Strength Training

Hello, I am also new, trying to figure out the best place to post questions on this site.
I just posted on motivation, try to find someone who has used bodymedia fit.
Is it better to post here, so all will see it? Also I need help on entering exercise, cardio I can find
suggestions w/caleries burned, is there a way to see a database of exercises?


  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    Type * (star) into the blank space that appears when you try to add cardio, and press enter. All the exercises will be displayed.

    So yeah, this question might have been entered on the technical questions page.

    I didn't see your question about strength training, but you will see that it is one of the choices for cardio. The strength training entries below that are just for your own tracking purposes and don't result in any calories being added to your daily profile.

    Good luck.
  • Ailorn
    Ailorn Posts: 79 Member
    Everything I hear is get a heart rate monitor. As far as logging exercise type in the exercise you're trying ex. walking, yoga, elliptical ect are cardio and it'll estimate how many callories you lose. It's usually off for what the elliptical machine tells me (mfp higher than the machine). I have yet to get the heart rate monitor, but will one of these days. As far as strength training, im not sure. I'd assume it's similar. I've heard that strength training with weights burns less in the moment, but in the long run it's really good for you. With no gym membership, I just do yoga for strength, since it's using my own body to hold poses. Plenty of push ups and crunches in there too. Good luck :) Add me if you want someone to cheer you on. I'm doing this to get healthy and feel/look good.