I grow lettuce etc in a container?

Thanks for your advice


  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    I tried to grow basil once and treated that thing like it was my baby, still never grew. :( you could also try green onions or chives.

    I have no advice, but will help.
  • wwk10
    wwk10 Posts: 244 Member
    Dont say that samantha.
    The Basil is what I am most looking forward to.
    Lightly toasted french bread toast points with slice of tomato, basil leaf, olive oil, salt, cracked pepper.

  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    basil isn't hard to grow. I grow it every summer in Michigan. You can even put cutings in water and grow it in a glass by a window, indoors.
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    do not plant mint near anything . it grows worse than weed and is very very hard to contain.
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,677 Member
    do not plant mint near anything . it grows worse than weed and is very very hard to contain.

    unless you LIKE mint. i use it as a ground cover.

    also, dill and fennel are good
  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    I have most of this however I buy them as plants already. Rosemary needs very little water and survives under harsh conditions, thyme is a bit more sensitive as is basil, the worst is parsley, mine dies all the time.

    And the problem with basil is that I tend to put like an entire plant in a dish :) so I just always use that up and buy another one...
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    do not plant mint near anything . it grows worse than weed and is very very hard to contain.

    Mint isn't too bad as long as you mulch it with concrete. lol
  • caribear1984
    I don't see why you couldn't do that, but you may need more containers. Most of the herbs you listed tend to spread a lot. Mint in particular will take over the whole pot if you let it. You can grow lettuce and similar greens in pots pretty easily. I say go for it. Pick a few to start with and see what happens.

    Good luck!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    My basil always grows like crazy and usually does the best out of what I do (I live in NE TN to give you an idea).

    A lot of herbs will spread out if they have the space. Keep things cut back and you should be fine. I have 3 pots and have no issues with crowding. Rosemary though... it just keeps growing. And then you find it in other places where you swear you didn't plant any... year after year after year.
  • SleepySin
    SleepySin Posts: 168 Member
    Basil (lots) --> Grows easily but grows best in the ground (lusher, more leaves); loves the sun; dont let it dry out
    Parsley --> Same as above
    Cilantro --> Same as above; you can also let some plants go to seed by not snipping them so you can collect coriander seeds!

    Thyme --> Should be kept "contained" or it spreads like mad (esp in your conditions); low growing so keep on far side of sage
    Sage --> Keep it on a side that will not block sunlight from other herbs (grows 2-3" tall)
    Rosemary (can I plant this as a shrub??) --> Yes, you can! Esp in your zone, you can keep it outdoors all year round. It can withstand temps to 40's or so but if by some freak chance you foresee low temps coming, just covered it for that night.
    Oregano --> Should be kept "contained" or it spreads like mad (esp in your conditions); low growing so keep on far side of sage
    Mint --> Keep between sage and thyme/oregano since it's the middle height plant of the bunch

    Lavender (maybe maybe not) --> Never had luck growing lavender from seed. With try as a seedling/adult plant next time.
    Anything else you recommend for cooking -->Maybe try nasturtiums? Edible flowers always look lovely on dishes!
    Can I grow lettuce etc in a container? --> You definitely can! Recommending butter lettuces

    Thanks for your advice
  • wwk10
    wwk10 Posts: 244 Member
    Thanks Sleepy.
    When should I plant these (Yard and container)
    What about sun and water for Oregano, Thyme, Parsley, Sage?

    I think this is what I am going with:
    Plant in sunny spot in yard and keep watered
    Basil Sunny moist grows best in ground
    Parsley Sunny moist grows best in ground
    Cilantro Sunny moist grows best in ground

    Plant in yard (Sun?? water??) Can withstand temps down to 40

    Plant together in a container and keep watered likes sun
    Basil Sunny moist grows best in ground
    Parsley Sunny moist grows best in ground
    Cilantro Sunny moist grows best in ground

    Plant together in a container
    Oregano Grows low
    Thyme Grows low
    Sage Grows tall. Dont let it block sunlight
    Rosemary Grows tall

    Plant in a container (Sun?? Water??)
    Butter lettuces
  • SleepySin
    SleepySin Posts: 168 Member
    When should I plant these (Yard and container) --> If you're growing from seed, I usually start the seedlings indoors in March but you may be able to start in late Feb). Don't transplant outside until temperatures are in safe range (upper 40's to lower 50's depending on the plant - research into this).
    What about sun and water for Oregano, Thyme, Parsley, Sage? --> All are sun loving plants! Just be careful not to let the thyme dry out for too long because this can kill/damage the plant.

    I think this is what I am going with:
    Plant in sunny spot in yard and keep watered
    Basil Sunny moist grows best in ground
    Parsley Sunny moist grows best in ground
    Cilantro Sunny moist grows best in ground

    Plant in yard (Sun?? water??) Can withstand temps down to 40
    Rosemary -- loves midday sun. If you have an adult plant and are transitioning outdoors, be sure to give it a partially shaded spot outside to acclimate to the brighter light for a week or two before taking out to an even brighter area.

    Plant together in a container and keep watered likes sun
    Basil Sunny moist grows best in ground
    Parsley Sunny moist grows best in ground
    Cilantro Sunny moist grows best in ground

    Plant together in a container
    Oregano Grows low
    Thyme Grows low
    Sage Grows tall. Dont let it block sunlight --> Grows to about 2.5-3' whether in ground or in a container for me
    Rosemary Grows tall --> I've let mine grow to about 2.5' above the soil level and always in a container. I suspect it becomes a good deal taller in ground

    Plant in a container (Sun?? Water??)
    Butter lettuces --> Loves sun (afternoon sun is preferable, morning sun might be too strong)

    Comments above :)