Nothing is working

I guess this is a rant more than anything. I feel like no matter what I do, I can't lose the weight. My goal weigh is 150-155, but I CAN'T get under 175 no matter what I do. I've tried doing lots of cardio. I've tried doing heavy lifting. I've tried measuring. I've lowered my calorie intake, increased my calorie intake, just at clean without counting calories. I've tried 30 minute work outs to 3 hour work outs. I've tried working out at night, and working out in the morning. I've tried IF, I've tried 6 meals a day. I've tried not eating after 7pm. I've tried eating at maintenance a week out of the month. I've tried giving myself cheat days, I've not allowed cheat days. I've tried cutting out red meat (which wasn't difficult). I always hit my protein goals, if not go over them. I started at 190, but I haven't gotten under 175 since September. I tried low carb, high protein, low sodium, etc. It seems like I'm only losing 1lb a month. I've tried HIIT training, I've tried 30DS. I just really don't know what else to do anymore. If it's about "calories in and calories out" why am I not losing the weight?


  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Have you tried getting your metabolism checked at your doctor?
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    How long have you tried each of these individually? Have you tried it for more than a month or did you bounce between a few things every couple weeks? How much water are you drinking?

    If the worst thing is that you really have tried everything... losing 1 lb a month is still losing.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    How long have you tried each of these individually? Have you tried it for more than a month or did you bounce between a few things every couple weeks? How much water are you drinking?

    If the worst thing is that you really have tried everything... losing 1 lb a month is still losing.

    I've tried them all for at least 8 weeks. I've been trying to get the weight off for 2 years. I'll lose 10lbs, and then gain 15lbs. I hate it. And it's not like I'll lose 10lbs, then eat like crap and gain it all back. I don't change anything when it happens. I've been stuck at 175 since September, and I keep fluctuating between 175 and 180. So, I'm not losing anymore.

    I have a 20oz bottle that I carry around that I drink 5 of every day. At least.

    I have not gotten my metabolism checked, but I can't really afford to go to the doctor more, because I have a lot of doctor appointments I go to already; I have a messed up hip and had surgery, so I am continually trying to pay off MRI scans, cortisone shots, PT, etc.
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    I agree with Warchortie.. I'm not sure how long you've tried any of these things.. a lot of them take a while to work. Like I've been eating high protein and about at maintenance and lifted heavy for over 9 months and I still am not where I want to be... it's just something you gotta keep doing anything you can and if it's not working and you're certain you've honestly tried EVERYTHING 100% for enough time to let it work, then I would see a doctor.

    Please try to more fully journal or blog what you're doing because if you're going to go to a doctor then you have to show them look I have seriously been doing everything I can. Or try seeing a personal trainer or a nutritionist who can help you but you have to be able to show exactly what you hve tried and for how long.

    good luck sweetie
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    How tall are you?

    My thoughts are:

    1) Weigh and log EVERY single food you eat and use the information from the product you are eating, not a generic listing. I saw several days with no logging. You can really eat a lot more calories than you think you are, even when you are tracking everything. I recommend getting a good digital scale and weighing everything from your serving of almonds to your apple.

    2) Have your body fat measured. Maybe your body fat % is already at a healthy level. If this is the case, you are going to have a more difficult time losing the excess weight because there isn't as much excess fat to lose.

    3) After you get your body fat % measured, use a BMR calculator that used the Katch-Mcardle formula for calculating the BMR. Calculate your TDEE using this number and try eating at a TDEE - 15% reduction for at least a month (while still logging everything accurately).

    4) If your weight still won't move, you probably do need to see a doctor.

    My guess is that maybe your BMR/TDEE aren't as high as expected due to your physical limitations and / or your food logging is off. Even dieters are usually off on calories consumed by up to 30%!
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    Really appreciating all the input. Thanks
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    So, how tall are you?
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    You aren't very consistent with your diary, but when you do log, you seem to be waaaayyyy under; under 1000 even. You will lose weight eventually, but your body will fight you every step of the way.

    Try eating 1500-1800 in healthy foods. If you want to be more scientific about it, someone will be along soon with the link to in lieu of a road map.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    You aren't very consistent with your diary, but when you do log, you seem to be waaaayyyy under; under 1000 even. You will lose weight eventually, but your body will fight you every step of the way.

    Try eating 1500-1800 in healthy foods. If you want to be more scientific about it, someone will be along soon with the link to in lieu of a road map.

    I do eat between 1500-1600 a day. If you read my profile I state that I use MFP as a reference. Just so there isn't any confusion. My diary on here really isn't reliable. I don't have time to log on to the computer several times a day. Some days I can, others it's just not possible. I'm a busy student. I keep a written log of everything, however. I should probably start putting my written stuff in here so I can reference back easier, though. I used to eat 1200 cal/day. I upped my calories to 1575.

    I was stupid enough to try a 1200/cal diet one time (but was actually underestimating my calories, according to my nutritionist) and would burn several hundred calories working out a day. I was dying (figuratively). I was miserable. Hair falling out, tired all the time, than usual lol. Trust me, I don't want to be back in that place. Not to mention, once the nutritionist put me back on track I gained all the weight back and some. So not worth it. And here I am. Not being able to get lower then where I left off (last time I got to 174 before finally going to the doctor because I kept losing/gaining losing/gaining...the same pattern I'm in now).
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    So, how tall are you?

    Sorry! I knew I forgot something :P

    I'm 5'6
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    This is not meant to be snarky, but what it is about 150-155lbs that makes you feel like that would be your ideal weight?
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    This is not meant to be snarky, but what it is about 150-155lbs that makes you feel like that would be your ideal weight?

    I really don't know. It's not a set goal weight. I have been a bit chunky longer than I would've liked to have been, so I'm not quite sure where my ideal weight is. Looking at my body, and how I feel, I think I could AT LEAST lose 15lbs. If I'm happy and healthy, then I'll put at maintenance sooner, or later, if need be. I'm a goal oriented person, so setting at least something for now keeps my "eye on the prize".
  • kregerems
    kregerems Posts: 100 Member
    Don't always go by the scales, measure your self, are you losing inches? Remember some of the
    exercises your doing may very well be adding muscle and that will cause a weight gain. It is always
    better to add muscle weight than fat weight. Don't beat yourself up, if you feel good and look good
    then your doing good.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    You've tried it all for 8 weeks, or gave each one of the 19-20 things you've changed 8 weeks before you went to the next?

    I don't know if you're going to find an answer you like if you are only using MFP for reference.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    Don't always go by the scales, measure your self, are you losing inches? Remember some of the
    exercises your doing may very well be adding muscle and that will cause a weight gain. It is always
    better to add muscle weight than fat weight. Don't beat yourself up, if you feel good and look good
    then your doing good.

    Yes, I measure, and they're not changing. And, if they do, it's getting bigger.
  • I've found if I hit a plateau I have to "trick" my body into losing again. If have too many low calorie days, my body holds on to everything. So once a week I go eat a cheeseburger and fries (big hardship), and don't worry so much about going over a little bit on calories. Then for the next couple days I can eat low cal (700-900) and lose a few quick pounds. But then back to eating more calories or I won't lose anything anyway.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    You've tried it all for 8 weeks, or gave each one of the 19-20 things you've changed 8 weeks before you went to the next?

    I don't know if you're going to find an answer you like if you are only using MFP for reference.

    Some things I've tried together. Some I haven't. I'm not necessarily looking for an answer I like. I want an answer that will help.

    I'm not the kind of person who puts myself out there for advice and then only listens to crap I want to hear. Obviously, there's something I'm not doing right, and other people outside of myself can help me see things I may not see for myself. gentle... lol
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    You aren't very consistent with your diary, but when you do log, you seem to be waaaayyyy under; under 1000 even. You will lose weight eventually, but your body will fight you every step of the way.

    Try eating 1500-1800 in healthy foods. If you want to be more scientific about it, someone will be along soon with the link to in lieu of a road map.

    My MFP eat more senses are tingling!

    OP, you mentioned already that you got off the silly 1200 number. Are you eating back your exercise calories? Mayhaps you are still undereating and just don't know it?
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    You aren't very consistent with your diary, but when you do log, you seem to be waaaayyyy under; under 1000 even. You will lose weight eventually, but your body will fight you every step of the way.

    Try eating 1500-1800 in healthy foods. If you want to be more scientific about it, someone will be along soon with the link to in lieu of a road map.

    My MFP eat more senses are tingling!

    OP, you mentioned already that you got off the silly 1200 number. Are you eating back your exercise calories? Mayhaps you are still undereating and just don't know it?

    Yes, I do. I'll admit some days I just can't quite do it...but I try and make sure then that it evens out at the end of the week. I think I'm going to try upping my calories anyway.
  • lwhod
    lwhod Posts: 4 Member
    The first thing that grabbed my attention was that you have been at the doctor a lot and are getting cortisone shots - steroids lead to weight gain.
    I would research a healthy BMI (not weight) for your body and then see where you are on that path. Keep track of your measurements, exercise consistently, record what you are eating consistently, get enough sleep, get enough water, get enough magnesium, potassium, and D3. Then sit down and see where you are at and analyze it all. It might be necessary to talk to a dr. about it.